Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1604 Discredited (3)

"No... no, you heard it wrong, no, I said it wrong..."

She desperately wanted to explain, but she couldn't explain it anymore!

The words she blurted out just now clearly explained everything!

Murong Fei's jealousy towards Huang Yueli was beyond words, and she repeatedly cursed her to die!

In addition, in her words, it was clearly stated that Huang Yueli would "stumble and fall off the cliff" countless times!

If it was said that she didn't push Huang Yueli on purpose, no one would believe it!

Murong Fei shook her head desperately, she couldn't believe it, those words just came from her own mouth! How could she lose her mind to such an extent!

At that moment just now, she just felt that she was so angry that it seemed that there was a flame in her chest that was about to explode. Then, there was a blank in her mind, as if she was so angry that she lost her mind. When she came back to her senses, those vicious Her true thoughts have already come out of her mouth! could she be like this?

Although she always wanted that little slut to die, she never lost her composure to this point, did she?

Moreover, on such an occasion, this is simply asking for a dead end!

Of course Murong Fei would never have imagined in her dreams that she lost her mind because of Huang Yueli's Sky-reaching Pupil Art.

The guests and disciples on the square couldn't care less about etiquette at this moment, and couldn't help talking.

"Did you hear what Miss Murong said! It turns out that she really wants Sect Master Li's fiancée to die!"

"It's more than just thinking, I think she has already done it! Judging from what she said, Mr. Luo's accusation is fundamentally true, she is the one who pushed Miss Bai off the cliff!"

"This woman's heart is really vicious. How can there be such a woman with a heart like a snake? In vain. I used to like her quite a lot. I thought she was a proud girl with outstanding looks and talents. My senior brother even had a crush on her What! Who would have known that he is such a hypocrite in his bones! It's all just pretending!"

"Where is she just vicious? She is so stupid! Seeing Sect Master Li and his fiancée getting close, she uttered her true thoughts in a brainless manner! Not only did she confess herself, but she also indirectly proved that Mr. Luo They are all telling the truth, Li Lingchuan and the others just joined forces and attacked Sect Master Li Shao..."

"Tsk tsk, speaking of it, she is really flirtatious. One moment she says she likes Sovereign Li, and the other moment she wants to get engaged to Li Lingchuan. Now that she sees Sovereign Li leaving the secret realm safely, she wants to post it back? Hey, you really think men are fools." , can you let her play with it in the palm of your hand?"

Everyone's words were full of contempt for Murong Fei!

After all, Murong Fei's previous image of a cold and cold fairy was really too successful. She is the number one talented girl in Southern Tianyu. It is a lofty and indifferent appearance, which has attracted the admiration of many sect geniuses.

Even though everyone knows that she likes Li Moying, she usually handles things very well, and rarely acts too much in front of people, so it won't make others look down on her because of this.

After all, what level of genius is Li Moying? A man who is so powerful makes even the same sex unable to feel jealous.

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