Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1735 Who are you? (8)

He widened his eyes, as if he wanted to see clearly whether the girl in front of him was a human or a ghost.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt as if he was looking into a bottomless pool, his entire soul seemed to be sucked in, and he felt dizzy for a while.

Immediately afterwards, there seemed to be a loud "buzz" in his head, and he couldn't remember what he said...

Seeing that the look in his eyes disappeared, Huang Yueli raised her hand to wipe the cold sweat from her forehead.

"It's so dangerous, I almost couldn't control him! This is the first time in my life to control a warrior in the ninth level! Fortunately, the will of the craftsman is far less firm than that of the warrior..."

If you want to determine whether Ye Xinghua is still the same as ten years ago, of course you can't draw a conclusion by a few plausible formulas.

Huang Yueli had been paying attention from the very beginning, to control Ye Xinghua with the Tongtian Pupil Technique before questioning him.

Because only in this situation can she be sure that what the other party said is definitely not a lie.

And she would rest assured to follow Ye Xinghua to the inside of the Refiner Association because this is the place where she feels safest.

For tens of thousands of years, she has been the only person who can control all the internal organs of the association, and even Ye Xinghua, the current president, can only control about half of them.

If Ye Xinghua really dared to plot evil here, he would definitely be the one who died ugly...

However, safety is one thing. It is still not easy to control Ye Xinghua, because Ye Xinghua is also a warrior of the ninth level. Although he is only at the first level of the ninth level, his cultivation level is still much higher than that of Huang Yueli now.

Huang Yueli had no choice but to think of a way to stimulate him. When he was extremely shocked and his heart and soul were shaking, he suddenly used the technique of Tongtian Pupils to succeed in one fell swoop.

Due to the huge difference in cultivation between the two, Huang Yueli also consumed a lot of mental energy, and her head was still aching.

But she didn't care about resting, and immediately moved to Ye Xinghua and asked, "Do you still remember Huang Yueli?"

A trace of excitement flashed in Ye Xinghua's eyes, "I remember, why don't I remember! That is my master, the most outstanding craftsman in Tianling Continent. Even in ancient times, there may not have been a craftsman like her. It's amazing, it's the idol I pursue all my life, but..."

Ye Xinghua paused, his voice became sharper, and he seemed very excited.

"She's dead! She blew herself up in the extreme northern ice field, and her soul flew away! She will never enter reincarnation!"

Huang Yueli hastily comforted him, "Okay, okay, I understand, don't get excited... that happened so many years ago..."

Seeing him like this, Huang Yueli felt a little bit sad in her heart.

It seems that Ye Xinghua's feelings for her were really deep back then. Sixteen years later, recalling the past still made him so excited...

It would be a lie to say that she was not moved, but unfortunately, she already had someone in her heart, and no matter how deeply other people loved her, she could only pretend that she didn't know.

Ye Xinghua calmed down a little after Huang Yueli talked about it. She seized the time and continued to ask: "What happened after Huang Yueli died? Do you still remember?"

Ye Xinghua was a little excited when he heard that.

"That...that group of despicable villains! Not a few days after Master's death, several high-ranking weapon refiners rebelled and secretly put a few ninth-level warriors of unknown origin into the headquarters!"

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