Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 912: Eastern radicals

Chapter 912: The Eastern Radicals

I thought Dongfang went to pick up the car with Dong Xiaoye, but she was not in Dong Xiaoye's car, and Sister Hu was also bewildered. She said that when she left, Dongfang was still with us. No one noticed when she was gone.

I reached out to her phone and dialed her number. No one answered the call the first time, and she would call back when I wanted to call again.

"Dead girl, where are you dying silently ?!" I don't take my danger for granted because I can control the development of things, but this doesn't mean that I am 100% safe, at least, in Xu Before Heng surrendered, instead of being unsafe, I was even more dangerous.

What Xu Heng has surrendered has leaked from the police. What does this mean? Explaining that I had contact with Xu Heng, it was also leaked. People who have doubted me for a long time will be more determined. Through me, Xu Heng can be found and killed!

At this time, the person closest to me is also the person who is most likely to be implicated in me, especially the girl who lives with me like Chu Yuanhu Sister and Oriental Pity, Sister Hu is also reassuring, but Chu Yuan Orient is still a very weak high school student. He has no power to bind chickens. He is obviously the first choice for kidnapping targets. Such a thing has happened once in Chu Yuan. Therefore, Orient didn't consciously keep silent from me. Leaving, and just after I was attacked by a sand boat hurriedly jumping from the wall in the morning, the anger in my stomach became particularly strong.

My calmness was pretended to be read by a few girls. Before Xu Heng surrendered, anything could happen. I thought it was based on extra care. If something unexpected happened, if I could remain calm, I would n’t Heartless dumb hat!

Dongfang probably didn't expect me to be so angry, but the clever and cunning woman immediately knew why I was angry, "Brother Nan, I'm fine, you don't need to worry ..."

"Fart, can I not worry ..." Buddy was a bit stumped in anxiety. When I saw a few girls with strange faces, they were clearly questioning the words of my confession and comforted them, so they quickly hurriedly panicked and said, "I What are you worried about? I'm afraid that I will leave you. You have no money in your pocket to take a taxi home. Hurry back to me! "

Dongfang laughed: "Brother Nan, I have money in my pocket, and you gave me my pocket money in the morning, did you forget it? Although it is a little less, it is enough to take a taxi home ..."

"What kind of car do you have when you have a car? Your elder sister took us home and come here quickly."

"Going home ..." Dongfang's voice sounded weird, without the lively and cheerful past, and without the usual bitterness, "Yeah, I haven't been home for a long time ... because I don't have a home."

My mobile phone has a hands-free function. Everyone can hear the words of Dongfang, but she is okay when she sees her. Now she suddenly disappears. When talking on the phone, her mood is obviously low, and she can't help but look worried and confused. .

"Damn, you have no home? Then give me your big villa."

"Okay," Dongfang said with a bitter smile: "For me, it's a house, not a home. The home should be like Brother Nan. Although there is no own house, there is a place where loved ones or lovers accompany him, even that place. There is no roof, as long as you can snuggle with your cherished people, that is home, that kind of place, I do n’t have it, because I am a child that nobody wants and nobody hurts, so my name is 'Pity', so They all call me 'poor.' "

The goblin glanced back at the hospital and murmured, "What's wrong with this child? Have you visited the hospital and been infected? But this is not a mental hospital ..."

I glared at the goblin, and she covered her mouth with a snoring noise.

Chu Yuan took my arm and shouted into the microphone: "Eastern, what are you talking about? Isn't my home your home! Where are you now? Hurry back, my brother will be angry!"

"Where am I? Where am I?" Dongfang Chuchu smiled. "I'm in the car ..."

"In the car?" Chu Yuan hurriedly said, "In what car? In whose car? Where are you going?"

Dong Xiaoye also jumped out of the car and looked around. The girls were all panicked, thinking that the East had been kidnapped. Murphy took out her cell phone and asked fluently, "How much is the 110 alarm call ... ... "

Tassel scolded: "Don't you all say 110? Hurry up and call the police ... Hmm? Isn't Little Ye the police? Have we just separated from a group of police? Hurry, call them!"

Both girls were frightened, and Ziyuan calmed down and said to them, "Don't panic, listen to Xiao Dongfang. Does she seem to be kidnapped?"

It ’s just ... If the kidnapping really happened, would the East still be sentimental? I turned away from Chu Yuan and asked gently, "Eastern, who is sitting next to you? Is that nanny named Zhen Nuo, or your mother?"

All the girls heard the words, and they were all surprised.

Dongfang was silent for a while and sighed: "Brother Nan is brother Brother South. It seems to be always a little bit smarter than me ... it's my mother, she came back, maybe she came back long ago, but I only remembered me today. Come pick me up. "

"Where can I pick you up? The hospital?"


I frowned, "What then?"

Dongfang laughed, "She said she would take me back to‘ home ’, to her house, her villa.”

I then asked, "What then?"

Dongfang didn't smile, "She knows what happened just now, and it would be dangerous to leave me by your side ..."

I still asked, "What then?"

Dong Fang's tone shuddered a little, but she tried to suppress it. "She said ..."

"I want to hear you!" I interrupted Dongfang, and said angrily: "She said she said she said, who do I know of her ?! I forced my girlfriend to run away from home, and then ignored her, and now come back And she said that she said that she said, she said a fart! What qualifications does she have ?! Orient pity, you said! Do you want to go home with her or do you want to go home with us! Just stop talking to me over there with tears, I listen awkwardly! The Oriental Pity I know is not so contorted! Do n’t dare to say something? Do n’t let your mother despise me, I ’ll support you for so long, Instead, you have lost your original vigor and temper, and I don't bother you to pretend to be meek and sell meekness in front of your mother, to prove to her that I haven't taught you bad! You are you, you have something to say to me! I Don't be afraid to offend that girl! "

Ziyuan hurriedly said, "What are you talking about, Xiao Nan?"

Tassel also came up to grab my mobile phone and scolded: "Her mother is listening right now, don't play with your temper! That's her daughter!"

"My aunt! It ’s her daughter. Why doesn't she care?" I didn't dodge, because Murphy caught the tassel, Chu Yuan blocked Xiao Zi, and Murphy, as a daughter, endured the grievances and sufferings of a wayward mother. She knows better than anyone , And Chu Yuan knows the East, like me, knows that the East is 'imprisoned' ...

I yelled at the phone: "Mother of the East, you listen to me! I know you are rich and amazing, but I tell you, I don't want your two stinky money! I don't have any opinion about you taking the East home, but you sneak I have a lot of opinions on picking her up! Send me her back, thank me first, thank you for taking care of your girl, and then let Dongfang tell me that she wants to go home with you! "

"Nannan, what are you doing ?!"

"Xiao Nan, say a few words!"

"I want to go home, and go home with my elder brother Nan and sister Xiaoye!" The pity of the East was sobbing, making Ziyuan and Tassel quiet.

Sure enough, Dongfang reluctantly got on her mother's car ...

I said in a deep voice: "Throw it if you want to throw it to me, and take it if you want to pick it up. How can there be such a cheap thing? Give the phone to your mother and I will talk to her."

Dongfang's cry came to an abrupt end, and he forcibly twitched, horrified, "No ... no, Brother Nan, my mother, she ... she is also angry, let you two talk, you will quarrel ..."

"Quarreling?" I laughed, and shouted deliberately, "I can't reach her. I want to reach it. I'll give her a big mouth first!"

"Chu Nan, forget it, it's the mother of the East, we are outsiders," Dong Xiaoye whispered, "Moreover, let me be her, and I'm not assured to leave my girlfriend with you ..."

I cursed: "I sucked that **** old lady because of this! She wants to take the East away now because she knows what happened in the morning. Is she so capable, can you know the case at Qianlong Manor? It's not safe by my side, She couldn't have known it today, right? Since she knew it, she gave me her daughter and left it unattended, what does that mean? She was so relieved before, but now she is not relieved? She really feels in control of everything? Is there such a mother? You and I would think so, might the East not think so? She doesn't care about the feelings of the East at all! "

I have been quite dissatisfied with this woman for a long time, when she did n’t know that I was in trouble, so I could force her to let go of the East by leaving me alone, but now it ’s obviously not the case What's up!

Dong Xiaoye was speechless and could only shake her head and sigh. Dongfang had been sighed more than once. Her mother's attitude towards her was completely determined by her own mood ...

Dongfang looks disdainful, but she loves her mother so much, but what about that woman? I didn't mean to grab the East, I just annoyed her mother's hypocrisy, and annoyed the woman to decide whether to alienate or care for the East with her own mood! Dongfang said that her mother wanted to send her to go abroad. It was just a whim, not for her long-term consideration. At first, we didn't believe it. Now it seems that it is true ... When the facts are verified, isn't it sad? That **** girl doesn't care about the life cherished by the East at all. Just her own mood and preferences will destroy her entire happiness!

I was mad at the fact that the mother of the East didn't know it at all. She occasionally cared for this kind of whim and actually hurt the heart of the East.

This is more cruel than constant apathy!

"Furthermore," I said to Dong Xiaoye again, "What's wrong with her being Dongfang's mother? Dongfang and Yuanyuan have sisters, that's my sister! It's my family! It's not my family, I let her eat and drink for nothing? Besides, I didn't ask for anything else. Shouldn't the old **** named Ran take the East and say hello to me? "

"Brother Nan ..." Dongfang called softly.

"Huh?" I was outraged with the smell of gunpowder.

Wu Dong's self-excited Dongfang suddenly laughed and said, "You actually scolded my mother ... scolded my mother for being a **** ... **** old ladies, haha, hahaha, my mother was so angry with you ... I was so angry that I was shaking and crying! , Ha ha ha ha, this is the first time I have heard someone dare to scold her like this, and can scold her and cry ... eh! "

A scream, a crying, laughing, breathless Orient was obviously hit by a poisonous hand. When the microphone uttered again, it was no longer Orient, but a low-pitched female voice who changed her temper. You bastard, do you dare say it again? Do you dare say it again, I will let you ... "

"Old bastards!" I was too lazy to listen to her, and scolded: "Don't think you're the mother of the East! What a great deal! It was you who threw her to me, she ate my drink my live my flower my , You have no right to tell me this! She is my family now, and I have the right to care for her and take care of her! She doesn't want to go home with you now, you must send her back to me! "

I blocked her mouth first, lest she said that it was her housework, I could n’t control it. The tassel Murphy, the Ziyuan Xiao fairy, did n’t understand why I targeted her so much, but Dong Xiaoye and Chu Yuan knew that it ’s all from me. There is a promise with Dongfang-Dongfang is unwilling to study abroad, for this reason he runs away from home, fled to my house without saying, and was afraid that I would send her back. I said that I could negotiate with her mother for her. Dongfang was A request was made, and I responded ...

The male husband should do what he says, not to mention that it was a promise to a little girl. I haven't negotiated with her mother yet. How can the woman be taken away by the woman? If I am weak and compromised in this matter, what qualifications do I have to deal with that woman?

The Oriental mother was really unproductive, and she cried as much as Chu Yuan. "Who is the oldest person you call?"

These words asked me a moment, saying that women care about their age, but she cares too much, right? I was not in a hurry to grab her daughter with her, because I called her 'old', she was in a hurry, which also proved that Dongfang was in her heart. "My daughter is sixteen. Why are you still not convinced?" Look at your temper ... Auntie, are you menopause? "

If these words are heard by the stepmother ... I guess I'm going to die without a burial place. The stepmother likes to be tender, but her daughter is also sixteen years old this year ...

"Chu Nan! I know your mouth is damaged, but you leave a little morality and annoy me ..."

"Do you know why my mouth hurts? It's because I'm not afraid to offend people! You threaten me less, I'm scary! I hurt you, because you didn't stand in front of me, or I was too lazy to speak, I directly Pump you! "

"you dare!"

"I don't believe you come here to try it! Seeing that I can go out and get out of this charge of disrespect for the elderly!" I always eat soft and not hard, not to mention I haven't encountered a good thing today, but I almost lost my life. In order to comfort a few girls, I deliberately pressed my emotions and pretended to be a disappointed optimist. In fact, I was so stupefied by the evil fire. Because of this, I knew that I had ignored my Oriental mother to return to China. After that, I still did n’t take me seriously and forcibly took away her daughter-in-law. I was so difficult to control myself. If she could say a good word, she would n’t stop saying nothing but thanked me for helping her take care of her daughter. Sting her daughter's heart! What is even more exasperating is her self-righteous arrogance, as if I'm not as good as an ant, she ignores me if she wants to ignore me, and can kill me if she wants to crush me ...

Mary is next door, do I really look like an ant? Is the life and dignity of others really so insignificant, as long as they have a little sense of superiority, they can arbitrarily despise even those who think they are inferior to them?

I hate this kind of person, I think that this kind of person is no different from Long Xiao Tiansha's boat.

Dong Fang really cried, presumably living too dignified, never met a **** like me, "You wait, I'll go now! I'll see if you dare touch me!"

"Okay, I wipe my hands and wait for the ride!"

Dongfang was busy shouting: "Don't go, mom, brother Nan will really hit you!"

Dongfang mother angered, "I'm afraid of him ?!"

"I don't know if you are afraid of him, but I know that he is not afraid of you."

Dongfang, how does this help her mother? It's completely ironic to her mother! As if she couldn't get used to her mother's self-righteous superiority, her voice fell away, and she heard another woman's laughter over there, faintly familiar, it seemed to be how she looked like a nanny's nanny, Zhen Nuo "Mr. Ran, Miss is by no means alarmist. I don't think there is anything that Mr. Chu dare not do. He can play such crazy things with the muzzle on his forehead, and more than once, hit a woman. , Let alone? I went to his house last time to find a lady, and took two bodyguards, he almost beat me ... I heard that Miss Xiao, who is often with Miss and Miss Chu, old Dad is mixed, he doesn't boast, Miss Xiao is just convinced by him ... "

"Nonsense!" Said the Fairy, "No uncle has ever violent me!"

The dead fairies came with their mouths open, ‘domestic violence’, how harsh the word sounded to all the girls, so their eyes hurt me all over ...

Dongfang Mom's voice was lower, but it wasn't against me. "You two want to excite me and see if he dares ... Do you want to see me ugly, right?"

The implication is that she believes I will beat her ...

Dongfang did not accept her mother Ran Yibai's words, but said: "I bet he dare, if I win, you can't let me study abroad."

Zhen Nuo didn't dare to squeak, but couldn't help smirking. She knew that the East was going to use the method to the end, and she purposely let me hear the bet. In this way, even if I didn't want to hit a woman, I had to for her future. beated.

The East ’s mind is turning fast, even her mother counts, but I feel better, because this is the usual East.

"The beauty you want, this time I won't go," Ran Yibai blew a snot, and finally calmed his tone. He whimpered but finally recovered his normal voice, and said to me: "Chu Nan, today I'm inconvenient to see you, but I will see you the other day, no one can ever steal anything from me, let alone my daughter! And what I Ran Yibai wants and can't get! But now you not only grab After leaving my daughter, I didn't get what I wanted ... If you don't want to see me, I will see you too. Let's walk and see! I want to see, you are so amazing, Still so amazing! "

I didn't answer, because I always felt that Ran Yibai's voice was a little familiar, but I couldn't remember it, but ... It was pretty good. It was hard to believe that this was the voice of a middle-aged aunt. I would rather believe it. The tone of a voice that a girl about the same size as the East would have, because ... this mother-in-law is too naive, is it also because of her unparalleled superiority shaped by money?

Before waiting for me to come back, Ran Yibai has hung up.

This mother-in-law is a bit interesting because I didn't understand what her last words meant ...

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