Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1728 Who Are You? (1)

If the other party passed the fourth-level certification, he would pay her a set of eighth-level profound weapons!

God knows that he has successfully refined a set of eighth-level profound weapons since he was promoted to the eighth-level refining master, and he plans to sell it at the annual auction for a sky-high price.

In this way, on the one hand, he can make a lot of money, and on the other hand, it will also let the warriors in the entire Tianling Continent know that a new eighth-level craftsman has been born, thus starting his reputation!

This plan was originally perfect, but just because his mind was confused, it was completely ruined now!

This is called the real loss of human wealth!

Elder Sun wants to die now, and he really wishes to turn back time, so he must wake up the self he was an hour ago!

The examiner withdrew his profound energy, made the Wu Nian Dharma Seal change back to its original seal size, and then returned it to Huang Yueli.

"Miss Bai, congratulations, you have successfully passed the certification of a fourth-level craftsman. This is your no-thought seal, please keep it!"

Huang Yueli nodded and said, "Thank you."

However, she didn't reach out to take the seal.

The examiner was a little surprised and looked up at her, "Miss Bai?"

Huang Yueli smiled, and said politely: "Although the Tier 4 certification assessment is over, can I trouble you to continue to help and complete the test of the No Thought Seal at once?"

The examiner froze for a moment, completely unable to understand what she meant.

"Continue... what? Isn't the test of the Sign of No Thought already completed?"

Huang Yueli shook her head, and said: "Not yet, I only tested four forms just now, and there is still a fifth form that has not been tested..."

"What did you say??"

The examiner's hand trembled, and he couldn't hold the Wu Nian Dharma seal in his hand at all. A small seal fell from between his fingers and almost smashed to pieces on the ground.

Fortunately, Huang Yueli was well prepared, reached out to grab it, and caught the No-Nian Dharma Seal.

"Why are you so careless? Could it be that during the test just now, my profound energy was consumed too much, so I lost my strength and couldn't hold the thing? If so, I will test it myself, it's okay..."

As Huang Yueli said, she poured profound energy into the Wu Nian Seal.

With a flash of silver light, the seal in her hand became the shape of a fan, which she held between her slender and slender fingers and waved it slowly.

This fan showed a deep purple color, and the handle of the fan was polished so that it could be seen, which made Huang Yueli's fingers as white as jade.

Everyone's eyes focused on her hand, and they were stunned. Everyone seemed to be struck by lightning, and their expressions were dull.

With a wave of Huang Yueli's right hand, the fan suddenly opened, and a bolt of lightning shot out from it!

The electric light roared and flew over the heads of the crowd, and flew straight out of the gate, just hitting a towering giant tree in front of the gate.

There was a loud "boom", and the huge tree, which was thousands of years old and needed twenty people to surround it, was instantly split, scorched on the outside and tender on the inside, and the leaves fell to the ground with a clatter.

The entire certification hall was extremely quiet, and many people even forgot to breathe, staring blankly at this scene.

I don't know how long it took before someone gradually reacted.

"This... this... this is... the fifth state of the no-thought seal??"

"Oh my god, you're lying, right? How is this possible? It's clearly a fourth-order no-thought seal, how can there be a fifth state! I must be dreaming, right?"

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