Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1729 Who Are You? (2)

"No, this is not a dream, I saw it too... Moreover, this fifth fan form has a stronger attack power increase than the previous forms!"

"This is really... unbelievable!"

The eyes of everyone looking at Huang Yueli were not only full of admiration, but full of reverence!

If it is said that Huang Yueli's performance before was still within everyone's acceptance range, then her achievements now have exceeded everyone's imagination!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, who would have believed that a fourth-order profound weapon could fully achieve the attributes of a fifth-order profound weapon?

One must know that the entire refining process of Huang Yueli just now was under the supervision of everyone.

Everyone has seen that all the materials she used to refine this No Thought Seal are fourth-order materials, and they are still ordinary fourth-order materials!

Profound weapons refined with fourth-order materials, on the contrary, surpassed the attributes of fifth-order profound weapons in an all-round way! This kind of thing... doesn't conform to the basic common sense of refining weapons at all!

However, the facts are now in front of them, and no one can deny it.

After Huang Yueli finished the demonstration, she withdrew her profound strength, and at the same time, she also took back the No-Nian Dharma Seal into her own space.

Then, she turned to the examiner's direction, "Okay, my presentation is over, I think I can pass the practical assessment, right?"

"Of course!" The examiner's voice trembled.

"Then... my certification..." Huang Yueli stretched out her hand towards the examiner.

When participating in the review and certification assessment, according to the regulations, she pledged her weapon refiner badge to the examiner. If she failed, she would be taken back on the spot.

The examiner hurriedly picked up the badge from the table, and was about to hand it back to Huang Yueli when he suddenly froze again.

Huang Yueli's completed no-mind seal is already at the fifth level.

And the certification assessment for a fifth-tier craftsman is just to use fifth-tier materials to refine fifth-tier profound weapons. Now Huang Yueli has already completed it with fourth-tier materials. Doesn't this mean that her strength has surpassed fifth-tier Alchemist?

Under such circumstances, can Huang Yueli directly obtain the fifth-level certification?

However, this is not within the scope of his authority...

Just when the examiner was hesitating, a cold and low voice sounded from the corner.

"Miss Bai, on behalf of the General Assembly of the Artifact Refiner's Guild, I will directly confer on you the title of Tier 5 Artifact Refiner!"

When Huang Yueli heard this familiar voice, she couldn't help but tremble all over, then raised her head and looked in the direction where the voice came from.

Ye Xinghua took off the hat of his cloak and strode towards the crowd.

None of the refiners expected that their respected chairman had not left, but was secretly hiding in a corner, watching Huang Yueli's process of refining and testing the profound weapon.

They quickly retreated one after another, making way for Chairman Ye.

The examiner hurriedly saluted Ye Xinghua, Ye Xinghua just nodded lightly, then turned to Huang Yueli.

"Miss Bai, your refining strength has obviously reached the fifth level. It is the mistake of our Artifact Masters Association to waste your time to participate in the review of the fourth level certification. Therefore, as the president, I decided to award you the fifth level directly. High-level refiner certification."

Huang Yueli had put away her shock, and said with a calm smile, "That's it... Thank you, President Ye!"

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