Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 903: ] Man twenty, thirty, forty

[Chapter 903] Men Twenty, Thirty, Forty

Lin Zhi is bitter and unhappy, not because I scolded him Ba Ba, he is an understanding person, so he must have known this, so he would not mind, of course, it is impossible for him to praise him because I praise him That uniform, because that's his pride.

Lin Zhi is bitter and unhappy because he knows that someone is sorry for the uniform he is wearing, and that this scum is in a high position. At least, the position must not be lower than Lin Zhi-since Lin Zhi is hiding from his boss After following this operation, it means that he cannot report this operation to someone higher than his own position. Similarly, he will hide it from colleagues who do not support this operation to avoid being affected. Against or even 'betray'.

Lin Zhiyi agreed with the attitude of compromise and transferred Dong Xiaoye back from me. It was all an act of concealment. He wanted to confuse not only me, but also his superiors and colleagues who opposed the arrest of Xu Heng. Because he is responsible for this case, he knows better than anyone. If he insists on arresting Xu Heng, he will lose his leadership ...

I must admit that I am overconfident. I did not expect that Lin Zhi was so concerned about the dignity of the police, too rational and realistic thinking, and it does not apply to people who are too obsessed with certain things. Lin Zhi is such a person, and Wang Meng is also So when it took Lin Zhi less than a day to persuade that the criminal investigation detachment of the Dongcheng Branch was **** because he was too obsessed with certain things, he has not been able to climb up even a little bit of Wang Meng, I should doubt, The vigilance, Wang Meng has never compromised in his life, how could he so easily compromise with Xu Heng, who committed a terrible case and stepped on the dignity of the national law and police force?

Think about it again. Isn't Lin Zhi trying to use me as a bait because of his dedication to solving the case?

Under the premise of Xu Heng's intention to surrender, the arrest of Xu Heng for the dignity of the police team has to bear great risks and responsibilities. Especially now, the law and order of Beitian City have been questioned. The surroundings are bright and full of anticipating eyes. Above them are death orders that can crush any person's spine and smash the case. Any mistake will not result in a few people smashing them. The rice bowl is enough to make up for it. Therefore, Lin Zhi's decision was by no means the upper-level insinuation. Mostly, he and Wang Meng made good claims-this is a very simple reasoning.

Sha Zhizhou mistakenly identified Wang Jie as Xu Heng, and the reason is very simple. It only requires a simple reasoning, or in other words, a hypothesis-he knows that I will meet Xu Heng today ...

Is there any other possibility besides this? No!

So how did Sha Zhizhou know that I would meet Xu Heng today? And aside from this question, no matter where Sha Zhizhou knew I would meet with Xu Heng today, one thing is already certain: the news that I met with Xu Heng must have leaked from the police station! Moreover, the person who leaked the news must be Lin Zhi's superior, not a member of the serious case who participated in today's operation!

I have two points to prove that there are problems in the police. One, Lin Zhi's attitude of agreeing to compromise is false, and knowing that he does not actually agree to accept Xu Heng's surrender condition, and he wanted to arrest him to maintain the dignity of the police team. Only the members of the severe case team who participated in today's operation, so the information obtained by Sha Zhizhou cannot be leaked from the severe case team, otherwise he knew that the police would follow me, how could he come to this fun? Isn't this a self-injection? Analyzing in turn, Sha Zhizhou followed me with confidence and boldness. Can it be understood that he determined that the police would not participate in my meeting with Xu Heng today? So where does this self-confidence come from? You know, even if I ’m not sure if the police really compromised, that ’s why I wanted to test ...

It is only the police who know the true compromise! And it is certain that the police will not participate in my meeting with Xu Heng. In addition to the internal high-level officials who participated in the discussion, is there anyone else?

Evidence two: Lin Zhi had previously organized a capture operation for Sha Zhizhou. The uninjured Tiger Sister had also participated in person and was puzzled. How did Sha Zhizhou perceive that he was surrounded by the police? And before the police arrested him?

In the same way, if there is a problem in the serious case, at the same time that the two operations are launched, Sha Zhizhou should receive the news and be alert. For the first time, he will not be so panicked, so embarrassed and sacrificed two. Ma Zai, today I will not almost plant it in the hands of the police ...

I think Lin Zhi knows who leaked the information, so he didn't want to believe my reasoning, so he forced himself to think without the brain, or to deceive himself.

Lin Zhi knows that the answer is far simpler than my simple reasoning—Since someone in the police station wants Sha Zhizhou to kill Xu Heng today, then this person must be like him, and he has a compromise attitude towards Xu Heng And, this person's attitude of compromise is also the same as himself.

Lin Zhilin left and only said one word-I beg you, don't take today's words out of this room ...

Perhaps because of Dong Xiaoye, he was very relieved. He didn't wait to finish the transcript, and then hurried away, saying that he would go to see the injured girl of the Wang family, but Dong Xiaoye and I both knew that he was looking for Wang Meng.

After the transcript was done, I also finished the massage here, not to mention, this cold and humorous female doctor who was unfortunate and married unfortunately showed no mercy to my ***, but clenched her teeth and found that the bad back pain is really bad Why it hurts, although it hurts a little where it didn't, it doesn't prevent me from being totally reborn.

I lifted up my trousers and put on my shoes, and got up to open the white curtain. I didn't see the tassel Murphy winter night, but I was almost scared by the dry, wrinkled face like a bark of a woman doctor, she was still the same Will not cry or laugh, handed me some medicinal wine vials that were just rubbed on my hands and massaged me, said politely and impatiently: "External use, rub the affected area, rub with your hands, from light to weight……"

"From light to heavy?" I have doubts about this sentence. When the elder sister *** ed me just now, it didn't make me feel 'light'. If I said something, it was from light to light. My head was sweating, and I really felt that she was because she didn't have the strength to continue to ...

The doctor dismissed my question and continued: "Press and knead three to five times a day for fifteen to twenty minutes each time, until healed."


"Where it hurts, where it hurts."

"Back pain ..."

"Then rub your back."

"But I can't press ... Doctor, is there any topical or oral medicine? I can get an injection." I think it's troublesome. It doesn't matter if I take off my pants three or five times a day. The key is who presses me? Do you want me to ask three or five times a day? I'm not tired and don't say, pressing for 15-20 minutes at a time, people are tired!

"There are all medicines," the doctor glanced back at the three women, and released me murderousness, and said to me, "But do you use them? Young man, don't be unkind, and get a good price."

I froze and found out that all three idiots were eager to look!

The doctor turned around and looked at the three women again with very complicated eyes. He shook his head and sighed, and there was a voice in his mouth before going out. "A man is a 20-year-old idiot. It is a vase in the twenties, but what is a woman in her forties? A woman is twenty-one flowers, thirty is a tofu residue, and forty will be called Obasan. No one can be fascinated by the man who should be fainted by you. When you are forty years old, what will you use to tie his heart? A group of poor silly children ... "

This doctor ... is so humorous and so cruel ... She obviously said this to Tassel Murphy Dong Xiaoye!

But I confess that her words, which are fierce and humorous, have some reason, so all three women are stingy.

When a woman thinks about something seriously, it is usually the man who is unlucky in the end, so I cough and say, "Let's go ..."

"Stop!" At the same time, the three women turned around and reached out and pushed on my chest, and pushed me back to the bed, and then stared blankly at my face like the bark-faced doctor.

There was a layer of cold sweat on the back of the buddy, and he smiled and asked, "Don't the three ladies take the doctor's words seriously? Although I am a bit flowery, I really have no interest in vases ..."

Tassel skin smiled, "hee hee, of course not serious, because ..."

Murphy's flesh smiled and smiled, and then he tacitly said, "It's a silly child if you take it seriously, because ..."

Murphy only said half of the words, leaving half for Dong Xiaoye, and Tiger Sister said without a smile, "Because we don't believe you can live to forty."

I stunned, "What do you mean?"

The three women looked at each other, and then they spoke to me in unison, and asked me with a grim expression, "What do you mean ?!"

I was stunned and had no time to react. Tassel Murphy slapped me with two slaps on the left, right, and under their encouragement, the sister Sister Tiger standing in front of me was kicked and kicked. My son ...

I curled up and face down, and kissed the ground for the second time today. The three women said nothing, just punched and kicked at me. It was inhumane, even worse than the boat of sand ...

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