Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 911: Fairy anger

Chapter 911: Fairy's Wrath

"What about Xiaoye and Min Rou?" After watching Lin Zhi and Wang Meng leave, I turned around and found that the number was wrong, a few fewer.

"Going to drive," Liu Su stared at Chu Yuan, and looked at me with suspicion. "Miss Min has a lot of people and sees that you are fine. You have to go back to work. We don't know what happened to you. Dare to drive. I came by taxi. Sister Xiaoye said she sent us back to the company. "

"Back to the company?" I rubbed my waist and asked Murphy, poorly, "I see that Volunteer was injured for the glory, and wouldn't you let me go home to rest? I didn't have a bonus this month for my full attendance?"

"It's all cleaned up," Murphy said with a poker face. "Furthermore, if you are righteous, or you don't want to die, it's hard to define."

Chu Yuan and Ziyuan had a bad temper, and if they didn't sound good, they said with their eyes ...

"Hey, what do you guys mean?" The buddies were quite dissatisfied. "It was Wang Xiaomeng who came over and approached me, and I didn't seduce her ... Well, who did I seduce? Why do you use this? Look at the satyr's eyes and look at me? "

Wang Xiaomeng is the sister of Wang Jie. Because of my relationship with Dong Xiaoye, Wang Jie drove to our company to get into trouble after getting drunk. As a result, he lost money and suffered punishment ... Mo said these girls did not believe me, that is I myself feel that Wang Xiaomeng's attitude towards me was ridiculous ...

"Hey, hey, hey!" The goblin who had been shrinking behind suddenly rushed to the front, guarding me, and rebuked several girls angrily, saying, "Is there anything wrong, except that your eyes are glaring, are they used to? Pant? What do you mean? Is it the premise of my uncle to see righteousness is to look at **** first and then look at his face? This is really chilling! Even if the uncle is so strong and optimistic, he just turned around from his grandfather ’s door. , Also need a few words of comfort need a little thoughtful care? He is a man afraid of you worry, so be strong and do not let you see it, but as a woman, do you not see it? Look at your vinegar smell, smoked me I feel dizzy, what does Uncle have in mind? !!! Take a step back and say that even if Uncle is really a person who is desperate, it must be visible? Is Wang Xiaomeng's appearance worthy of my uncle's death? Step back 10,000 steps, do you think the uncle did not see justice and forbid others to think like that? Wang Xiaomeng thanked the uncle and worshiped the uncle, what happened? Is there anything abnormal? She is a police officer She always worshiped heroes, not to mention that the uncle saved her sister today! And he had a holiday with his family, but the uncle not only did not attempt to repay, but also gave her family enough face. Do you have any? Should n’t she adore the uncle? You ’re good, and you suspect that the uncle and the Wang Xiaomeng have come together. Even if the uncle no longer looks, you wo n’t see the older Wang Xiaomeng, do you? Are you unconsciously disgusting, or too unconfident in yourself, if you are not confident in yourself, don't look in the mirror in the future, if unintentionally disgusting uncle ... I will be anxious for you! "

The fairy was suddenly angry, and the aura that was usually hidden was completely released. In the eyes of several girls, it was like a completely stranger. Who was not scared by her? Murphy, in particular, was turned red by the goblins.

The man sighed, this fairy looks innocent, in fact, there are many eyes and thieves. If she really protects me, only four girls will stop Wang Xiaomeng when they hold my hand, and they will stop them. Come here, at least, in the ordinary relationship between her Xiao family and the natural enemies of the Wang family, see Wang Xiaomeng close to me, she can't be happy, she must be even more unhappy than Chu Yuan Liu Su Murphy Aster, these girls looked suspiciously, Can she care nothing about vinegar? Unless intentionally!

This stink fairy just saw that Chu Yuanliu Murphy Aster was unhappy, and guessed that they would question me, so she had a clever move, and thought about it. When I couldn't stand the unreasonable trouble of a few girls, she suddenly jumped out to replace her. I speak, how moved I am ...

Therefore, the anger of the fairies is now pretentious ...

Of course, the goblin is not just a slapstick to me, but Bacheng deliberately targets Murphy, who she hates most, so he deliberately chooses to become furious when Murphy tastes ...

Murphy was unfortunately recruited. Although Chu Suyuan and Ziyuan doubted me, they didn't have time to say anything. This made them very fortunate that the fairies were righteous, so they despised them in disgust. Murphy, with a look of contempt and ridicule, denied and concealed the fact that she had a common attitude with Murphy ...

Murphy, betrayed and deliberately targeted, was aggrieved and anxious, "I didn't mean that ..."

"Then what do you mean?" The fairy said as if she was asking casually, but when I saw the slyness that flashed in her eyes, I immediately realized that this question was a big pit!

But I did n’t have time to interrupt, and Murphy, anxious to explain, had fallen into the pit. "Chunan, I really have no doubt what you and the policewoman with the surname Wang, I just mad you do n’t cherish yourself, do n’t take your own Life matters, and when I take risks, I never think about me ... "

"Well?" The goblin's face was bewildered and bewildered. "It's strange, Sister Mo, why do you doubt Brother Nan? To doubt, it should be sister Tassel, right? Sister Tassel is Nan's real girlfriend, Isn't it? He didn't think of you in his heart, isn't it normal? If he wants to think about it, he should think about sister Tassel, why should he miss you? "

by! The goblin is too cruel! Sure enough, tassel's face was ugly, and Murphy's eyes were very bad, but worse than her, it was Chu Yuan and Ziyuan! Moreover, these two girls were glaring at Murphy while glancing at tassel with cursed or resentful eyes!

Chu Yuan already knew my relationship with tassel, but she has always been skeptical about Murphy's relationship with me, and she has always been at odds with tassel; as for Ziyuan ... the aversion to Mo's family has always been Very straightforwardly expressed in her emotions. Although she has no interest in tassel performance, everyone can see that her relationship with tassel is never close, and tassel and her always keep the distance and vigilance intentionally. The reason Why? Obviously me ...

The fairy is too damaged. She has shown suspicion or vigilance to the girls around me like tassel or Murphy, ignored my feelings, and showed no care, but in my heart she treated me and all the girls and girls. The relationship is well known!

From her words, she provoked the relationship between the daughters, and you can see it!

The four girls were pregnant with ghosts, but they didn't notice the fact that they had been separated by the goblins. It was even more ridiculous that when you stared at me and I doubted you, they had long forgotten that they had just been scolded by goblins. In fact, the fairies have emphasized that they are the most considerate of me and have not become the target of criticism!

Murphy is not afraid of being stared at by tassel, but she suffers from the presence of Chu Yuan. She doesn't admit her intimacy with me, so as not to leave a bad impression in Chu Yuan's heart. She burst into tears around her eyes, and she was proud of the fairy. Fei embarrassed ...

"Have you played enough?" I took a slap on the head of the fairy to help Murphy clear the siege, but also helped myself to clear the siege. "I'm too guilty today. I can understand the emotions in your heart, But the boat of sand ran away, something like this today, Minger may still happen, you said that I think less, don't cherish this little life, but you think about it, today ’s things repeat itself, I should What can I do? If you are me, what will you do? So I have emotions in my heart ... I should say I'm sorry, haha, others think I am a hero, but I understand that I am In fact, it is the big head of him and his mother, but being a head of injustice is better than being a beast who would despise himself? "

Several girls didn't say anything. They just heard about my conversation with the Wang family from Chu Yuan and the fairy, so I can understand that I saved Wang Xiaomeng because of a sense of guilt and a sense of responsibility. I I believe this is why they are still willing to stay with me to this day.

"Well, now that it has passed, this matter will not be mentioned anymore. I assure you that there will be no next time. If there will be, I will never be so reckless again. Don't think so much. In fact, today is not necessarily a bad thing, at least I understand one thing. "

The women asked in unison: "What is it?"

I laughed: "When there was a bullet in the sand boat, he hit Wang Jie who was mistakenly identified as Xu Heng. Why? Because his target was Xu Heng, not me, so I said, as long as Xu Heng surrendered. , Sha Zhizhou will have no goal, so am I safe? "

Tassel flat mouthed, "Don't the police not want Xu Heng to surrender?"

"It is Lin Zhi and Wang Meng who do not want Xu Heng to surrender himself, and the top police are anxious that he rush to surrender. Just now Lin Zhi and Wang Meng have promised me to stop doing small moves, so put your heart in your stomach. "I held Chu Yuan by hand, holding the fairy in one hand, and said," Let's go, go home ... "

"Return to the company first!" Murphy gave me a glance, seeing my pain, but could not bear it, and said softly: "I heard that something happened to you, Sister Liu was fainted, Waner and Kangkang one. Crying violently, the colleagues in the comprehensive group are all worried, you should always go back to show up and report a peace? "

I almost forgot all these things, and quickly nodded, "Yes, should."

As I was talking, Dongxiao Ye had already drove over, and the car stopped, and suddenly I heard Chu Yuan's bang, and the smelly girl looked into the car through the window, and then looked around without opening the door, wondering: "Oriental What about? "

My daughters and I are all together, yeah, what about the East?

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