Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1741 After self-destruct... (6)

Huang Yueli nodded, "That's right, but he once lost his memory, and he didn't remember everything about his previous life until a few months ago. His current name is Li Moying, which is Cangxuanjian..."

"Isn't that the peerless genius who caused a sensation at the gate of Nancheng a few days ago?" Ye Xinghua blurted out.

Huang Yueli blinked, and said unexpectedly: "What? Even you know?"

Li Moying is in the limelight now. However, craftsmen generally seldom pay attention to the affairs of warriors, especially high-level craftsmen like Ye Xinghua, who spend most of their energy on crafting. Mind other things.

Ye Xinghua said: "Of course I know! In the entire Emperor Ling City, is there anyone who doesn't know? This is not an ordinary genius. I heard many people say that his talent is even better than Mu Chengying back then, and he will definitely become a new genius in the future." No. 1 master in the mainland! Unexpectedly, after a long time, this is the same person... No wonder, no matter what conditions Zihua Tianfu offered, he was unmoved, and went directly to Cangxuan Sword Sect."

Huang Yueli showed a smile, hearing others praise Li Moying so much, she was always honored as a fiancée.

"Mo Ying's bloodline talent in this life is indeed better than in his previous life. However, his strength still hasn't reached the peak state of his previous life. I'm afraid he will have to practice for a while before he can recover."

She paused, and then said: "Okay, my matter is roughly like this, I will continue to investigate President Jiang's matter. By the way, I am here this time to find you as a seventh-level craftsman Certification, the Tianling Chamber of Commerce's annual auction is about to start, and I have a batch of seventh-order profound weapons to sell."

Ye Xinghua glanced at her, and pondered, "Master wants a seventh-level certification, so it's no problem. But, you are too young now, and it's outrageous to get a fifth-level certification in the certification hall just now. If I give you a seventh-level certification Certification...would it arouse suspicion?"

Fifteen or sixteen-year-old seventh-level refiner... is simply unbelievable!

Even in Huang Yueli's previous life, at this age, she could only refine fifth-order high-grade profound weapons.

If he hadn't known that the girl in front of him was Huang Yueli herself, Ye Xinghua would never have believed that such a perverted genius existed!

Moreover, if this matter gets out, Huang Yueli will become famous, which runs counter to her purpose of keeping a low profile.

Huang Yueli thought for a while, and said, "I've already considered this matter. Tianling Chamber of Commerce allows anonymous auctions, so I can use a pseudonym to register with the Artifact Masters Association. It's fine. I just need to ensure that my profound weapon can fetch a high price in the auction house."

"This is feasible," Ye Xinghua nodded, "Then...Master, what is your code name?"

Huang Yueli said without thinking: "It's called... Li Ruobai."

"Li Ruobai?" Ye Xinghua was taken aback for a moment, and then a burst of bitterness welled up in his heart.

In this life, has Huang Yueli's thoughts on Mu Chengying changed? Otherwise, why did you subconsciously use that man's surname when you took a pseudonym?

However, the more shocking thing is yet to come.

Huang Yueli went on to say: "If you have something to do in the future, just send someone to Cangxuan Sword Sect to find me. Although not many people know me, as long as you say you are looking for Li Moying's fiancée, everyone will know that it is you. I."

Thanks to [Qing~Ling], [Wang Ping], and [ゝ残`情ヽ? ], [Flower falls, memory], [The splendor of Xia Hua's life°], [Dai Xiaoying*], [Annie], [189****0530] for tipping~

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