Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 904: 】I'm dying……

[Chapter 904] I am going to die ...

The meaning of the three women is very clear-beating is cursing and cursing is love.

Although this understanding is quite suspicious of carrying forward the spirit of Ah Q and seeking self-consolation, the facts do not want to deviate too far, just to let them admit in front of each other that they beat me because they love me, it is too difficult or too difficult, although their tacit understanding comes from Each other's minds are unclear ...

Women are mostly creatures that men cannot understand.

"Want to leave? What did you just say? Will you give us an explanation, did you explain it?" The roles of tassel and Dong Xiaoye seemed to be reversed, and the sister Hu who had hit me hard just now moved to a chair Tassel sat down, but Sister Tiger fluttered silently, as if Tassel was the policeman who interrogated the prisoner and asked me coldly.

"What else do I confess ?!" If this is why they attacked me, then I won't accept it. If I used an exaggerated performance to show back pain and the power of Sister Hu's crippled legs just now, I guess the beat is still In the continuation process, Rao is so good, it's enough for me to say, "Let you avoid you without avoiding it. Don't you all hear what I should say? What else can I tell you ?! Besides, you ca n’t say anything Speak well ?! Why did I get into the hospital? Why did I lie in bed for a long time? I was injured! Did you still beat me in groups? Is there any humanity?

"You're coming," Murphy, who was sitting next to me, helped me fix my collar, and stared at my red face. I was out of breath: "Except for that slap, I tried hard and hit you with those punches A few feet, I do everything, just to show my angry attitude, do you really hurt? "

"Doesn't hurt?" I rolled up my sleeves, exposing a piece of purple on my arm, and aired, "Where did you get my stuff ?! Sister, are you kicking ?! Stepping! Yeah! You He's wearing high heels! "

Murphy was also wronged. "Isn't Cheng Liusu wearing high heels? Why are you so sure that I stepped on it?"

"What do you mean by Mo surname? I slap that hard too. Besides, I didn't even get my feet up. I just punched him on the back with two punches and I was pushed away by you! And ... just you Did I wear high heels? "Liu Su glanced at Sister Hu's feet," Isn't Xiaoye wearing high heels? "

Tiger Sister's face was red, her unconscious legs were tight, her toes were inward, and she was slightly bent. She seemed to want to squat and lower her trousers. She recently bought them under the suggestion of the Oriental, which is fashionable and stable. Hiding her little black round-toed high heels ... What does Tiger Tiger do? How can we not see the weird expression in the fringed expression and the doubt in the muzzle-she had never worn high heels before, and was even full of resistance and rejection! But she has suddenly become more beautiful, and the process of this transformation happened during the time I lived with me ...

Looking at Murphy's look at Dong Xiaoye, Bacheng thought of going with Tassel—women are happy for themselves ... the atmosphere of unity is falling apart, women, you just do n’t understand ...

In fact, all the pains in my body are masterpieces of tassel and Murphy. Mo Jianhu is the best to fight, but she is also the best to fight. She has a good sense of hands and feet. Unlike tassel, since the day I met her She is a crazy boy, anxious to copy the table and chair, not to mention the weight, not to mention Murphy, I am afraid it is the first time to hit someone, can she know the weight? Tassel said he did n’t step down, then the bruises on my body that were stepped on by high heels are all Murphy ’s results, but Tassel said that he only hit me with two punches, but it is definitely not the truth. Just two punches can win me five internal organs Surging?

These two girls are afraid that I'm really anxious, and they must be held accountable, so I deliberately aimed at Sister Tiger to shift the focus ... I know these two girls too well ...

Sister Tiger is not stupid, and the deep and harmonious explanation is the reason for disguise, so I deliberately ignored the tassel words and Murphy's eyes, and I couldn't stand the ever-changing and delicate relationship between the three women. I shook my head and sighed: "Forget it Now, if you want to ask what you are going to do, you have to kill me and let me know.

"It's not us who are going to kill you and you, it's the boat of sand," as the three women heard me, they stood on the same front again, and fringed frowning and asked, "You just explained to the police, but not to Mine, I don't want to know what the police asked. "

I wondered, "What do you want to ask?"

Tassel saw my face blank, and the fire suddenly turned red, "What do I want to ask ?! Don't you know what I want to ask ?! I just want to ask you, why do you always like to do it! I just want to ask You, do you know how far you are from death today? I just want to ask you, how many times has this been? How many times do you have to torture me before you are willing to give up! I just want to ask you, when you ca n’t, Have you ever thought of me, have you thought of your parents, have you thought of fate, have you thought of anyone who will make you sad and sad for you! I just want to ask you, you know how much I have in my heart How worried are you ?! "

Tears poured into the anger, which was a heartache ... Tassel cried, and I was stunned.

I never thought about ... the moment when I really faced life and death, I felt like I had no conscience, and forgot everything, looking at the fringed eyes, looking at Murphy's sadness, and looking at Dong Shuang's indifference. With a little bit of bitterness, I understood two things-why Xiao Xiaojing drew me a mouth, but she cried completely; why were the three women so tacit and punched and kicked me ...

The pain in my body is far less than the pain in their hearts, even if it is one ten thousandth ...

Facing choices, I forgot about them ...

The explanation is not to cover up, but to let go of the beloved.

I comforted them and said that if I was n’t incapable, I thought the sand boat came to me. If I met Wang Jie and Wang Xiaomeng for this purpose, I would not be able to sleep in the future. Wang Jie left Wang Xiaomeng and ran away. Now, I went out and used the muzzle of the sand boat on my forehead. First, I felt that Wang Xiaomeng had been implicated by me, and I should save her. Second, I felt that this hateful girl was really poor, and that poor Wang Jie was really enough. Hate, if I ran away, wouldn't I be more pitiful and hateful than Wang Jie? Three, I ’m not because the blood boil is completely uncalculated. I think I have a 80% chance of winning, so I dared to lock the fairies, and ran out with Sand Boat to challenge ...

The three women didn't believe it, and asked me where I calculated it? Where does 80% chance of success come from?

I said, Sha Zhizhou was fierce but daring. He had kidnapped me before, and only his puppies came. Actually, this can be proved more or less. Today, he first exposed him with amateur tracking technology. The insidiousness of the accident caused me to be vigilant after discovering me. I covered my face and jumped out of the car. The panic after I was called broke my identity, all proved his courage, and watching him move when changing bullets. Skilled, obviously very familiar with firearms, but when shooting, I was as anxious to knock down the other side, and I continued to pull the trigger without aiming, so that there was no crosshair at all. From such a low-level error, we can also judge His insidiousness made him feel helpless about the form of chaos he caused at the time. In this case, I have a good chance ...

The three women still did not believe, saying that I was sophistry, especially Dong Xiaoye, how could they not believe that people like Sha Zhizhou would be timid? I asked her, who is more terrible? Dong Xiaoye suddenly realized this—why is Sha Zhizhou afraid? Because the person he was going to kill was Xu Heng, who created the case of Qianlong Manor, a wicked villain who was famed as a legend! Why should he cover his face? Why rush to shoot? I was afraid that if I did n’t succeed, I would be remembered by ‘Xu Heng’ and look at revenge against extinction!

No one can say that Sha Zhizhou has changed, can he be afraid of Xu Heng?

So when Sha Zhizhou mistakenly thought that Xu Heng ’s Wang Meng fled, when he was about to shoot at me, I shouted, “Xu Heng you, his mother knows that he ’s coming back,” Sha Zhizhou was panicked, that sentence Then, it is my killer ...

The three daughters finally believed, but they were still worried about my adventurous behavior, so I hit the iron while I was hot, and said, "Let ’s go and see the little girl in the Wang family. Yuanyuan Dongfang and Yi Ke should also be there. . "

I know that these three girls are grieving, but I do n’t cherish my life and ignore their feelings instead of me saving Wang Xiaomeng, but I think that if they see Wang Xiaomeng, they will Understand my choice then.

Before the three women nodded, my cell phone rang, and when I felt it, it seemed obvious that I could not help frowning—Zhang Mingjie again.


"Chu Shao, are you okay ?!" As soon as the call was connected, Zhang Mingjie asked panickingly. The mobile phone was hands-free. Hearing Zhang Mingjie's voice, Tassel and Murphy couldn't help showing their disgust.

I froze and then smiled and asked, "What can I do?"

"Really okay?"

"It's okay, what's wrong? You want me to be okay?"

"No, no, I don't mean that at all," Zhang Mingjie sighed with a long sigh of relief, and smiled, "a false alarm ... I'm in the city bureau now."

"Why are you going to the city bureau?"

Zhang Mingjie cursed, "Isn't that Wang Jie of the Interpol team touching the brows of our brother? I know that Ya's family has a backstage, so I come to the city bureau every day to put pressure on her, but Ya still hasn't been dealt with, just remembering to suspend her job at home to reflect on him. + Mom's salary is not deducted. Anyway, my brother has been very busy recently, so I went to the director to talk about my heart. I couldn't get out of this breath, and I didn't let them go. Anyway, I had to take the good tea in his office. What a mess, huh, huh, I just received a call from my old man in the car just now, saying that our company has become a mess of congee now, something bad happened ... "

"What happened to the company ?!" I looked at Murphy and Tassel, and said, "What happened?"

In fact, this question was asked to both of them, but Zhang Mingjie replied with a smile: "Nothing is wrong, misunderstanding! I don't know who it is, but in a rumor that you were shot this morning, seriously injured and sent to the hospital. Rescue, life is dead, my old man asked me to prove it, I said it was a pure nonsense of his + mother +, weren't we two still on the phone before? But the old man said that it happened just now, and said that there were a lot of people in the company I saw your two sisters and Miss Mo hurriedly left the company with my own eyes. The two women were overwhelmed, and the two girls were crying crying. It ’s exactly like what I said, and I got a little vague. Get out of the car. I also saw a mess of porridge inside the city bureau. I went to the director, and the director opened my mouth and told me that I had no time to accompany me to drink tea and said that you and that Wang Jie were attacked by the sand boat ... Chu Shao, Isn't it true? It shouldn't be true. If it's true, how can you answer my phone? Haha ... "

I used my body to stop Murphy, who turned her head and twisted her face, and dragged her head to turn the tassel to run away. I asked Zhang Mingjie, "Zhang Shao, has your father told you that I was seriously injured and was taken to the hospital? What about rescue? "

"Yao Waner," Zhang Mingjie said with a smile: "My old man said that the high-levels have arrived in your comprehensive team, Yao Waner cried and cried, saying that it was Mo Zong and Miss Cheng told her personally, oh, I heard that your Liu group passed out at that time Now, she scared her daughter to cry, now there is a group of people to coax her, but how to coax is useless, the consciousness of the little girl crying is not clear, and she kept yelling at her father, did n’t her father die long ago? ... "

"That, Zhang Shao, I'm okay. I'll call them right away to report their safety. Thank you, I'll hang up ..." I didn't tell Zhang Mingjie more. I pressed the phone and looked for Yao Wan'er's number. The cold tone named: "Cheng Liusu-Murphy-see what good work you two have done!"

Before the two stinky women answered, they saw the door was knocked open, and two women rushed into the room in a panic.

"Xiao Nan, are you okay ?!"

"Chu Nan, are you still alive ?!"

It's Xiaozi and Min Rou ...

Well, don't ask, Miss Three also heard that I'm dying ...

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