Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 914: Invitation to close the door

Chapter 914: Invitation

Murphy and fringe must be hiding something from me.

Tassel has been very abnormal recently, and her attitude to work is even strange, you know, she used to be the type with no big ambitions and the same as me, but now she is sticking with Murphy every day. She was sleeping and eating together ... Everyone felt that she was more like Murphy's assistant than Ziyuan.

Originally, I thought that cultivating tassel was Murphy ’s small strategy. I wanted to leave Fengchang, because it was swinging between them and I was afraid to hurt tassel, so Murphy intentionally got close to tassel, and the two women's relationship was stable. Naturally, there will be less worries in my mind ... Of course, Murphy is close to tassel, and she can alienate the real assistant Ziyuan without leaving traces, so that she won't be exposed to things related to the cooperation plan, and she won't feel that it is A deliberate ...

Murphy is savvy, but it doesn't seem to be the case now, at least, it's not just the case ...

I think I'm too old, so I accepted the cheating materials he prepared for me, but I didn't plan to read them. I am not confident or arrogant, but I already have my own thinking about how to cope with tension at high-level meetings. It's not that Lao Mo's cheating materials are worthless. On the contrary, what does the chairman himself prepare the cheating materials? Explain that the things in it are all his opinions and opinions. How can it be worthless? But this is like an elder scroll in an online game that belongs to the magician profession. Even if it contains powerful magic that can destroy the world, I am an illiterate soldier. I do n’t understand it. The profession is not right, not so high. The intelligence value and mp are used as the basis. Even if you learn three moves and two styles, they will be nondescript. If you see it at a glance, you will know that this cannot be my skill. I have not given tension to attack me?

Lao Mo also gave me similar cheating materials before. I have turned over. He has a conscientious and quintessential vision for his meticulous long-term vision and a large and detailed development strategy. This is not something that only a genius mind can have I also need deep experience and years of accumulation as the basis for my studies, and that ’s why I do n’t use this thing at all. It ’s tension. I must be tempted to hold my feet for a while ...

It ’s too shame not to be shameless or to pretend to understand ...

So the cheating material that Mo Yizhi prepared for me can only be used as a model for learning and research. Therefore, for me, there is no use for it. I have no mood to learn and I do not intend to use this The cooperation plan is flying in Fengchang Huang Tengda, because I will inevitably leave Fengchang, just after Miss Three signs her name on the contract ...

But this thing is very useful for the tassel who is working hard, so as soon as I came out of Mo Yizhi's office, I returned to the comprehensive group and wanted to give her this information, but I was completely lost, etc. Dong Xiaoye of the integrated group told me that just before I entered the door, Liu Su had just received a call from Long Shan and was called to Mo Yizhi's office.

That is to say, as soon as I left Mo Yizhi's office on the forefoot, the old man immediately called Tassel. Tassel was just a little clerk in the integrated group. What did Mo Yizhi look for her for?

I went to ask Murphy, and Murphy was pretending to be confused with me, and said he did n’t know where the tassels were. But Dong Xiaoye Chu Yuan and Xiao Fairy both said that Long Shan ’s call was just a call to Murphy ’s office and Murphy. Then ...

So I think that Murphy and Tassel must be hiding something from me.

On the way home to send the fairies, I called Xiaoye Xiao, told me about the incident of the sand boat attack in the morning, and apologized for the involvement of the fairies. I did n’t expect that the third lady who loved her as she was Too much, he didn't explode, but he didn't know if his voice was trembling. Is there something wrong with my mobile phone or something wrong with my ear ...

For the first time, I contacted Xiaoye Xiao in the presence of Dong Xiaoye. I wanted to clarify the fact that Sanye had nothing to do with Sha Zhizhou or Xu Heng. I also hoped that the fairy's safety would be better. The police and San Ye will not have unnecessary conflicts, but the fairy does not take me and her dad's concerns seriously. She cares more about the promise of the date I made with her. Until I enter the house, she still Remind me again and again not to forget ...

Even without looking at my eyes, I can still feel the murderous eyes of Chu Yuan and Dong Xiaoye behind me, because my spine and bones are full of coolness ...

Back in the car, Chu Yuan kept asking me what was going on with the fairies. I closed my eyes and pretended that I could n’t hear the sound of tiredness, and did n’t want to talk about tiredness. I'm interesting, Chu Yuan is better than I know! So she just knew it!

I'm really tired. Only Chu Yuan and Dong Xiaoye are left in the car. I don't need to continue to be stubborn. Like the fairy said, I just turned around from the door of Grandpa's death. I just couldn't let myself go. I was so exhausted that I was exhausted, not to mention that I had to force myself to laugh like a fine person? I thought I could finally breathe a sigh of relief. During the bombardment of Chu Yuan's spit stars, when my pajamas almost fell asleep, my cell phone suddenly rang. Chu Yuan grabbed her phone and saw it. Zhang Xiaolian was suddenly overcast with clouds. I still thought it was the beauty who called me. I didn't expect it, but Guo Xiang ...

It was because this boy had to drag me to Qianlong Manor to climb the branches, which caused me to meet Xu Heng, and was entangled in a series of troubles, so Chu Yuan was disgusted with Guo Xiang and beat the tassel three points ...

Lao Guo was looking for me, wouldn't I have heard about my attack in the morning? It shouldn't. Even if the news spreads fast, the media can still report in the future, and the publicity channels are very limited. Then, Guo Xiang had only one possibility to find me.

My heart tightened again. Pushing Chu Yuan's face over the eavesdropping, I connected the phone and said, "Hey ..."

"Xiao Nan, are you free at night?" Guo Xiang asked, without waiting for me to answer, and quickly answered, "Yes, there is no time. Your kid refused to have a date at all? Can you push it? No Push? That's it ... haha ​​... "

These few questions asked myself, in the clouds and fog that Chu Yuan and Dong Xiaoye drove, I signaled the two of them to drive, snoring, and then whispered: "Lao Guo, is Li Xinghui going to treat you? Eat? Is he right next to you? "

Guo Xiang pretended to be like: "It's all right? It's nothing. The Li Dongs of Blue City Group passed by our company and sat down. They were drinking tea. I mentioned you. Let me ask if you have any at night. Time, everyone sits together ... "

Passing by? Another family of three? The fool believes! How can anyone take a family of three to go to other companies to drink tea and go leisurely! If his purpose is not to invite me to dinner, is it necessary to listen to Guo Xiang and call me? Li Xinghui repeatedly asked Guo Xiang to invite me, but they were all pushed away by Guo Xiang. This time, he came in person and invited him ...

Guo Xiang's attitude is not difficult to understand. After the collapse of the Long family, the one who has the most potential to become the new leader of Beitiandi industry is his blue city group, Li Xinghui. Although Guo Xiang's Hengxiang Real Estate has gradually shifted its development direction, but After all, it did not completely break away from the real estate industry, and it offended the boss of an industry like Li Xinghui, which was obviously extremely unwise, not to mention that although Heng Xiang had survived, but his vitality was not restored. He only wanted to stabilize in the transition stage, and it was not appropriate to make enemies. Li Xinghui was a pinch With this in mind, he could eat Lao Guo steadily. Otherwise, Lao Guo, whose relationship with the Liu family was relaxed, really didn't need to praise him, but he would lose it. Liu's in the real estate industry can't intervene ...

I thought that Li Xinghui could not dig me for a job change, and continued to be close to me, because I wanted to take care of Miss No. 3, so I was too lazy to deal with him, and dismissed him, but today I heard San Ye said that Li Xinghui has been intimate with Zhang Mingjie recently. Makes me have to take it seriously.

Why did Li Xinghui approach Zhang Mingjie and approach me at the same time? What purpose does he have?

There is only one chance to deal with the Zhang family, and there is no room for loss, so even if Li Xinghui doesn't come to me, I would like to ask Guo Xiang to arrange a meeting with him to set up his relationship with Zhang Mingjie, which is just right today ...

I was about to answer but didn't want to, Chu Yuan suddenly shouted into the microphone: "My brother's appointment at night can't be pushed away! Because he was dating a doctor, he hurt his waist, couldn't move, and was lying on the bed!"

"What are you talking about ..." I yelled at Chu Yuan and rushed back to the phone. This girl, Bacheng heard that Li Xinghui and her family were all there, and thought of the charming and charming beautiful mature woman Zhang Lingfang ...

Unexpectedly, Sister Tiger also thought about the temptation of the woman's manual feet last time. She actually stepped on the brakes, parked the car on the side of the road, turned around, and pulled my hand. She calmed her voice and changed her voice. Speaking into the microphone, "Mr. Chu, I'll come back tonight. Remember, lie in bed, don't disturb, entertain or whatever, just talk about it after raising your body."

Ya also went downhill by Chu Yuan's donkey, pretending to be a doctor!

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