Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 880: Pure relationship

[Chapter 880] Pure Relationship

"Wait ... hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no one had a day of meetings, it was all their leaders who were struggling, boring, nothing to do with me, so I was snoring for most of the day, now I ca n’t sleep anymore Just now, I was on the Internet, and the young lady from the Xiao family was also here. I went to play a few rounds of dota and played a lot of fire. You said that she had to pull me to play together, and I also stressed in advance that I was As a beginner, she does n’t even teach me. Is n’t it too much to scold me for pulling my hind legs? Is n’t it too much? When the old lady gets angry and does n’t play with her, what ’s the matter, anyway, the old lady is bigger than her For many years, she opened her mouth and shut her up and scolded me for having **** and no brains. Who was the **** and no brains when I was 19 years old? How cute you are in front of you, like a lady, it ’s not hers as soon as you turn your face away! In comparison, if you scold me, it ’s nice, just now you should show you the dirty things she knocked on. Obscenity is simply unsightly, a string of strings, as bad as it sounds, as bad as it sounds Her teammates made her scold, "

"She's young, don't you give her general insight ..." Buddy's sweat and skimming, Dong Xiaoye was suffocated by Xiao Yao's spirit, and he was full of resentment, showing that he wanted to smear her a few more words, so he said. As she came towards me, she was blocked by a sofa just now. She couldn't see the edge of Chu lying down, but this went around the sofa ...

"Ah-" Sister Tiger took a step backwards, knowing that she was wearing less, the first reaction was to cover her chest, two empty wine cans were thrown into the sky, and her second reaction was to catch the two cans in a hurry. In order to avoid making a noise, "waking up" Chu Yuan next to me, when she was seen exposed, "Who ?!"

"Fate ... Fate." I answered.

Sister Hu asked this question a lot, even though Chu Yuan was hiding her face, Sister Hu could still recognize her at a glance, "Asleep?"

Sister Hu was also nervous, so Chu Yuan's body was not shaking slightly ...

Fortunately, Chu Yuan didn't dare to open his eyes and look back, otherwise, seeing Sister Tiger dressed like this can still calm down in front of me, saying that Datian will not believe that our relationship is pure ...

This is not a problem. The biggest problem now is how can I explain it so that Sister Hu can believe that my relationship with my sister is pure ...

I can only go one step at a time, and dude stiffly, "Asleep ..."

Sister Hu was relieved, but as soon as she calmed down, her questions came. She placed the beer can in a small trash can next to the coffee table, and looked at Chu Yuan, who was wearing as little as possible. He asked me in an inexhaustible tone: "How did she sleep here? Speaking of it, what are you doing? Without watching TV, you turn on the light and sit and watch what she is doing silly?"

How could I not hear the question in Sister Hu's tone and the suspicion in her eyes? This smelly woman clearly suspects that I am admiring Chu Yuan's body! No wonder, besides that, what else could explain why I sat on the bed without covering the quilt without turning off the lights ...

I can also feel that since Chu Yuan completely confessed her feelings towards me, some intimate behaviors that no longer cover up have already aroused the sensitivity of Sister Hu. She used to stick to some of her Chu Yuan, but now she is always blocking us both In the meantime, whether it ’s eating or watching TV, the smelly girl is like sticking to me, and rarely finds a difference with me, it seems to be a change of one person. This sudden change makes me a little hard to adapt. Winter How could Xiaoye not feel it? While Chu Yuan was intimate with me, wasn't he alert to Dongxiao Ye? When Dong Xiaoye and my eyebrows have fewer and fewer opportunities, even if I and Chu Yuan are brothers and sisters, she will be jealous ...

Now, the tone of Sister Hu is like a stubborn sorrowful woman, who is smoky with vinegar and secretly murderous.

Fortunately, my buddy's brain was not slow, and at the most critical moment, I thought of a wonderful strategy to turn the tide into safety, and made a snoring gesture, frowning, "Hush-I just coaxed her to sleep, you little Sound, don't wake her up. "

Seeing what was happening to me, Sister Tiger couldn't help but stunned, "What happened to her?"

I pointed to the snot tears on my chest t-shirt, "I have a nightmare, I'm scared to cry ..."

In a word, let Dong Xiaoye be suspicious, her tender face flushed, as if she was guilty of her imagination, and looked distressed like a shrimp ball like Chu Yuan, mostly to conceal the suspicion just now, "No wonder this pose Falling asleep ... what was she dreaming about, afraid to sleep with you? "

"Huh?" I didn't think about it. "I don't know, she didn't say, and came to my bed as soon as I came out."

I patted Chu Yuan's back, seeming to appease, but actually reminded her, this nonsense you think, explain to your sister Xiaoye tomorrow ...

Sister Hu leaned over and touched Chu Yuan's head lovingly, and sighed, "This girl is a little bit wrong today ..."

I wondered, "What's wrong?"

Sister Hu tilted her head and looked at me, distressed: "She will be on vacation tomorrow, you will go to work tomorrow, I will have to return to the office tomorrow, so I will tell her when I return at night, it will be OK to send her and Dongfang back to your parents, But this girl lost her temper immediately and said that she wouldn't go home if she died, either let me take her to the bureau or work with you ... I'm having a headache for this, and I can't take her back to the bureau. But the place was messy. She was going to take the exam the day after tomorrow. How to review it? Your company is quiet, but I heard Su Su said that because of the last fight, you are not troublesome. At this time, take them to the company Inconvenient, right? "

"Well?" Why did Sister Hu say something different from what Chu Yuan said just now? Didn't the smelly girl say that Dong Xiaoye asked her to go to the company with me? !!

"What are you talking about?" Sister Tiger asked, "How convenient or inconvenient are you?"

"Oh, the fight has been dealt with today, and it is not inconvenient ... but why did she have to go to the company with me? Is n’t it good to stay at home to review it?" I told Chu Yuan intentionally, and I was also trying Sister Hu, Chu Yuan's small claws on my waist really are not honest, and they twisted me hard, and when I patted her back, I increased my strength and punished her for lying to me.

"You don't have to talk to me, just ask what you want," Dong Xiaoye pulled up the quilt under my feet, covered Chu Yuan's bare body, and then sat by the bed, raising a beautiful leg, lazy Leaning on his upper body, he said to me, "It's okay to leave them at home for review, but are you rest assured? You are not afraid that Xu Heng will find home and tie the two little cutes away, threatening you to erase Tianyou's case? "

Sister Hu only fell asleep when Chu Yuan really fell asleep, and raised her head to rest on my shoulder, causing the buddies to be careful and fluttering, for fear that Chu Yuan opened her eyes secretly ...

But I ’m afraid of being afraid, but we ca n’t control my uncontested eyes, staring at the two majestic tiger bulges that stretched back because of the back, and I have a snack to say, “You also Do n’t take my word for it. Xu Heng surrendered. The benefit is your police, not me. I ca n’t find any benefits in it, so the trust between him and him cannot be based on some kind of interest. You should know."

"I didn't doubt you, nor could I doubt you, but because I know best that you can't get a little benefit from this matter, I don't understand the most. Why do you believe Xu Heng so much? Why do you think so persistently? Want to help him? "Sister Tiger complained:" Did you know that when the Lin team asked me this question in front of the leader of the ad hoc group, I couldn't answer it. In the end, I could only tell them that there is no reason why Why, that's because his name is Chu Nan ... Those leaders almost didn't quit my post! Who do you think I was forced to sit in the conference room for a whole day because of it! "

"because I?"

"Nonsense!" Sister Hu yelled, realizing that the voice was a bit louder, and hid her mouth for a moment, calmed a little, and continued: "But it's not all, except why do you believe Xu Heng, why do Xu Heng believe you? The focus of the ad hoc group's controversy is to catch Xu Heng or let him surrender ... "

"Is there a difference?" Sister Tiger's head resting on my shoulder blocked my sight, and I had to twist my neck hard to see the scenery in her robe.

I know Sister Tiger found my uncle because she blushed, but she pretended to be unaware and turned slightly sideways to make it easier for me to peep. If nothing happened, she continued to say with a contemptuous tone: People who have settled down on the chair under their butt, or dream of changing to a more comfortable chair, advocate Xu Heng. The reason is that Xu Heng's case is not only of a bad nature, but also involves a lot of shame in Beitian. Faced with this dissatisfaction, the police's inability to solve the case has also led to unprecedented pressure on public opinion and a crisis of trust. Under this premise, Xu Heng was arrested and Xu Heng surrendered. Are there any differences? However, the Lin team still advocates accepting Xu Heng's conditions and believes that nothing can calm the public opinion than putting on handcuffs to Xu Heng. As for how the handcuffs are handcuffed, it is not the most important. It is better to anger him by being clumsy than he is Escaped insurance? Who knows if this opportunity is missed, will there be a second case of Qianlong Manor? Besides, the face of the police is not worth mentioning at all, the corruption and corruption caused by the case of Xu Heng, already It can be covered by catching Xu Heng. If you want to quell the public opinion, you can't punish Xu Heng ... So the two sides are arguing about each other. In the middle of the night, the Lin team won. Because everyone is afraid, and afraid not to give you a reply, you let Xu Heng run away. "

It's almost the same as my guess. "So, Tianyou's case, you erased it?"

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