Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 879: 】 The accident of touching the lips

[Chapter 879] Lip Accident

The night is silent, peaceful, but not calm.

Between me and the almost naked Chu Yuan, there was only her squeezed and deformed plush kitty.

She hugged me, leaned on me, and stopped talking, only her warm breath felt by her neck, and she was quiet.

But I couldn't calm down, I wonder if it was because she couldn't grow up, or because the body sitting in my arms made me unable to deny the fact that she had grown up, I was nervous and flustered.

"Well, don't be spoiled," I patted her on the back, afraid she would fall asleep like this, "go to sleep, and get up early tomorrow ..."

Chu Yuan didn't move, "I'm on holiday tomorrow, so I don't have to get up early."

I smiled bitterly, "But I have to get up early, I have to go to work ..."

"Oh, right ..." Chu Yuan still didn't move, suddenly remembered something, said: "Sister Xiaoye said that tomorrow I and Dongfang will go to work with you."

I wondered, "Why?"

"I don't know why, but that's what Sister Xiaoye said when she returned. She asked me to bring my textbooks and go to Sister Murphy's office to review."

"She said?"

"She said."

Sha Zhizhou has not yet been arrested, so Chu Yuan and Dongfang are staying at home. I really don't worry, but it does not mean that the house is not safe. Since Sha Zhizhou has continuously appeared in Dongcheng, the police have sent more people around us. The police force is for protection and protection, so there is no need to take Chu Yuan and Dongfang to the company, right? What's more, Dong Xiaoye didn't know how busy Sima Hai was in the company. Now the senior management is very dissatisfied with me. The Zhang family doesn't want to catch me at all times. It is inconvenient for her to accompany me to the company. Now, let me take Chu Yuan and Dong Fang, isn't it hard for me?

So cautious, is it because of Xu Heng and Tianyou? I smiled helplessly, indeed, whether in the police or personal position, Dong Xiaoye had no reason to believe them, and the lack of vigilance against them like me is the alternative in the alternative, right?

Xu Heng has always been under the eyes of the police and hasn't left a trace, so it's not unusual when he appears next to Chu Yuan? Indeed, ignoring the presence of the police, there is nothing safer than staying with me.

"That being the case, you have to get up early tomorrow and don't hurry to sleep."

Chu Yuan was somewhat surprised by my cheerful attitude, "Aren't you against taking me to work?"

"No objection."

But this girl was still unwilling to move, and she was a little bit inadequate. She said lazily, "I just sleep here, can't I?"

"What do you say?" I laughed angrily: "Boss is not young anymore, and is still dressed like this to sleep with your brother, is it ridiculous? Let your younger sister and Dongfang see, what do you think?"

"If you think about love, think of it, anyway, we are brothers and sisters, and we haven't slept together ..." The smelly girl was really sleepy and started to be confused again, hey, smirking, afraid that she didn't know she was there Say what.

On the front, it is round and soft; on the back, it is a white and dazzling naked back. The **** and graceful radians are carved by the clearest and purest wind on the snowless peaks, like the most beautiful masterpiece of nature. ; Between the nose is the strong shampoo smell that lingers in her hair, which also contains the same good-smelling but distinct faint body fragrance similar to Murphy that emanates from her, mixed and blended, Qin Into the lungs, it is so fresh, but it is also so embarrassing.

Chu Yuan's body was very cold, because the night was refreshing, and my palms were very hot, and I laughed bitterly: "Oh, obediently, you are not a child. Let your sister see you and kill me."

Chu Yuan was sitting on my thigh. She wore less and I did n’t wear much. A pair of loose pants should not be enough to cover up the honest reaction of the body. Chu Yuan could not feel my ugliness and change her face. Close to my neck, whispered: "I'm a kid, you said."

This is a tease of red + naked + naked! I know it's impossible for me to treat her as a child ...

My old face was hot, "I'm really angry again, how can you make me sleep like this?"

"Lie down and sleep."

"............" Of course I know I have to lie down to sleep when sleeping. The question is, if you hold me so much, can I sleep when I lie down? !!

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you," Chu Yuan also felt that he was almost tortured, raised his head, looked at the red face, and elegantly hit Hachi, with a strong sense of sleepiness , Grinning and laughing: "I'm going to bed, brother, good night."

"Hurry up!" Brothers are ashamed to want to die.

"Yeah." The smelly girl closed her eyes and muttered her mouth, not moving.


"Isn't it okay? Good night to kiss."

"When did you say yes ?!" I'm really going crazy, crying isn't laughing or not. "The other day was just to coax you to accommodate you, OK?"

Chu Yuan opened his eyes, pretending to be indifferent but naive, "The other day you coaxed me into accommodating me, and today you don't coax me into accommodating me? Why? Because mom admits that Cheng Liusu has a relationship with you? So you think I'm annoying I'm in the way ... "

"Stop!" I hurriedly stopped, lest she regain strength, just like a few days ago, kissed her in front of her head and said: "OK, good night ~"

"No," said Chu Yuan, still motionless, blushing. "Kiss me, otherwise I won't leave."

"Nonsense," I said flatly, "I'm your brother, you're my sister, kiss me like that ?!"

Chu Yuan airway: "Why not? You haven't kissed me!"

"When did I kiss ?!"

"Last time we slept together!"

"That was an accident, not a kiss, but a lip touch!"

"Isn't it okay if you touch your lips this time?"

"..." Dude was silent, looking at Chu Yuan who was so ashamed but reluctant to avoid my eyes, I really didn't know how she said this.

"I throw you back, believe it or not?"

"Don't believe it, you dare to throw me back and I yell, saying you want to attack the East at night!" Chu Yuan smirked: "By the way, I'll reveal a secret to you, the East, who is used to sleeping naked. She doesn't wear anything now. When I came out, I opened the quilt again ... Do you dare to go in? "

I was sweating in my head, and I did n’t say that the smelly girl was really fake, but if I awakened Dongfang when I sent her back to the room, let Dongfang see me holding Chu Yuan who was barely dressed ...

Thinking of the good, she thinks I'm the brother of the color devil who eats Chu Yuan tofu cheaply. Thinking of the bad, she must think of me as a beast and a beast that intends to eat with her!

The buddies fought a cold war, wondering if there was any way to send the aunt and grandmother, and they heard a 'click', and someone opened the door.

Chu Yuan and I were discolored at the same time. I wondered whether this girl was calmer than me or flustered than me. She immediately reacted. She turned over from me when she had no time to hide, and she lay next to me to pretend to sleep. I just let her get to the bottom of her feet. She was only wearing a blouse without covering herself. She shrugged her body into a shrimp ball, her arms were tightly around my waist, and her face was tied behind me. I was still sitting, but I couldn't lie down and sleep, or even the quilt under my feet to help her cover her body!

"You are back ..."

When Dong Xiaoye came out of the room, I was still sitting on the bed stupidly-this was the most embarrassing moment in my life!

The body looks like petrified, and even turning back becomes very strenuous, "Well, why are you ..."

Dazzled her eyes again-like Sister Chu, she only wears shirts and shorts! The difference is that when Chu Yuan came out of the room, she was holding her plush kitty, while Dong Xiaoye was holding two empty beer cans.

Do these girls treat me as air? !! There is a man in the family, can you check it a little, don't wear so attractive crime? !!

Sister Tiger's style of the coat is very conservative, but this can't affect the kind of visually stunning beauty she brought to me. She has a bulge and a back, a bee waist and long legs. The envy of other women ca n’t be envious. Although the wheat-colored skin is not as white and dazzling as Chu Yuan, the healthy and even luster has another captivating sensuality, her beautiful charm and enchantment, and beautiful vitality. .

I lost my mind for a moment, because Dong Xiaoye was not Chu Yuan. I saw her, there was no guilt, but seeing the shyness revealed by Dong Xiaoye, my heart seemed to be pricked by something, and quickly moved away. Gaze.

"why are you still awake?"

Sister Tiger was tired, but not sleepy. Obviously, it wasn't that she went to the bathroom at night, but she never slept at all—attention. After I got home, I saw the black light in the living room, but I didn't hear anything in their room. I thought they were all asleep, so I didn't dare to make a sound so carefully that Dong Xiaoye didn't know I was coming back, which caused me and Chu Yuan to be embarrassed now ...

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