Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 913: Date of Ziyuan and Miss Three

Chapter 913: Date of Ziyuan and Miss Three

"Hey, what are you all doing here?" Min Rou parked her luxurious and eye-catching Rolls-Royce behind a police car on Dongxiaoye. Seeing us all poked at the side of the road, we poked our heads out of the window and greeted us. "Do you want to return to the wind? I will drop by and take you on a ride."

"Are you on the way?" I put away my cell phone and asked, frowning, "I remember your house, your company, and so on, right?"

"Chu Yingxiong, you know that the little girl is not going down the road, so don't expose others, don't I deliberately say this because you are afraid of being rejected? Your incomprehension will make others embarrassed ..." Min Rou did Coquettish, snoring and contrived, making the goosebumps fall.

Her tassel and Murphy didn't like to hear, but now her identity of Girl Min is no longer a secret. She seems to be the spokesperson of Miss Three in Beitian, the hostess of the thigh that Feng Chang Group is trying to hold, No matter how dissatisfied, they dare not offend her.

But Ziyuan did not boast of Min Rou, "Don't play too much, Xiao Nan is not your toy."

Min Rou vomited her tongue, but she was afraid of Ziyuan. It seemed that she had known the docile Ziyuan when she got along for a period of time. When she was really angry, she laughed, "I ’m just kidding. If you are really jealous Then, I really want to laugh, huh. "

Looking at the watch on his wrist, Min Rou said, "It's almost time, get in the car quickly. I and Ziyuan are going to a date at noon. I really passed your company. Don't let us be late?"

Speaking of which, Ziyuan did take a leave today, and I was curious, "Which appointment?"

Men have a desire to possess, and I almost couldn't hold back. I asked the second half-dating with men or women ...

Although I didn't ask the question, I have been together since I was a child, and Ziyuan, who has a good spirit with me, has seen through my mind and blushed, pretending to be an understatement: "It was Minrou's female friends who invited me to dinner."

Leprechauns are personal spirits, kicking down at the stones on the ground, whispering, but deliberately let everyone hear, "Eating with friends means eating with friends, why do you deliberately emphasize eating with female friends? As if afraid of being jealous ... "

Tassel frowned, Chu Yuan clenched my arm subconsciously, and Dong Xiaoye looked at me suspiciously ... this stink fairy!

Murphy didn't take it for granted. Compared to my ambiguity with Ziyuan, she was even more dissatisfied with her attitude towards her. "Xue Ziyuan, aren't you? You also have to take a day off for dinner? Or will you eat with someone else's friends?"

Ziyuan always had a kind of resistance to the Mo family, pretending not to hear Murphy's words, came over, like a virtuous little daughter-in-law, and helped me to straighten my tie. "Xiao Nan, go to the company and make a circle to expose Face to face, prove that you are okay, just go home and rest, remember to let Yuan Yuan help you with medicine ... "

Although Ziyuan has a gentle temper like a sheep, it is terrible to play with a small temper, because she will pretend to ignore you, and this kind of disregard will make you feel awkward and embarrassed. Of course, she is not malicious , Usually only play this kind of **** in two situations, one is when you are angry with you, the second is when you are ignorant, and unwilling to admit mistakes, or want to avoid something ...

I estimate that it belongs to the second one now-even if she still resists Murphy, she can't intentionally embarrass Murphy without Murphy's initiative to provoke her.

This is part of her naive personality.

"Xue Ziyuan, am I talking to you, okay?" Murphy didn't understand Ziyuan, she was really agitated. She was not a strong and confident person in private, but she had a strong sense of self-esteem and Great ambition, Ziyuan is her assistant, so she cannot tolerate the negative perfunctory of Ziyuan at work, and lack of respect for her ...

The inexplicable smell of gunpowder pervaded between the two. I applied a color to Min Rou, and Min Rou busily said, "Miss Mo, I have to pull Ziyuan together because my friends also want to see her. "

Min Rou spoke, and Murphy couldn't say anything more, snorted, stared at Ziyuan with a bit of grudge and aggrieved, and didn't understand why she was always so resistant to herself.

In fact, I do n’t understand ... Ziyuan is like a sheep, but she is stubborn like a donkey. If she does n’t want to say anything, how can you ask, she wo n’t say that the self-righteous silent farewell five years ago is An example ...

I didn't want Murphy to misunderstand Ziyuan, so I asked Ziyuan, "Who is the person who invited you to dinner? It's inconvenient to say, right?"

There was a flash of panic in Ziyuan's eyes, she lowered her head, pointed her toes inward, rubbed her palms, and said, "No ... there is nothing inconvenient to say, it's Min Rou's friend ..."

I sighed, this child, she didn't learn how to lie when she was a child. When she was nervous, just look down at her toes to know if she is telling the truth ...

"Is it Miss Three or three beautiful ladies?" As I said this, the daughters turned pale and pale.

Only Min Rou, stretched his arm out of the window, put his head on his arm, tilted his face, and grinned at me. He was not surprised to guess the result, and asked me not to ask Ziyuan. Feeling surprised, "Ziyuan likes you, so I can never lie to you."

Ziyuan was ashamed. "Min Rou, what are you talking about ..."

"Can't you say? Nothing you can't say?" Min Rou admired Ziyuan's blush and smiled at me: "When I first met Ziyuan, I thought she was a very strong and brave girl, but this kind of strong and brave It ’s not suitable for her. At a glance, she knows that she was forced out and forced herself to dress up, so it always makes people feel unnatural and tired. I still like this asters when I am in front of you. Honest and weak. Naive, easy to panic, not even concealing, hee hee, this is the real ... she is right, the people who invited for lunch at lunch are not only the so-called three young ladies, the three beautiful young ladies will come because of Moon Valley The first negotiation with Feng Chang is about to start, so my lady asked me to drag Ziyuan together. It ’s the so-called confidant and the other, so that you can fight without hesitation, huh, Miss Mo, understand? Ziyuan does n’t tell you why she asked for leave. It ’s because she does n’t lie, and she does n’t want to lie, but if you tell the truth ... Oh, in fact, we all know that Feng Chang ’s attitude in terms of cooperation plans is known to Ziyuan. Little, as for why ... not only your President Mo, but also her dear Xiao Nannan, she also kept an eye on her. If she told you the truth, she would break through this layer of window paper. Everyone will feel that it is not delicious, will it? "

Indeed, it ’s better to say that Ziyuan is from Miss Three ’s side. Miss Three put her in the air, and she is not dismissed by her. Public is public, private is private. After all, the valley of the moon has its own purpose in terms of benefits. Therefore, in the public, we are all taboos about Ziyuan. Everyone keeps his heart open, but never breaks it. He is afraid of this embarrassment ...

But for Chu Yuan and the fairy, what cooperation plan and Miss Three have nothing to do with them, they understand Min Rou ’s ‘Ziyuan likes you’, so they are scratching my waist again ...

. . .

Tassel also gave me too much anger today, but I do n’t know if she was mad at me to save Wang Xiaomeng, almost lost her life, or the same as Chu Yuan Fairy, because Ziyuan did not deny that she liked me, or ... Because as soon as I stepped into the investment department, Yao Waner and Kangkang burst into my arms and wept?

Of course, tassel won't eat Kangkang Lolita's vinegar, but Waner is different. Anyway, she is also a big girl, but crying like a child ...

The company really turned into a mess, and 80% of it was Vice President Zhang Dong ca n’t wait to spread the story of my attack. Ah, I ’m a dreamer, I wish the dream would come true, so I can make a rumor, although I gave Longshan in advance I called and reported that I was safe, but the investment department was still full of people who came to verify or gossip. Kangkang and Wan'er cried and it didn't matter that they broke up a rumor but n rumors spread to the company instantly. Every corner, Yao Waner and I really have a leg, otherwise why is she crying so exaggerated, what Kangkang is actually my own flesh, or else why Sister Liu fainted when she heard me, or Kangkang Why call me 'Dad' ...

All of his + mothers are good people. Sister Liu has a problem with insufficient blood supply to the brain. Mo said that she would faint when she was anxious or irritated. She would faint when she was too tired. I'm afraid she's too busy at both ends of her life and work! As for Kangkang calling my father ... she also called Xiao Songjia sister! Little Loli likes to play at home, nicknamed everyone in the integrated group, and even called Chu Yuan ‘Mom’! Kang Kang is seven years old right away. How old was I seven years ago? !!

As for saying that Yao Waner and I have a leg ... I can't deny this. The night I had a fight with Sima Hai, I drank too much, and spent a night with her and Ziyuan in the hotel. I did have a leg. She fell asleep, was hugged by Ziyuan, pressed her thigh to me ...

But no one knows about it except Ziyuan and me. I guess Yao Waner didn't know it. What are these gossips? Xiao Songjia and Qin Lan were crying too. Why didn't anyone say that they and I had one leg? Viagra, who came from the house deliberately, gave me a little comfort and gave me a little comfort. Is there anything I can't do with him?

After all, it was because of Sima Hai that I bumped him twice in the bar and the company. The reason is Waner. If I were the Zhang family, I would see Waner's aunt Yao Ling to help me that day. Will make a scandal, make her aunt disgusted me, and tired of me ...

As a result, Yao Ling really came. Although she didn't say that she had heard any scandals, she looked at me with a quizzical look, which was a bit like a tigress protecting a little tiger cub ...

Well, we can't stay at the company. Leave early and leave. Murphy approves. But before leaving the investment department, Long Shan was arrested and said that the chairman has invited ...

I repeated the bad luck in the morning and Lao Mo Nian again. Lao Mo saw that I was impatient, and comforted me with two sentences, so he didn't leave me, but just let me let Long Shan give me a lot of information before leaving. , Said that under the insistence of tension, the day after tomorrow, a high-level meeting will be held. The purpose of the meeting is self-evident. On the surface, it is to discuss cooperation with the Valley of the Moon. In fact, it is for me to be qualified for negotiations and the Thirteen City Planning Group. In an assessment, these materials were still his cheating tools. He said that the matter was not a child's play and that I was not allowed to know anything about it. Otherwise, he would be arrogant. I must use these two days to read all these materials and understand them. ...

I'm afraid that's why Lao Mo called me here. The chairman personally approved me for a two-day holiday to heal ...

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