Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 881: ] Come to propose

[Chapter 881] Come to propose

"Is Xu Heng surrendering or continuing to abscond, isn't it all your words? Now you are the grandfather, what is it that you have no choice?" Sister Tiger gave me a white look and said: "The two that Tianyou looked for The silly hat will be released tomorrow. The leader of the task force has agreed. As you said, as a common dispute, you and the two silly hats will make a new statement. The police will not make another copy. Go and investigate Tianyou's responsibility, and the rest depends on whether Xu Heng will really come first. "

After a pause, Sister Tiger said, "Chunan, I don't know why you are so confident that Xu Heng will come first, but you must have thought about the consequences? In case he refuses to surrender ..."

"I'm going to be the suspect who helped him abscond?"

Sister Hu did not deny, "This suspicion has never subsided before. Indeed, there are factors in the Lin team that intentionally mislead public opinion, but the root cause is because Xu Heng's attitude towards you at Qianlong Manor is too special. When you escaped, he was alone with you ... You are not stupid, you should understand that the police's compromise today may be good news for Xu Heng and Tianyou, but it is a sign that you ca n’t be bad anymore. The reason for the compromise is to be afraid of Xu Heng running away, and the source of this worry is ... "

"I think I'm on the side of Xu Heng?" I laughed. "The police's compromise was ultimately based on distrust of me. They decided that I would not cooperate with the police to arrest Xu Heng, so they forced Candidly accepted the conditions for Xu Heng to surrender, right? "

Sister Tiger sighed: "It's good if you understand ..."

"Is your cell phone turned off for a whole day, what else do I not understand? If they can trust me, are they afraid you will contact me?" I promised swearing: "Relax, Xu Heng will surrender, to All suspicions will fade away. "

Dong Xiaoye has no confidence in Xu Heng, "Hope ... good people."

"Oh, maybe Xu Hengxin, just because I'm a good person ..." Ignoring Dong Xiaoye's white eyes, I asked: "Xiao Ye, if you arrest him and surrender yourself, it is really important for your police. If so, let him give you this credit, would you? "

This was originally the compensation that Xu Heng wanted to give to Sister Hu, but it was also a gift of gratitude for thanking me for not thinking about Tianyou, but she was simply rejected by Sister Hu, "No."

I was not surprised and asked with a smile, "Why?"

"No why," Sister Tiger murmured angrily: "It's not rare for the old lady to fool things. If you surrender, let him roll over. If he fools you, the old lady at Tianya Haijiao will also arrest him."

"Ha, ha ha, ha ha ha ha ..." I held my sister's head with my face and couldn't help smiling.

Sister Hu sat upright and stared at me, "What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing laughing, laughing at you is really cute ... Ah ~!"

The most fascinating part of Sister Hu is her honesty and frankness. When I saw her sloppy look, I fell in love for a while and forgot that Chu Yuan below was not asleep at all. Listen to my praise of Sister Hu's cuteness. I took a bite at the back.

Shameless Dong Xiaoye didn't know why I was ***, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, it seems like there are mosquitoes ... what are you doing back in the game tomorrow, so you won't protect me personally?"

Chu Yuan didn't pout, it seemed that she was complaining that I had been talking to Dong Xiaoye, which made her nervous.

Sister Hu yelled, "Where am I not going back to the game? Is it convenient to follow you? You haven't contacted Xu Heng for the past two days?"

The warmth in my heart is because of the trust that Sister Hu has in me, "Thank you ..."

"Thank me? This is the meaning of the task force. I am afraid that if I continue to follow you, you or Xu Heng will feel that the police are not sincere enough," Sister Hu's face became redder, and she did not even dare to look at me, humming: "They are also testing me. You must know where Xu Heng is hiding now. Do n’t say. It ’s obvious that the police would not agree to Xu Heng's request. Of course, you do n’t admit that we ca n’t do anything for you. But if you contact Xu Heng again, but you do n’t avoid me, is n’t it clear that you did n’t treat me as a policeman? What is the relationship between us? I live here because of Xu Heng ’s case, Xu Heng Once I surrender, my mission will be over. They will most likely change to another person to take over from me and continue to protect you until the sand boat also catches the net ... I don't want to drop any tongues at this time and change them for me. Reason, so I ca n’t make them think that I will accommodate you in everything, so I deliberately told them, I will pay close attention to you, and try to find a chance to try to catch Xu Heng ... What is your expression? I want to laugh at you Just laugh! I do n’t Away, but I can not say because you, I could not bear to edge margin and the small East, can not I?! "

How do I want to laugh? I want to cry!

When it comes to Xu Henghe's case, Chu Yuan didn't understand, but Dong Xiaoye didn't want to be replaced and didn't want to move away from my house. She could still understand. This little vinegar bottle did not believe that Sister Hu was reluctant to leave because of her or East, so I bite harder, as if I want to tear off a piece of meat from my waist, it hurts me ...

Wiping away the tears in the corner of my eyes, I twisted my face and said, "I'm moved ..."

"As for it?" Dong Xiaoye only exaggerated when I was pretentious, but I was also complacent about my little cleverness, so after I said that, there would still be a kind of sweetness, "I'm not talking, so as not to wake up the fate, hurry up Sleep, you are tired today. "

"Um ..." I nodded, and saw Dong Xiaoye get up, and I took her wrist subconsciously again, "Oh ..."

Dong Xiaoye was at a loss, "What's wrong?"

I froze, and let go of her hand again, "No ... nothing."

"Okay, what are you pulling me for?"

I am a little strange today. Maybe, these two days I was not normal. During my trip to Beijing, the black-faced old man and auntie Auntie met on the train, were n’t her parents? I want to ask, but when I face her, I do n’t know how to speak. I know that I am avoiding and avoiding those things that Dong Xiaoye is not willing to face. I know that I am afraid, afraid of what she said, and I The old couple I met on the train aired out to show off their happiness. I was eager to protect and comfort Dong Xiaoye, but I did n’t want to expose her scars before showing my tenderness. I thought that was shameful, so I Has been suppressing the desire for verification.

But today, tonight, and at this moment, this desire has become inexplicably strong, so powerful that I cannot help myself, "Your parents are teachers, right?"

"Yeah, I seem to have told you, right?" Dong Xiaoye stood by the bed, staring blankly at me, and laughed: "Why did you suddenly ask this? Don't you want to visit my parents? Why? "Will you marry me?

"唔 ——" It's not enough to bite me, Chu Yuan's hand is also *** ing me, and struggling hard, but I still didn't manage my slippery mouth, hehe hehehe said: "Yeah, you If I were to marry, I would propose a marriage tomorrow, but I do n’t know where my father-in-law and mother-in-law live, I ca n’t find the door ... ”

Dong Xiaoye certainly knew I was a joke, so I did n’t think about it. By the way: "I live on the third floor of a second unit in the central area of ​​Atlantis, Mingguang Road, Xiaohe City. My household owner is 302. Is n’t it that you do n’t have a house? It happens that my salary is not as high as that of Su Su. I was quite inferior, but if my parents agreed to marry you, I could save you a house. You do n’t need to be a house slave, but now you do n’t have to go to my house to raise a relative. At the beginning of the college entrance examination, my parents must still be in school. You can go to Jinghua No. 1 Middle School to find them. The standard when I was a boyfriend was enough, and let Miss Min, who was on the TV every day, be a driver to act as a secretary, wear a famous brand and drive a famous car, bring a 1.8 million meeting ceremony, and let my parents and theirs Colleagues know that, my mother ... oh, Miss Ben, I'm not an old woman who no one wants. The gentlemen we are looking for are just one word, and they are so handsome! My mother and father are sure to be like Shu when they are happy. A nerd, like her parents, treats you like a dragon , How good you look, you have a man, and a house, what about me? The name is right, Su Su has become my junior, it is so beautiful, so it ’s settled, you will go to propose tomorrow, noon, Expired, I'll wait for your good news. "

"......... beautiful and handsome, is it a word?" As soon as I said it, I wanted to draw my mouth too much. I was surprised and picked up the least nutritious sentence ...

The black-faced old man and the evil aunt really are Sister Tiger's parents. This big coincidence made me think that I was psychologically ready to beat my heart. Sister Tiger's complaints were not incomprehensible, she didn't believe me Will go to propose a family, will throw tassel aside, what will not be expired at noon, it is all annoyance, if I really want to go to propose a family, I'm afraid she can't go home, she must be abolished, she is complaining that I take This kind of thing teased her, thinking it was a disrespect for tassels.

"Yeah ~" Chu Yuan finally pouted, his teeth left my flesh, his arms no longer wrapped around my waist, turned to lie on his back, frowning ***, scared Dong Xiaoye wearing only a coat Almost hid behind the sofa-Grandma Aunt finally couldn't stand my ambiguous conversation with Sister Hu.

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