Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 872: Once ... (below)

Chapter 872 Once ... (below)

"Your dad is always looking so chic and calm and calm, but in terms of emotion, he always looks forward and looks vacillated, not because he is so old-fashioned, but because he thinks too much, he is always worried Others often overlooked themselves. At that time, your sister Yue was smitten with him, and he was not a stone man. How could he not be moved? The fearsome thing was that he did not dare to accept her. Why? And I think your sister Yue is young and beautiful, and she has a bright future. What about him? An old man in his forties, and a child who is big or small, whether it is your sister ’s relatives or their side Friends and colleagues will inevitably have some strange eyes and words. He is worried that your sister Yue can not stand it, but he is not stereotyped to this extent. This is not the main reason. He is most afraid that you will have ideas. I ’m afraid you ca n’t accept that someone has replaced your mother ’s position. When he knew you did n’t resist this, I appeared with fate ... ”The stepmother ’s eyes became red again. Although she did n’t drink, she was infected by Yue. Looks like With a bit of drunkenness, her tone was slow and calm, as if she was telling the story of someone who has nothing to do with her, but anyone could hear it, and the deliberately depressing trembling in the memory, "I married your dad, not covetousness I ’m not afraid of suffering, but your sister Yue called me selfish and self-righteous, but you did n’t wrong me. At that time, Yuanyuan grew up day by day. Others ’children went to kindergarten at the age of three or four. What about her? I was still locked in the house at that time. She was in poor health, weak constitution, and often ill. At that time, there was no ... She would ask me why she did n’t have a dad. Every time I asked me this way, I was as keen as a knife. I did n’t know how to answer her ... One weekend, I was very busy with work, so busy that I even forgot that Yuanyuan was afraid of thunder. I came home very late, pushed the door open, and found the black cricket in the room. I couldn't see anything. I was terrified. I called her aloud, but I couldn't hear her answer. I looked everywhere and ended up in the closet. Find her, she was wrapped in a quilt, curled up in a corner of a closet like a little mouse, had a high fever, and fell asleep. Even if she fell asleep, she was still crying, still shaking ... I was holding her that night I cried, I finally knew that I, a person like me who ca n’t even take care of myself, could n’t take care of her at all. I used to think I had this ability and took her to Beitian alone. Isn't this what I thought? My confidence collapsed. Suddenly I felt like I couldn't keep on. In Beitian, I had no relatives and no reason. The only thing I believed was your father, my former teacher. At that time, we I haven't contacted for many years, but I suddenly thought of him, because he also took a child alone, but he could take good care of his work and life. I asked him for help and told him I, what should I do, I remember especially clearly, your dad only said two words to me that day, the first sentence was after I had bitter water, let me take him to the house to see the fate, and then he sat down On my sofa , Teasing Yuanyuan for a whole afternoon, watching TV with her, stacking wood, and putting puzzles ... until he had dinner and left, he told me the second sentence, and he told me that this child needed Yes, it is a complete home, he said, he can help me ... "

About Chu Yuan ’s biological father, I ’m the same as Chu Yuan. So far, I know nothing about it. The stepmother never mentioned it, not even one of his photos. I do n’t know if Chu Yuan ’s stinky girl was heartless, or used to This vacancy, or because the vacancy has been filled by the old man, she never seemed curious, but I asked the old man, but the old man gave me a lesson very seriously, saying, the real man I do n’t want to inquire about the past that women do n’t want to mention ... I was only thirteen that year, and Xiao Chunan just started to grow hair, so I realized that I was already a real man—now thinking about it, it turned out to be Was given to Huyou by the old man ...

The old man must know the stepmother's past, so he chose to give up his feelings for Sister Yue. They did not say that they could only prove that it was an unbearable feeling for the stepmother ...

The stepmother's forgotten eyes were wet, and she smiled with blame, "I was really too weak at that time. I had no confidence in taking care of the fate ... I didn't know that Yue Yue still didn't give up at that time. Pursue your dad, if I knew, I would definitely not get involved in their lives, but your dad concealed Yue Yue from me ... Yue Yue voluntarily quit, just like your dad, for fate Fate, because they know that people like me, without the care of others, will only affect Fate and suffer and suffer with me ... Your sister has never hated me or even scolded me, she knows that I feel guilty So she did n’t disappear from my life. She got married, but not because she forgot your dad, nor because she found someone she likes. She just wanted to let me know when you appear again in front of me. Let you know Dad knows that she has been very good and happy. In order to make us feel less guilty, she has always lived in guilt because she doesn't love her husband ... "

As if something was entangled in my heart, it tightened slowly, making me have a feeling of unpleasant suffocation. I do n’t know what to say or how to comfort my stepmother. What I can feel, it seems to be sister Yue The bitterness and pain that is suppressed in my heart ...

"She is a fool, because she sympathized with me and gave up the feelings that were already at her fingertips, and your dad was also a fool, because there was no way to turn a blind eye to me and fate, he gave up the feelings that made him wobbly but longed for, until After they missed, they found that they had lost happiness forever ... It was my fault, all because of my self-righteousness, my selfishness, my waywardness, because I did not take care of myself and my fate Ability, that ’s why they missed each other. The reason why your sister Yue was angry at me just now is because I committed that problem again, thinking that I have done well, I can do well, but forget that I did Many things were wrong, and I forgot my self-righteousness, how many people around you will be hurt before, now and in the future ... "


I wanted to wipe the tears from the corners of my stepmother's eyes, but the stepmother wiped two of them with her sleeve, then patted my chest, and smiled, "Xiao Nan, do you know why your sister Yue is worried about you? Because it is too much like your father It ’s her, she is afraid that you, like them, will miss the happiness you deserve in the blind accommodation ... I hope you are as gentle and kind as your dad and Yue Yue, but you must not repeat the tragedy on them , Don't make people who like you sad, and don't make choices that make you regret. The girl you can like, must be a good girl, Su Su is, I believe that the girl who dries underwear in your house is also, I am a Stupid, I do n’t know if it ’s me, how to choose how to face it, but you are so smart, you must understand, right? ”

I do n’t understand, but I still nodded. "Mom, do you ... love dad?"

Stepmom froze, then tapped on my forehead, "What do you say?"

"Love!" This was probably the first time in my life that I didn't hide my desire for simplicity. It was also the first time that I was filled with fear of the expected answer.

The stepmother did not answer my question directly, smiled, but told me seriously: "When you feel guilty about a person and think you deprive that person's happiness, you will find that you no longer know what love is It's because you dare not love, and you don't deserve to love ... "

"But I think that even though I missed Yue, Dad is still very happy, because you are there ..."

"Even happiness is incomplete happiness and regretful happiness," the stepmother pouted at Sister Yue in the car. "Yue Yue can continue to be friends with me, but dare not see your dad, your dad always pretends Asking about Yue Yue's current situation at will, but never asking me for her phone call. Isn't that because I ca n’t let go of my heart? I ca n’t help but feel emotional. I ca n’t help myself, you sister The marriage is not satisfactory. She does not love her husband, nor does her husband love her. Their union is the word of the matchmaker of the parents. After two years of marriage, they will be separated from each other. If your sister is really happy, Are you still afraid to see your dad? It is because of your unhappiness that you are afraid of the temptation of being unable to control your happiness ... Introducing you and Shu Tong did not want to show up. You know how much spit it took me to convince her Seeing you so strenuously and wanting her to meet your dad, I do n’t know where to wait ... ”

I laughed, "How can I listen to you, as if to match Dad and Sister Yue ..."

Stepmom blinked, "Yeah, isn't it?"

I was startled and lost my voice: "Aren't you serious ?!"

"Of course not," the stepmother twisted my face lightly and smiled, "'Once' can't be changed, but I can't always indulge in 'Once', so I won't face the future, right? I want to They met to get them to untie the knot in happiness. "

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