Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1705 Who do you think you are? (1)

Huang Yueli glanced at her, and said slowly: "I'm sorry, but you seem to have made a mistake, I never said that I want to participate in the certification of a first-level craftsman."

The girl refiner was obviously stunned for a moment, but then she showed a mocking smile and said, "What do you mean? Did you back off temporarily because you knew you would definitely fail the certification? Isn't this too funny? You Since you are not here to participate in the certification, then our Artifact Master Guild does not welcome idlers to come in, you can go out!"

Huang Yueli raised the corners of her mouth with a half-smile, "You don't seem qualified to drive me out, do you?"

"Hmph, why am I not qualified?" The girl squinted at her. As a third-tier genius refiner, her sense of superiority was beyond words, "I tell you, idlers are not allowed to enter the refiner's guild. This is the guild's rule. It’s not that I’m targeting you! Even if you are a disciple of the Cangxuan Sword Sect, you still have to abide by it! I advise you to leave as soon as possible, lest I call the guards to chase you away, and you will definitely lose face.”

Huang Yueli said coldly: "I know the rules of the Artifact Refiner's Guild better than you! Now I'm here to participate in the Artifact Refiner Certification, but you don't even let me fill in the registration form, and you want to drive me out? "

The girl hadn't reacted yet, "Didn't you say that you don't want to be certified as a first-level refiner? Could it be that you're playing me?"

Huang Yueli curled her lips slightly, "Who's playing tricks on you? What I want to certify now is not a first-level craftsman, but... a fifth-level!"

Her original intention was to be certified as a seventh-level craftsman, but her age is at this point. If she said that she wanted to be certified as a seventh-level under the watchful eyes of so many people, it would definitely cause a sensation and crowds.

At that time, it is easy to arouse the suspicion of others, which is very unfavorable for her to hide her identity.

Therefore, she plans to certify the fifth-level refiner first, because the fifth-level assessment is conducted one-on-one by the elders of the refiner association, and there is no need for people to watch in the public.

After passing the fifth-level assessment, play by ear.

However, even though she has said that the target level of her certification is much lower, it is still shocking enough.

The reception girl accidentally knocked over the tea cup in her hand on the spot, and the tea flowed along the table, soaking a large stack of blank registration forms on the table.

However, she didn't bother to clean it at all, but her eyes widened, looking at Huang Yueli as if she had seen a ghost.

"What did you just say? Do you want to many levels of refiner do you want to certify?"

While she was in a daze, Huang Yueli reached out and took the registration form from her hand, while filling it out, she said, "You are so young, why is your hearing so bad? This can also be used as a reception for the Artifact Refiner's Guild." Is it? I want to participate in the certification of the fifth-level craftsman, you can help me to inform the elders inside!"

After she finished speaking, she threw the completed form in front of the girl.

The girl had a dull expression on her face, until the registration form fell in front of her, she suddenly came back to her senses and screamed.

"How is it possible? You want to participate in the certification of a fifth-level craftsman?? How old are you? Do you think you are the late ninth-level craftsman Huang Yueli?"

When Huang Yueli heard this, the corners of her mouth couldn't help twitching.

Hearing his own name in this situation is really... a bit weird.

However, the girl who received her didn't notice anything strange about her.

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