Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1605 Discredited (4)

It's not a self-degrading thing for a proud girl to fall in love with him secretly, others will only think it's normal!

But now, she changed her face overnight, but the image she worked so hard to build over the years collapsed overnight!

It turned out that Murong Fei was not some cold fairy at all, but a woman with such a dark and vicious heart!

It's okay for her to be vicious, but she's still so stupid, she confessed to something bad she did, she's so insane that she can't look straight at it!

What's more, she thought that Li Moying was dead, and she was about to marry Li Lingchuan when she turned around, but now that she saw Li Moying appeared, she immediately wanted to turn back, without any sense of chastity.

Anyone who sees this kind of behavior will be called shameless!

So far, Murong Fei's image has been completely ruined!

Murong Fei actually understood it very quickly, but she couldn't take back what she said, and then vaguely heard the discussion of the people in the square, and felt the contemptuous gazes of the people, her eyes darkened, and she almost fainted on the spot!

She couldn't understand why she was so brain-dead at that moment just now!

Li Moying knew very well what the hell her fiancée was doing.

The moment Huang Yueli used the Tongtian Pupil Art just now, he clearly felt the fluctuation of her profound strength, and he also had an insight into her plan from the very beginning.

His family's Xiao Li'er deliberately provoked Murong Fei, and when she was extremely angry, he used the pupil technique to disturb her mind at the right time, so that she could speak out what was in her heart all at once! He dug a hole by himself and buried himself!

Li Moying looked down at Huang Yueli, just in time Huang Yueli also looked at him.

The two looked at each other, Huang Yueli smiled sweetly, Li Moying's heart skipped a beat with that sly and black-bellied appearance.

If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, I really want to hug her and kiss her.

The affectionate look of the two blinded Luo Jiyun and the shadow guards, who coughed lightly and turned their heads away.

Follow these two masters, everything is fine, but they always abuse the dog when they disagree with each other, they have no sense of public morality! How embarrassing for these bachelors!

On this side, there is a lot of affection, but on the other side, Murong Fei's affairs are not over yet.

Her slip of the tongue not only damaged her own image, it was tantamount to admitting all the collusion between herself and Li Lingchuan, and it also discredited Murong De who had been protecting her just now.

Li Lingchuan turned blue with anger on the spot, and shouted sharply: "Murong Fei, you are talking nonsense! Do you know what you are talking about? I really didn't expect that you are such a shameless, vicious and flirtatious woman. I really misunderstood you. You! I really thought that you accidentally saw your sister-in-law falling off the cliff and didn't have time to stop her! Unexpectedly, you pushed her down! Even I was deceived by you! are so vicious Already!"

Li Lingchuan was about to cry because of this woman!

Seeing that her reputation had completely ruined the street within a quarter of an hour, Li Lingchuan made a choice right away, quickly shifted the responsibility to Murong Fei, and tried hard to get herself out.

He can't be dragged down by such a brainless woman!

However, Li Lingchuan was in a panic, he only remembered to clean himself up, but he forgot that he and Murong Fei were on the same boat, and that Murong Fei also had a handle on him!

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