Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1706 Who do you think you are? (2)

She was still chattering and saying: "That is to say, Master Huang was able to be certified as a fifth-level refiner at the age of fifteen! This is the only one in Tianling Continent's tens of thousands of years of history! You are from the Southern Tianyu The little girl here is not even a craftsman, so she dares to say such big words? It's ridiculous!"

The girl screamed just now, but she didn't control the volume at all.

Therefore, the attention of many people around was attracted, especially when they heard the words "Fifth-Rank Artifact Refiner Certification", it attracted everyone around to turn their heads frequently.

Although today's certification assessment is for all levels of refiners, the vast majority of people are here to participate in the certification of low-level refiners.

Although the certification standard score of the general association will be much stricter, but the refining geniuses cultivated by the great powers of Emperor Lingcheng go to the four major heavens to pass the test in order to make the certification simple. This is a very shameful thing, and no one is embarrassed to do it kind of thing.

No matter how difficult the certification of the General Assembly is, they will rise to the challenge.

Now, the people gathered in the reception hall are mainly this group of people. They are all the most proud refining geniuses among the major forces in Diling City. They are generally under the age of twenty-five, and their refining levels range from one to three.

In all fairness, those who can complete the third-level certification before the age of twenty-five can already be regarded as geniuses. There are still several young people here who have come to participate in the fourth-level certification, and they must be cultivated by first-class powerful forces up.

In the ears of these geniuses, "fifth order" is an extremely sensitive word.

Hearing the girl's scream, many people looked over in surprise.

"What's the situation? What is the fifth level Miss Xia is talking about? Who wants to participate in the fifth level certification?"

"I don't know? It may not be the little girl standing in front of Miss Xia, right? She looks too young, right? At most fifteen or sixteen years old?"

"It can't be her! That's all the refining geniuses in Diling City. We all know each other a little bit. Who has seen that little beauty? The training of a craftsman is very important. She has never been with a famous teacher. How could it be out of thin air?" Come out?"

"That's right, since she doesn't even wear the badge of a refiner, she must be an apprentice of a refiner, right?"

"That's right, she must be an apprentice of a craftsman! We must have misheard just now! However, she is only at this age, if she can pass the first-level certification of the General Assembly today, she can be regarded as a genius, and it is worth paying attention to... ..."

Being followed by everyone's eyes, the expression on Huang Yueli's face remained unchanged.

"What level of certification to apply for is my own business, you just need to inform me."

The girl sneered and said: "It's really ridiculous! The elders of our craftsman association are so busy every day, how can we have time to receive so many boring people! If you want to be certified as a fifth-tier craftsman, you must have at least a fourth-tier craftsman. Badge, do you have it? I see that you are even one level..."

She was talking so much that her mouth was sputtering, when suddenly, as if struck by a thunderbolt, her eyes widened and she stared blankly ahead.

" is that??"

Huang Yueli slowly took out a badge of a fourth-rank refiner from her pocket, and hung it carefully on her chest. Moreover, as a perfectionist, she even adjusted the badge to make it more beautiful. It's been a long time.

When she finally raised her head in satisfaction, everyone around her was completely petrified.

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