Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 859: 】That sentence...

[Chapter 859] That sentence ...

I confessed in front of everyone that I was swaying in my feelings, but my heart was very shy, although I had imagined the worst result and had the consciousness to accept it, so the calm attitude of tassel Murphy Ziyuan made me real Surprised, none of them accused me of it.

Maybe it's because they know me too well, even if I don't say it, they understand in their hearts? But I did n’t feel lucky for them. They did n’t mention it, but made me even more worried. Now, this feeling has finally been fulfilled.

The silence in the office was not because Murphy's words made everybody's words speechless, but because Murphy actually said something like this-she is the treasure of the chairman Mo Yizhi, and she is an ambitious person. She is an ambitious person. A strong woman with revenge. She is a strong and arrogant female boss who is arrogant and arrogant. She has all the capital, but she so shelters and touts an employee under her, even at the expense of her ...

I think that those words about my vacillation in my feelings, and those words that I told everyone that I 'can't forget or put down' on them, show calmness on their faces, maybe just an illusion, they must have in their hearts Bo Lan, I do n’t know what they think about this, but before Murphy was excited and uttered a word, and Tassel and Ziyuan who were quite vocal about her helped her to make a clearance, the two were talking and unconsciously opposed, and Murphy At this moment, I have too much or even blind trust in me touting me, maybe it has something to do with my words ...

Murphy made repeated speeches, and the frost on her face finally could not bear the melting of the fiery temperature, and she was embarrassed for a while. If you did n’t want to lose the majesty of the leader in front of Liu Jie Qin Lan, Gao, Viagra, and Xiao Jia, I doubt she could not help Hiding under the table, Ziyuan finally gave back to Li, knowing that Murphy was afraid she would fight with tassel secretly, so she ignited herself, and said these words under the mood of Viagra ’s gossip, which made everyone feel like a idiot. Looking at her, she helped her to divert the topic again. "I have never thought about it, Waner, why did Sima Hai cooperate with you and sneak out without a word? He is the other party in the matter. Even if Xiao Nan attracted everyone's attention, if he didn't deliberately go away, someone would notice him, right? Once his voice caught the attention of others, or someone saw you two leave, ask a little, you It ’s very difficult to succeed with Xiao Nan ... "

This is what everyone is curious and ca n’t understand. After hearing the questions from Ziyuan, everyone's eyes immediately looked towards Waner, but instead they asked Ziyuan, looking at me, and seemed to have identified the answer here.

Wan'er broke away from Qin Lan's embrace and was equally dazed. "I don't know why Sima Hai cooperated with me so much. Nange told me that he attracted everyone's attention. I just said as he taught me. Sima Hai will definitely follow me out, even if someone sees him and I secretly leave, it will not matter, neither will anyone ask, nor will anyone follow up ... "

"Why?" Tassel also looked at me.

"Many people," I explained, "the crowd gathered in the integrated group to see a lot of people, so the chairman did not disperse them, in order to facilitate Waner to cheat Sima Hai out, and because the chairman did not mean to make a noise, those People who wanted to see it but did not dare to see the crowd came together. So many people gathered together to come one or two and walk one or two. It would not be particularly conspicuous. At that time, everyone's attention was focused on me. , So even if anyone saw it, they would n’t ask, let alone chase it out. ”

"I asked why," Liu Su said. "Wan Er and the dead horse are also the parties. How could they not leave people curious? At least if I saw them, I would definitely ask to chase them out. of."

I have n’t answered yet, but I heard Ziyuan thinking for a while: “We think about this question now, and we will definitely feel that if we see Waner and Sima Hai leave, we will definitely ask and chase them out. Because of our curiosity at this moment, Secondly, it was out of concern for Waner, but thinking about the situation at the time, we ... I'm afraid that might not be the case. This is the same as Waner who was standing beside us, but we didn't notice It's the same reason when she left. Think about it, why didn't we notice Waner? Not only because our attention was attracted by Xiao Nan? "

Everyone frowned, and then heard Murphy said, "Because Chu Nan had somehow asked Zhang Mingjie, believe him, or believe Sima Hai ..."

"Yes," Ziyuan said: "Vice Deputy Director Zhang instructed Sima Hailai to be entangled and run Mo Dong out of Xiao Nan. There was no doubt that he was provocative. In the past two days, Mo Dong ’s silence and Mo always showed weakness, making Zhang Dong a little bit frustrated. So that everyone can see his relationship with Sima Hai, many people, including us, feel that Xiao Nan has been unable to return to the sky, and being fired is a matter of nailing, so today ’s lively, mostly want to Let's see how Xiao Nan would die, but Xiao Nan suddenly asked Zhang Dong's son in front of Zhang Dong's face and believed that he was still Sima Hai. The most important thing was that Xiao Nan asked that aggressively, not at all It was like dying and struggling to try to catch the last straw, but the vigorous counterattack stance made Zhang Dong's face suddenly change. Of course everyone would be surprised, and the Zhang family father and son must be more surprised than us ... So, in At that time, the nature of the matter had changed, and it became the father-son relationship between Zhang Mingjie and Vice-Dong Zhang that Xiao Nan publicly provoked, and the parties naturally no longer were Waner or Sima Hai, but Xiaonan and the Zhang family. How can we pay attention to Wan'er and Sima Hai again? Like Xiao Nan said, even if someone saw Wan'er and Sima Hai leave, they would not ask or follow up, because, here, the end-of-life clerk told the company The good show of Deputy Dong's artillery will obviously be more exciting ... "

Tassel itself is also a person who is good at thinking, but too often used to get ready-made answers from me, and has become dependent on this convenience. After listening to Ziyuan's analysis, she agreed with the jaw, saying: "No Wrong, the atmosphere at that time was really too tense, and Nannan just had to explain what happened at the bar that night. Everyone waited for him for two days, wondering what he would say, would he blame tension design us, if so If you blame, what choice should Zhang Mingjie make ... Now think about it, you previously apologized to Sima Hai, but it was just an illusion, in order to let him relax his vigilance, so that Waner could deceive him, right? Hai knew that what you were going to say behind him was all his bad words, and he could not leave with Waner! You are too cunning to die ?! "

This is not my slyness. Everything I design is prerequisites, but the development of things just met my prerequisites. I sat down outside the company and drank tea. After knowing that Sima Hai came to the company, again Let Lao Mo talk to Lao Zhang to talk about life, let Long Shan and Tang Xin call Zhang Mingjie in the name of talking about Wu Lefeng's contract, and then return to the company. The 'unfortunate' 'random encounter' Sima Hai, in order not to let Zhang After the two grandfathers knew that I had come to the company, in order to avoid the father and son being on the same stage, one of them stepped away ... If one of them was not in the company at that time, everything I designed would be useless.

So this is not cunning, and I am trying my luck.

"But I still don't understand," Ziyuan turned her eyes to Wan'er, and frowned Liu Mei in confusion. "What on earth did you ask Wan'er to say to Sima Hai, so that he could follow Waner without a word?" It's impossible to really tell him, are you going to lose money privately? "

"I really said that!" Wan'er had no aura and was not used to being watched by everyone, so as soon as Ziyuan's voice fell, she nodded quickly, and also wanted to tell everyone that she thought it was so incredible .

"Really?" Unbelievable question times multiplied by n ... everyone in the house could say the words "really" in unison. I think this is incredible. Their problems are uniform. The only difference is that Qin Lan's sister Liu Jia and Xiao Jia were questioning Waner, while Tassel Murphy and Ziyuan Viagra were looking at me, not to verify, but to get the real answer.

"Really," I smiled and nodded, "But Wan'er should have said it then: Please come out and answer the phone, someone wants to compensate you for Chu Nan ..."

Qin Lan asked Waner, "Who wants compensation for Chu Nan?"

Wan'er shook her head, "I don't know, Nange told me what to say, so I said ..."

"You didn't ask anything?" Qin Lan looked at me and Waner again, and sighed inexplicably, "You are a bit blind to this trust ..."

Waner was blushing, her head was clasped with her fingernails, and the little girl was introverted, but very fashionable. I have n’t seen it until now. Her beautiful fingernails with pink butterfly pattern are in the end. Oil, or fake nails attached, but I can see that she's ripping off the patterns on it ...

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