Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1736 After self-destruct... (1)

Huang Yueli was a little surprised, and asked: "Who? Why did they enter the Artifact Refiner's General Assembly? Could it be that they came to steal profound weapons?"

After she blurted out, she felt something was wrong again.

The internal warehouse of the Artifact Refiner's Association has a large collection of high-level profound weapons. No major power in Tianling Continent has such a huge inventory.

However, it is absolutely impossible for the forces behind this to be able to support several ninth-level warriors, and to buy high-level craftsmen so that they risk their reputation and ruin their reputation. Profound weapon, do you still want to steal it?

However, Ye Xinghua nodded, "That's right, they really came here to steal things... No, to be precise, they came here to find things!"

Huang Yueli frowned, she didn't expect such an answer, her intuition told her that the truth behind it must not be simple.

"What the hell is going on? You start from the beginning and tell me in detail."

Ye Xinghua's breathing became rapid, and he seemed a little excited.

"The news of Master's death spread to the Artifact Master Association. Everyone was shocked. No one believed that she would pass away at such a young age. Some manuscripts and thoughts that came down."

"That night, I slept very late, and I vaguely heard someone passing by the corridor, and they were talking in a low voice. It sounded like there were at least a dozen people. Most of the refining masters come and go alone, and it is rare for so many people to go together. It was late at night, so I sneaked over to watch."

"As a result, I saw that six or seven high-level weapon refiners, leading a few powerful ninth-level fighters, entered the area where outsiders were not allowed to enter, and two of them were the head of the weapon refiner. Elders of the meeting!"

"What?? An eighth-level craftsman also participated in this matter?" Huang Yueli exclaimed in surprise.

Only an eighth-level craftsman can serve as the elder of the general assembly, and the eighth-level craftsman is very expensive, and is also sought after by all major forces. He is definitely rich in fame and fortune, and has everything he needs.

They are willing to take risks to let outsiders in. What is wrong with this?

However, when Ye Xinghua continued to speak, the content was even more shocking!

"Because they have too many masters, I dare not confront them face to face. I just want to see what they want to do first, then collect evidence, and find an opportunity to report them. I followed them carefully and found that their first The one who goes is my master's refining room!"

Huang Yueli was startled, "My refining room??"

"The Artifact Refining Room Guild has regulations. After the Master of Artifact Refining passes away, the used Artifact Refining Room must be taken back to the public. Therefore, after the master passes away, the power of the formation that used to protect the Artifact Refining Room will gradually weaken. Several seventh-level and It took a long time for the eighth-level refining room to join forces, and the violent destruction by the warriors of the ninth level finally broke in. A group of people rushed into the refining room and began to rummage through boxes and cabinets, searching every corner. all over."

Huang Yueli seemed to understand something, and said thoughtfully: "They are looking for a rare treasure, right? Did you hear what they said?"

"Yes!" Ye Xinghua nodded, "I vaguely heard that they were saying, search carefully, the thing is only a small piece, and it is likely to be covered by the concealment formation."

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