Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 871: Once ... (on)

Chapter 871 Once ... (on)

The ancestor of the young ancestors gave way this evening, and she was accustomed to being the protagonist. Today she is completely reduced to a supporting role, and it is still the tassel that she hates the most. The focus of the stepmother and sister Yue are tassel. Grandma's little aunt, her stepmother occasionally mentioned her, but also compared her weaknesses with the tassel's strengths, and buried her in front of the tassel.

Frankly speaking, as a girl, Chu Yuan's advantages are obviously more than tassel. For example, stepmother scolds Chu Yuan at home, not as neat and tasteful as tassel, but in fact? The tassels at home are not lost to Chu Yuan. She can pile dirty clothes and stinky socks into small hills, and wash them once a week, two weeks, or even a month. ? The tidiness and taste of tassel are the same as Chu Yuan. They are only after leaving the house. The stepmother now sees the real Chu Yuan at home, and the not very real tassel after going out ...

The stepmother boasted that the tassel was lively and cheerful, generous and generous, and numbed Chu Yuan's contortion and introverted autism. This is exactly what Chu Yuan thought that tassel could not be compared with her. She felt that girls should have girl's restraint, like a fringe. Ca n’t be called a girl at all ...

Tassel is not only good for sister, but also knows that the stepmother is modest, so Tassel has always praised Chu Yuan. This is good, so sister Yue did not help Chu Yuan talk, but also Chu Yuan and Tassel get along well, study hard, Chu The fate may not be known, but my aunt and grandma are narrow-minded, and I ca n’t hear the words of tassel, but I have to compete with my stepmother Yue Yue. When I cook dinner, I do n’t allow the Oriental help, or even let her go into the kitchen, deliberately showing myself That is enough to make the tassel rarely cook, a shameless craft, a large table full of good dishes, color, fragrance, taste, and even nutritional considerations are taken into account. It can be said that it takes a lot of effort and sat confidently at the table. She wanted to make tassel self-contained in the praise of others, but she overlooked a very important point-no one on the table would praise her crafts other than tassel.

The east is Miss Qianjin, and the mountain and sea are tired, let alone your Miss Chu's home cooking? Besides, like me, she has been used to your cooking ...

Did you learn from Miss Chu's craftsmanship? Stepmother taught! Although the level is high, it is still far from being blue. The stepmother didn't pick your fault. How could you praise you?

As for the smelly girl ’s most awaited sister, Yue… I do n’t know how high the sky is. Even if she is a stepmother, I do n’t dare to brag about her cooking skills in front of sister Yue. You must know that sister Yue ’s craftsmanship can bind me and my university Father's stomach!

In fact, Sister Yue did not want to boast about her fate, but her stepmother was humble for her. In addition, Sister Yue was also a freak with good cooking skills at a young age, so I really did n’t think there was anything worth bragging about. I did n’t mention it any more, so my aunt and grandmother were extremely depressed and busy for a long time. What is the picture?

As a result, I didn't eat two bites of rice, and chopsticks made her bite a bit. After seeing her sister-in-law and tassels joking, her unhappiness appeared on the table, so she vented to the bottom of the table-step on my feet , Kick my leg ...

Chu Yuan was looking forward to the tassels drinking too much to reveal the drunken ugliness, so they poured out the red wine and beer at home, but did not expect that most of them drank into Yue's belly. Yue's alcohol is good, the wine is good, and drunk In the future, instead of talking, most of the time she smiled, but her eyes were hazy and she was obviously a little sleepy. After I pushed her downstairs and helped her into the stepmother's car, she immediately flew like a cat. He fell asleep on the back seat.

While tassel gave sister Yue a coat to cover her body, the stepmother who did not drink pulled me aside, and asked with a serious expression: "Xiao Nan, tell me the truth, apart from Su Su, are you still with Are other girls dating? "

My heart trembled, "Why do you ask that ..."

The stepmother did not answer, stared at me with those wise eyes, and said, "I know this, too, right?"

Buddy's face changed, "She told you ?!" Smelly girl dare to hit my little report? !!

"If you don't tell me the truth, I can only ask her," the stepmother raised her face, her hands in claws, and made a very indecent gesture on her chest. She said, "Little Oriental is clever but pleased. Yue Susu is okay, she wants to fool me, she is tender, and the underwear on the balcony is too big for me. Can it be her? "


"Who is it?"

"... friend, friend's ..."

"What friend?" The stepmother frowned. "Don't tell me what a friend who is so pure that you can ignore gender. You used to say this about your relationship with Su Su, what you said was like a brother, but which pair have you seen? Brothers kissed together and kissed? "

"Dear ..." The old man blushed. "Tassels tell you, we ... we both ..."

"Look at you, just kiss, what a shame? What age are you, how can you be more conservative than me? She also told me that you have beaten her and touched her!" The stepmother's eyes rolled over, airing : "It's really unproductive. It's only been so long since the relationship has developed to this extent. You're too good, right? You can't bear to push her down in the face of such a beautiful girl all day?"

The stepmother spoke too directly. Rao is my cheeky, and I can't stand it. "This kind of thing, if you want me to ..."

"If you don't want to, you don't want to?" My stepmother said, "I see Susuna's attitude. I always have the consciousness of dedication to you. Can't you wait for other girls to say it? Can't you take the initiative? I have asked just now, is she still the big yellow girl, you are her first love, and the swan meat delivered to your mouth, can't you let her fly? "

"The exit you asked ?!"

"Why can't a little girl stop me and your sister Yue's rampant bombardment? We are a bit cheap, and the world is invincible!"


"Yeah ... to you!" The stepmother gave me a fist and returned to business. "Honestly answer my question. Do you have any other girls besides Su Su?"

"..." I don't want to lie to my stepmother. I can only acquiesce. Although there is a reason for Dong Xiaoye to live with me, that reason cannot be explained, and my relationship with her is indeed not pure enough. Besides, apart from Dong Xiaoye, I And Murphy, Ziyuan, also has an unclear relationship.

The stepmother looked dignified and glanced at us as we talked. The empathy didn't come over, but leaned on the car quietly waiting for our tassel. The stepmother asked: "Xiao Nan, Su Su is a good girl, right ?"

I nodded.

"You really like her, don't you?"

I nodded firmly.

"Then I wouldn't say much else. You're already an adult. Feelings, take your own ideas," stepmother patted me on the shoulder and laughed. "You have a girl you like, I'm very happy. If you have the ability to come back with a few good girls, I am more happy, which proves that my son is attractive, but if you break any girl ’s heart, or because which girl breaks your heart, I ca n’t be happy Now ... Xiao Nan, do you understand? "

"I see, Mom," I said, "I will be responsible to others and I will be responsible to myself."

"Well, I believe in you," the stepmother came over and kissed me on the cheek, as if I was still the little kid who likes to be a mature kid, but the stepmother couldn't look down at me anymore, and raised her face slightly. Some said with emotion: "Your sister is worried about you, saying that you are as disturbing as your dad, I do n’t think so, no matter how much you and your dad are, you are you, you are different, you are more than your dad Gentle, smarter, no one needs to worry about you ... your dad chose me between you and your sister, and he chose the wrong one, but mom knows that similar choices are in front of you, wouldn't you Wrong, right? "

"Dad did not make a mistake. I changed to be a dad, and I will choose a woman like you ..."

"Your dad chose me not because I was better than your sister Yue, but because I lived with fate and lived a hard life ..." The stepmother shook her head and interrupted me, and said, "You sister Yue took the initiative to quit, because Yuan Yuan, I married your dad because of Yuan Yuan. Therefore, I am not the kind of woman you think. The words that your sister Yue scolded me just now are true and make sense ... "

I stayed. The stepmother never told us the reason for marrying the grandfather, and the grandfather never told me the process of his love with the stepmother. What I know is that suddenly one day, he brought the stepmother and Chu Yuan back. Got home, then, Sister Yue disappeared from my life ...

"Do you know why your sister Yue likes to bully me?" My stepmother habitually arranged my collar, eyes full of guilt, "In fact, I know in my heart that she doesn't hate me at all, but I would rather she hate me, In this way, I can feel less guilt ... She's right. The person your father liked was her, not me. Even now, I'm not the heaviest woman in your dad's heart, in his eyes. I am always an innocent and childish little girl who cannot take care of herself and needs care. It is similar to fate, so even if we are legally recognized couples, even if we sleep in the same room, he will never live May think of me as a woman, his favorite woman is your deceased mother, the most unbearable woman in your heart is your sister, I, but it only occupied the position that originally did not belong to me, just because He couldn't stand by and watch me ... "

"You mean ... Dad doesn't love you?" My voice was shaking because of fear.

"Love, but not men's love for women," the stepmother smiled bitterly. "Have you ever seen a couple who never quarreled? Have you ever seen a husband who has a hundred-percent-spoken wife? Your father's attitude towards me and to fate is Is it different? "

I was stunned by my stepmother. The grandmother always indulged and tolerated the temper of the child like a dodging Chuyuan. For me who has been used to it, I never really thought about what this means ...

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