Chapter 910 Heroic Worship

Wang Meng and Lin Zhi have always sent me to the hospital door. Two people have not spoken since they left the house. They have extended a donkey face so that the daughters can't help keeping a distance from us. Knowing this The two have something to tell me, and they also have something to ask Chu Yuan and the fairy ...

"Okay, the two will give less," I laughed at them. "The Chief of the King's Office is busy, I'm afraid not only to teach his son and visit his niece, right? Since the two have more important things, go back soon Come on, don't delay the precious time of Minister Wang. "

Lin Zhi and Wang Meng looked at each other and smiled bitterly, "Xiao Chu, if you can be stupid, even if you are stupid."

"I've been stupid, but you're really stupid. Rao is I don't pretend to be stupid. Do you play me like a fool?" I said helplessly: "I like to be a fool, but I dare not be stupid, but You were forced by you. "

Lin Zhi knew that I was relieved, and I deceived Dong Xiaoye and followed him in my heart. I still wanted to catch Xu Heng. I didn't dare to take my word, but asked with a serious expression: "You know that the royal hall is not only To teach his son and visit his niece, that is, you already guessed what it means for him to be here? "

"Guess, anyone can. I do n’t know which hall he is in, I do n’t know if he is the head of Beitian or somewhere else, I do n’t know how much power he has and how much area he manages, but he can Appeared the first time, proving Xu Heng's case, is he a participant? I don't believe which director's idle eggs hurt, and if there is a breeze, I can take the time to go home and take a look. A director is involved. Even if it ’s not the leader, it ’s one of the leaders ... Well, you two have the courage to follow me. If you want to catch Xu Heng to maintain the face of the police, do you rely on him to stand behind you? ”

Lin Zhichao laughed, was afraid to look at me in general, and turned his eyes. Wang Meng was upright, neither denied nor avoided, and said frankly: "Xu Heng should catch, you should not help him."

I said: "You have your dignity, Xu Heng has the story of Xu Heng. I just stood in the middle of you by coincidence, and I can't deny that there is a bias between feelings and morality. It ’s the slogan you shouted? It ’s you who do n’t allow him to be lenient now, is n’t this contradictory? I ’m not saying that you ’re all right and looking for something, you have different positions, you have your concerns, you want to catch him, I have no opinion, like I help him, like the conditions for you to talk about surrender. To be honest, he does n’t care whether he surrendered or was arrested. He made a plan to accept the result, he did n’t care about the process at all, but because of this, I was more willing to see him. Have a decent ending ... "

Wang Meng opened his mouth to speak, and I waved and interrupted, "I know I have a lot of problems doing this, but none of us are qualified to point at each other. Everyone makes mistakes in principle, so no one should make sense. How nice and noble words, you do n’t want to let him be “confessing to be lenient”, I ’d rather let him be “confessing to be lenient”. It ’s as simple as that, it ’s all just to see who compromises with whom in the end, so today ’s Matter, I do n’t care about you, you can continue to play tricks with me, but let me first say the next word-the Lin team, you have your stubbornness, I have my stubbornness, next time , I won't save face for anyone anymore. "

Lin Zhi was silent for a moment, "Xiao Chu, Xu Heng is a murderer. You don't deserve it ..."

"He is a murderer, but at least he sent his accomplices to prison. Long Xiaotian is also a murderer, but what about his accomplices?" I looked coldly and asked, "Is it you, or this society? "

Lin Zhi was speechless.

"Human heart is long, I have no iron heart, Long Xiaotian died tragically, but died unjustly, Xu Heng's sin cannot be pardoned, but why is his sister guilty of it?" I gathered the confidence and arrogance I asked Lin Zhi and Wang Meng, "A sixteen-year-old girl, about the same size as my sister, was young and full of longing for the future, but was ruined by a group of beasts. You are so responsible and so concerned The face of the police, when Xu Heng, who was inexcusable at the time, was most in need of help, where were you? You said, there was no evidence that his sister had been ruined ... the little girl died, there was no proof of death, I am not naive, I ca n’t believe the reason Xu Heng hates your police and hates this society, but it ’s also because I ’m not naive, so I do n’t know why, besides the total despair of this world, what can make his sister have courage in I cut that knife from my wrist, and then watched my blood slowly drain away, rejoicing in the process of slowly losing life, and looking forward to the kind of relief ... I do n’t sympathize with Xu Heng, because the change is Will be as crazy, then degenerated into magic, I do not believe people magic spirits, so I helped him fight for a decent outcome, nor want him to be able to see his sister decent, to see his parents ...... "

Lin Zhi was puzzled. "Why do you help him?"

I smiled slightly, "Because he is personal, but there are still many non-human things waiting to see his ending."

Lin Zhi and Wang Meng were silent again.

Wang Meng suddenly said: "Let Xu Heng surrender, I will not interfere anymore."

Lin Zhi was startled, "Pharaoh ..."

"Wu Heng and Chu Nan, who is more difficult to fight?" Wang Meng stared at my face, as if asking Lin Zhi, and talking to himself, Xuan Er looked up at the sky, and sighed with emotion: "Fight him, I I'm out of breath ... "

I do n’t know whether the “he” in Wang Meng ’s mouth is Xu Heng or me, or whether his so-called “lost energy” is because he ca n’t fight me or Xu Heng, or because Long Xiaotian ’s “assistant” is still at ease, but Lin Zhi knows, So I sighed, "Well, let alone, but please be ashamed, worthy of this suit, enough, enough ..."

This sounded more like self-consolation.

Lin Zhi is still unwilling, so I said: "Thank you ..."

Wang Meng hurriedly added: "No interference is fine, but I have a condition ..."

I snapped, "What conditions?"

Wang Meng's face, which could not see the mood, anger and sorrow, even exposed some unnatural embarrassment. Even Lin Zhi felt inexplicable and incredible. Seeing him for a long time didn't squeak, Lin Zhi anxiously said, "Lao Wang You say it. "

Wang Meng bit his posterior molar for a long time, and finally spit out a few words, but left me and Lin Zhi for a long time.

"Don't bubble my girl!"

"Hmm--" Lin Zhi smiled and sprayed.

The old man's face is hot. If he didn't know that he could not beat Wang Meng, he would have to fight with Ya, "What kind of person are you ?!"

Is the character's reputation really bad? !!

The words didn't end there, and a policewoman in uniform came quickly, "Chunan, are you going back?"

Lin Zhi and Wang Meng, as well as Chu Yuan, who were not far away, took a stun, and it turned out to be Wang Jie's sister!

"Ah ..." I have a bad relationship with Wang Jie, and I have a lot of contradictions. When I went out just now, I stabbed him a few words, so when I saw his sister chased him out, I instinctively thought she was going to anger his brother-let Dong Xiaoye To toss, subconsciously think that women wearing police uniforms are brutal and unreasonable ...

"Fortunately to catch up, the time to buy a bottle of drink, almost let you run away ..."

Sure enough, he's here to get revenge! My buddy is vigilant, but I can't feel a little bit murderous looking at her pretty face panting but smiling.

"Little dream, do you know ... him?"

"I don't know, but I've heard that this is my first meeting today," Sister Wang Jie answered Wang Meng's question, then smiled at me and suddenly stretched out her right hand. "So I want to come to know you, Chu Nan, hello, I His name is Wang Xiaomeng, the sister of Wang Jie who often asks you to talk bad about you. "

This girl is sincere. I like people with a sincere character, so I shook hands politely with her, but I soon regretted it, because the girl was so honest that it was unexpected to me!

She actually held my paw in both hands and admired admiringly: "I work in the city bureau and I'm still an intern police officer. You are my idol!"

"I ... Idol?" The dude's head was a little confused, and he tried to withdraw his right paw, while pointing at Wang Meng with his left paw and said, "Miss Wang, are you wrong? I am not a policeman, your idol should be Is it your uncle or your father? "

This young policewoman who inherited the excellent blood of the Lao Wang family has a straightforward personality that is completely different from her brother's. He nodded for sure, but he did not care about Wang Meng's face, and stared in the eyes: "My father ca n’t do it, he is a bureaucrat. The taste of doctrine is very good. He is a good policeman, but he is my former idol and my current idol is you-I have a few friends who witnessed your heroic deeds at Qianlong Manor. Desperately changed his life for two lives, swearing at the muzzle and swearing at the gangster, killing his face for death, rather than giving up his pride, even the gangster couldn't help but look at you ... Oh my God, you It's so handsome! Many young police officers in our city bureau regard you as an idol and a role model for us to learn and catch up with! "

Don't lose face because of death, is this a boast of me ...

"That, Miss Wang, I'm not a policeman ..."

"Today you not only saved my little one, but also made me more sure of your idol status in my heart. I decided that I must take you as my goal and be a policeman who is as good and brave as you ..."

"No, Miss Wang, I'm really not a policeman, I'm a normal white-collar worker ..."

"Chunnan, is it inappropriate for me to call you Chunan? How old are you? I certainly don't have my elder brother. I look at you like twenty-four, right? I'm twenty-two, who is the older of us?"

"I'm two years older ..."

"Then I'll call you Brother Chu. Just call me Xiaomeng. Brother Chu, I have to thank you for saving Xiao Meng. I also have to apologize to my brother for showing you that the joke is small, and you almost lost it. After his life ... don't get me wrong, I don't want to say good things for him, you have to look at him if he is not pleasing to the eye, and he will clean up with you later, he dare to confuse you, you tell me, see me to rule him, that person, just mouth Powerful, well-developed extremities, but very timid, awkward, unwilling to chase a woman upright, crooked, and let this leader help him to say good things, let the leader help him or something, It ’s not that Sister Dongdong looks down on him. I ’m his sister and I look down on him, and I will show my dad ’s little prestige, but I have no skill at all. The elders have spoiled him. Who will let us Is he just a kid? He still hopes that he can succeed to inherit the honor of the Lao Wang family in the police force, but it turns out to be a stain on the royal family and a shame of the police force. Seeing him alive and panting, I think he has polluted Beitian. Fresh air is still good for you, if only my brother ... Girl little excited, excitedly like a barrage, took my hand kept shaking, do not let me speak, but she dare anything out call.

Wang Meng's face with a cement face rose to purple, Lin Zhi pretended not to hear anything, and whistled against the street ...

This girl was so straightforward that Jane was so vicious that I was so tired of Wang Jie, and could not help sympathizing when he heard his sister treat him so badly.

In the end, it ’s a heroic family. This Wang Xiaomeng worships heroes, so as much as you can expect from a bear brother ’s brother, there are as many disappointments as possible, and this disappointment is totally accumulated. It just happened to be a good day to erupt— Today Erya can leave Wang Xiaomeng alone, who can guarantee that Minger will not leave Wang Xiaomeng anyway?

When Wang Xiaomeng took out his mobile phone and wanted to exchange the phone number with me, Wang Meng interrupted quickly and reprimanded: "Xiaomeng, Xiaomeng is thirsty, you quickly send her a drink. I have something to say to Chu Nan and Chu Nan , When will your child see a little bit?

Wang Xiaomeng flat his mouth, "Wait for the phone number change, isn't it a problem?"

"I have his mobile phone number. I'll tell you later. Hurry up. We have important matters that we haven't finished yet."

"That's okay ..." Wang Xiaomeng also noticed his enthusiasm scared me, and smiled embarrassedly, "Chu brother, I won't bother you if you have any business, please invite you to dinner another day, thank you formally, I will always contact you in the future. I still have a lot to learn from you. "

Buddies are still sneering and dare not answer, because I feel that if I respond or nod, I can't leave the hospital ... Chu Yuanliu Su Murphy Ziyuan has four girls in front of me, all using the same killing Stare at me ...

Before Wang Xiaomeng left, Wang Meng patted me on the shoulder. I thought he was going to cover up a few words, and smiled in understanding. No matter what he thought, he jumped a sentence, "Don't make a little dream ..."

Buddy finally couldn't hold back, and said, "I am grass!"

Suddenly the listener said in unison, "Dare you!"

I shuddered, Lin Zhi on the side laughed so much that he couldn't get up on the ground ...

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