Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 859: Yi Fei Soaring into the Sky and One Step into the Sky

[Chapter 859] Flying Soaring into the Sky and One Step to the Sky

Tassel and asters seem to be a little confused.

For all these things I planned, the two girls were just not surprised. They may not like or support me. Qin Lan was just joking and asked me to return her pure Yao Waner to her. Tassel was anxious to put responsibility on Qin Lan. It does not mean to protect me. The reason why I want to protect me is because I don't agree with me in order to avenge Sima Hai, teach Waner to cheat people, use friends and colleagues.

As for Ziyuan, because she has concealed too many things from me, she reproaches her most disgustingly is to lie and deceive. She defends me because she never puts herself in a position opposite to me.

They were worried that everyone would be mad at me for this.

In the office, the only person who didn't have this kind of worry, or the only person who expected me to nod to admit to designing it all, was probably only Murphy. This woman has too much expectation from me. She blindly hopes that I can become a man who can control everything in his own hands, no matter who it is, even her.

"I planned it, but I didn't want to lie to you, so I apologize to you now. If I told you at the beginning, your response would not be so realistic," looking at Murphy, I said seriously: " I admit it, but I do n’t admit it. I ’m not because I hate who did n’t help the other day, so I used words to provoke them to fight Sima Hai and let everyone blame me. I did it to make things happen. It's too big, which makes it difficult for high-level management, but the other reason is exactly the opposite of what you said. I drank too much that night, how to go to the hospital, how to sew the needle, and how to sleep in the hotel. I have no impression, but I still remember the previous thing, and I remember it very well. It was you and tassel holding me, Xiao Zi covering my wound. The three of them worked together to pull me out of the bar into the car. No man Colleagues came to help, one was to see me and Viagra's miserable situation, they were embarrassed to come over, and the other was to see a few of your girls anxious and afraid, they were embarrassed to come over ... I saw Gao after getting in the car Qin Lan couldn't support Viagra on the street lamp post beside the annoyed Dao Road. The two fell down on the ground together. Brother Gao hesitated for a long time and didn't help. His eyes were red. Everyone didn't dare to help me fight with Viagra. Things are very self-blame and guilty ... I played this scene with Waner in collusion, one is to let Sima Hai also taste the taste of being blamed but no one believes, the other is for myself, for Viagra, for Qin Lan, For Wan'er, she wanted to let Gao brother get sick of the snack. Fighting is not a good thing. The farther you can hide, the better. I do n’t really think about it in the bar. I guess Viagra won't go to heart, but Gao Ge must be in their heart. No matter what Viagra and I say 'it's okay', they can't let go of it, because it is more competitive with themselves, so it's better to let things repeat. once..."

I smiled apologetically for Brother Gao, and then said to Murphy with some helplessness and dissatisfaction: "The hat that President Mo buckled me is a bit big, Brother Gao doesn't treat me very much, but I don't want to remember His hatred? "

The joke is indeed a bit angry. I know that Murphy was not malicious when he said those words, just because I retaliated Sima Hai for playing tension and making the high-level of the neutrals speechless and difficult to curb the excitement in my heart, but I didn't notice that while she idealized me, she was also blackening me ...

I used everyone, but that was not revenge.

Only then did Murphy notice that her words made everyone's expressions weird, and he busily said, "I didn't mean that, I ... sorry, I was a bit over-excited."

Murphy is really excited. On the surface, tension is just an attempt to treacherous, and I am just a self-protection success, but in this storm, how much benefit does Mo Yizhi get from it, Murphy is the most clear.

On the other hand, tassel did not take advantage of the opportunity to fall down the stone ridge. Murphy, I thank God. I did not expect that she now helped Murphy to make a siege. It ’s wonderful, and I ’m so excited. If it were n’t for Ziyuan who was pulling me at the time, I really wanted to give him a mirror and let him take a picture to see how ugly he laughed. "

Ziyuan laughed: "Sima Hai was instructed by Deputy Director Zhang. Everyone is mirror-like in the heart. We do not say it, but we show tolerance for the big picture. On the contrary, we are stingy. Some words cannot be broken. If the point is broken, the relationship will become fraught. Once Deputy Zhang and Mo Dong openly turned their faces, it became our fault. Xiao Nan's method of pretending to be stupid is the best. Without going through it, it seems silly to be fooled, and let everyone know that we are pretending to be stupid. I hold you back because I am afraid you have become a wise man who refuses to pretend to be stupid. "

Fringe frowned. "But how do I think you're scolding me now?"

Ziyuan grinned, "Fortunately, you understand, otherwise I can't hold you back."

Tassel also pouted and smiled, "I'm not that stupid. I haven't known Nannan for as long as you, but I don't necessarily know him better than you. It's no exaggeration to say that the moment his eyes blink, I know he's thinking what."

Ziyuan's eyes narrowed into a crescent. "Then you know him better than me. He has had many ideas since he was a child. I never knew what he was thinking. Instead, he knew what I was thinking, even without blinking. "

The air in the office was frozen together with the expression of tassel. The two girls originally wanted to help Murphy break the topic, but they somehow created a more tense atmosphere than me and Murphy. Now look at the tassel and Ziyuan, suddenly there was a feeling of seeing tassel and Murphy in the past ... When was the gentle ziyuan as aggressive as the previous tassel ...

"That, cough ..." Viagra received a hint from Qin Lan's eyes and coughed, saying: "I listened and listened to how confused ... No, from the beginning I was more confused, Sima Hai was affected by Zhang The deputy Dong instructed Mr. Nan to make it difficult. I can see this, and there is no doubt about it, but why? He is a deputy deputy, high above him, and what about Mr. Nan? It ’s heavy, but it ’s far from threatening him, Vice President Zhang Dong. Why is he so uncomfortable with Nange? ”

Murphy Tassel Ziyuan Waner, including Xiao Songjia, and sister Liu, who already knows the cooperation plan between Fengchang and Moon Valley and the company's 13 cities plan, can more or less guess the reason for some tension against me. But Viagra Qin Lan didn't know, nor did Gao Dahai, who had just resolved the crisis of marriage breakdown and returned to the company.

Instead, Murphy was trying to help resolve the tension between Tassel and Ziyuan. "He wants to use Chu Nan to attack the chairman."

Viagra puzzled, "Let Nange attack the chairman? How do you attack?"

Murphy said: "Cooperation plan, and the Thirteen-City Plan."

"Cooperation plan? Thirteen cities plan?" Brother Gao said blankly: "I also heard you mentioned these two plans from outside, but why am I not impressed? Is it a new plan just proposed?"

"The company has been brewing for more than three years and preparing for more than half a year. However, these two plans have not been disclosed to the public, and the internal is still in the confidential stage, but will be announced shortly," Murphy did not explain in detail, but just said: "What I can tell you for the time being is that for these two plans, the company intends to let Chu Nan take charge ..."

"Let Nange be responsible ?!" No wonder Viagra was surprised, even if he didn't know the details of the cooperation plan and the Thirteen-City Plan, but the company hid it and kept it undisclosed, but it would not be a trivial move. The matter is left to me as a clerk in the leisure department. Anyone who listens to it will feel too nonsense, right?

"No need to exaggerate like this?" Qin Lan glanced at Viagra, and the reaction was calm, "Didn't Wan's aunt have already said this? And she also clearly expressed her support for Chu Nan. Besides, you are not in private. It is often said that Chu Nan cannot be a clerk of his life, and sooner or later, he will be able to become a master. Do you know the goods? "

"No, I ... I said he was destined not to be in the pool, but it came too fast and suddenly? Is there a difference between flying soaring and stepping up to the sky? Anyway, there should be a process, right?" Viagra may be too surprised, and he said something quickly that everyone must have thought in his heart but did not dare to say, "Mr. Mo, is this nepotism?"

Murphy was blushing, annoyed Viagra that spoke directly, but his expression was still well controlled, and said lightly: "Vice Vice President Zhang thinks the same, you should have heard a lot of Vice Director Zhang accuse us of surname Mo The rumor of renrenwei ... Weiren refers to these things, and some seniors are also skeptical of Chunan, but one thing is one thing. What is nepotism? Is it because of Chunan and me. .. and my relationship, our surname Mo must be taboo? Yang Wei, you and Chu Nan are good friends, he has the ability, you should be the most clear, at least I do not think he is worse than me, since I If he can sit in this position, why can't he sit in a position as high as me, or even higher than me? "

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