Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 873: ] She is brother-in-law

[Chapter 873] She is Controlled by Brother

I think the stepmother didn't tell me the truth. She also said it herself. Sister Yue didn't dare to see her dad. Dad deliberately avoided Sister Yue because the other person was in her heart. The stepmother knew these things and wanted to meet them ...

I held the stepmother's hand nervously, "Mom, I like sister Yue, but in my heart, she is different from you. Sister Yue is sister Yue, you are you. No one can replace sister Yue, the same And no one can replace you ... "

"Stupid boy, where do you want to go?" The stepmother shook my hand back, confidently and confidently: "You just look down on me and think I can't win you sister Yue? I tell you our story I just want to tell you, do n’t make any wrong choice between tassel and the girl with big breasts, do n’t hurt them, do n’t hurt yourself, if you are really angry, give me a pass. Let them live in peace without fighting, no matter if you marry two, or marry three or four, I have no problem. "

Buddy sighed: "The law has opinions ..."

"Then do n’t get married. I really have feelings and do n’t care about the marriage certificate," the stepmother said with disdain. "What the law protects is property rather than feelings. This nature has determined that it is not something that exists as a witness to feelings. An explanation from a secular perspective and a guarantee of personal property, your sister Yue is married, but the relationship between husband and wife is not the case? By then, you are really good to them, and they are really good to you. Is there any thing? It doesn't matter, as long as they are willing and happy to have a son for you, it will be a blessing to have more children. "

The stepmother's remarks were absolutely ridiculous. Obviously, the unhappiness of Yue Yue hit her and made her feel bad. "Tassel heard you say that you must vomit blood. You just praised her so aggressively and turned your face. Let me hook up with others ... "

"So I didn't pull you here and say, dare not let her hear it," the stepmother emphasized: "I'm not bullying Su Su's heart, by all means, how can I say this? It's complicated ..."

The stepmother said entangledly: "You said that you are in love, some girls like it, I am a bit jealous and a little uneasy. I always feel that you are going to be taken away by them. I am not convinced that you have forgotten your wife , I know you wo n’t be so unconscience, but you think, with the girl you like, I ca n’t be as adults as before, right? I ’m so tired of you, I must make my daughter-in-law jokes, Don't let me tired of you ... you said I'm used to it, how awkward? "

The stepmother was righteous and seemed to think that her coquettishness was righteous and originally belonged to her right, but she never thought that her object should not be me, but an old man. Unfortunately, a serious and boring old man can tolerate and tolerate. Pointing at him sweet words, absolutely impossible ...

"So, I'm a little bit repulsive to them, but if I watch such a good girl slip away from you, I can't bear it. On the one hand, I don't like someone to take you away, and on the other, I hope all the good things in the world It ’s okay for girls to like you. This feeling is really contradictory and contradictory. Just say now, I have taken Su Su as my daughter-in-law, and your sister Yue is no longer talking to you, but I still remember Now, what a good girl, being a teacher, polite, the intellectual beauty on your body is almost the same as your mother and me, and Su Su, it is two types of personality and two types, but they are so attractive, an outgoing An introvert, how complementary, I ca n’t make a choice, you really do n’t have any ideas? Xiao Nan, tell me the truth, you really do n’t want to come to grab both hands, both hands are hard? Hey, hey, hey, hey ~ ”

"Do n’t you laugh so lascivious?" The buddies sweated down, and the stepmother laughed like a female demon. "It's impossible for me and Shu Tong. It's messy now, you just don't give it anymore." I mess up ... "

"I can't think about it?"

I intend to divert the topic, "You do n’t say it, I never dare to ask, since you said it today, can I ask you a question?"

The stepmother looked at me, and just looking at my curious expression, knew what I wanted to ask, her eyes flickered a little, and she smiled unnaturally and reluctantly: "Ask me?"

I know that my stepmother doesn't want me to ask, but I still can't help wondering, "Before marrying dad, why did you live by fate alone?"

"I haven't said it before?" The stepmother pretended to be stupid. "Yuanyuan's father is a bastard, don't want us to be mothers ..."

Actually, the stepmother didn't say this. The old man warned me not to ask the stepmother's past, but he implicitly hinted to me. Chu Yuan also knew that the stepmother should have told her, so the stinky girl thought that Shame, never mention it ...

"But ..." I said cautiously: "Just at home, when Sister Yue quarreled with you, you said that you have parents, it seems that you have a sister or something ..."

The stepmother's face changed slightly, and her rosy face gradually lost her color, but she still smiled, sad and bitter, "It used to be, but it's not now."

"Neither of them ... is there anymore?" I suddenly realized that I asked a very stupid question. If the stepmother's family was alive, how could she live a hard life with Chu Yuan alone? After all these years, why haven't they been with any relatives? Why doesn't the old man allow me to ask my stepmother's past?

The stepmother was hesitant and struggling, but took a deep breath, and said to me: "No longer ..."

"Sorry, Mom, I shouldn't ask, I ..."

My stepmother covered my turbulent mouth, shook her head, and said, "You're right, there are some things that I should say, but I don't know how ... Xiao Nan, do you like fate?"

My heart, from guilty to dying to nervous to burst, it only took a moment, "Why ... what?"

"What are you panicking?" The stepmother's hand pressed on my heart, of course, I could feel the change in my heartbeat, "I ask you, do you like fate?"

"Wh ... heh, I like it, what's wrong." I almost said a word, and asked my stepmother what kind of love it is. This doesn't mean to admit it. In addition to the love between brothers and sisters, is there any other love ...

"Which one do you like?"

"Cough, cough, cough, cough ..." The stepmother I didn't ask actually asked! And still so seriously asking! Buddy didn't fall down and coughed again and again.

"You think my question is ridiculous?" The stepmother didn't doubt me, raised her willow eyebrows, and continued to say something amazing. "Then you didn't see it, it seems to you that you ... have something else you like?"

"Why ... what else do you like?"

"Why are you so stupid? Everyone else can see it, you haven't seen it yet?" The stepmother smashed three punches according to my chest. "It's not the way my sister likes my brother. In addition, there are other things. Similar to Su Su's love for you, what did we say when we ate with your sister last time ... Brother control? Brother control? Anyway, that's what it means. "

"What are you talking about?" Buddy panicked, panic.

"I'm wondering, how did you stupid get two girls?" The stepmother wondered: "You stinky girl and Su Su have been fighting for a day, you didn't see it? Listen to me and you when you eat The elder sister boasted Susu so much that she stared straight at her teeth and chopsticks made her bite. Didn't you see it? "

The buddy tried to maintain calmness, "What's so strange about this, she's so quiet, she is very active, she doesn't like fringe, don't you already know ..."

"Why doesn't she like Su Su?" The stepmother glanced at me and said, "Isn't it just jealous of your relationship with Su Su? Isn't it the same as Xiao Zi, who didn't like Xiao Zi, but learned everywhere?" I think you like Xiaozi's, so she talks, dresses, and imitates everything. Why does she hate Su Su so much? It's not because Xiaozi is introverted and has eight points similar to her, so she can learn. Su Su is outgoing and has two extremes with her. She cannot learn ... "

After hearing from my stepmother, it really makes sense ... uh, I agree with a fart? !! Isn't this self-defeating?

"What the **** are you trying to say?"

"Look, you ca n’t see the smell of that smelly girl, and you are still pretending to be confused ..." Meng muttered to herself: "It seems that I really want to listen to your sister, and talk to that smelly girl well . "

My stepmother calmly made me unable to understand. She had spoken to such an extent that it proved that she was definitely not making a pointless joke as usual, but how could she not panic at all? Despite the lingering anxiety in the eyebrows, it was incomparable to my anticipation of contraindications to taboos.

"Xiao Nan, if one day everyone wants to separate you from fate and let her live alone, would you agree?"

My heart was suddenly tightened. I do n’t know if my stepmother was testing me, but I knew when Sister Fang Caiyue asked Chu Yuan if she would marry me in the future, why did n’t she say 'bad'? I felt a This kind of persecution, but it is not the stepmother who persecutes me, but my own heart, just like the one who persecutes Chu Yuan and is not sister Yue. It is impossible to compromise and lie because we refuse to betray ourselves. That may not be the right feeling, but it is precisely because others can not agree with it, and I desire to protect it, and become the sole guardian of that kind of feeling. If you betray, it means negation ...

"Disagree." My answer was concise and firm.

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