Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1742 After self-destruct... (7)

"What? are engaged to Sect Master Mu!"

This time, Ye Xinghua was even more shocked.

In the past, Mu Chengying proposed to Huang Yueli countless times, and Huang Yueli never nodded her head, so Ye Xinghua also acquiesced that the relationship between the two of them in this life is still as ambiguous as in the previous life.

In the end, who would have known that Huang Yueli had already been engaged to him in this life?

Ye Xinghua had an indescribable feeling in his heart, but he also knew that even without Mu Chengying, Huang Yueli would never be able to like him...

He forced himself to smile a little, and said in a low voice: "Master, congratulations, so Sect Master Mu will be my teacher's wife from now on?"

"Master??" Huang Yueli was stunned for a moment when she heard this address, and then burst out laughing, "That's right, that's right! From now on, he will be your teacher! Just call her teacher when you meet!"

I don't know what kind of reaction Li Moying will have when he hears this address?

You won't be so angry that you slap Ye Xinghua to death, will you?

The two chatted a few more words, Huang Yueli saw that it was not early, and prepared to leave.

Speaking of which, she could be regarded as sneaking out today. If Li Moying knew that she came to see Ye Xinghua while he was in retreat, she might be jealous again.

Ye Xinghua personally sent Huang Yueli out of the Artifact Refiner Association.

When the two passed by the certification hall, there were still many refiners waiting in line for certification.

Seeing the figures of the two, everyone immediately turned their heads and looked over.

They originally thought that they would see Huang Yueli flattering Ye Xinghua. After all, to be supported by the President of the Artifact Refiner Association and appreciated by him, this is heaven for any Artifact Refiner. It's a good thing to drop the pie, and you will wake up with a smile when you dream at night.

But, in fact, what caught their eyes was Ye Xinghua respectfully guiding Huang Yueli.

Everyone rubbed their eyes subconsciously, unable to believe what they saw.

"No way? What's the situation? Why is Chairman Ye so polite to that white girl?"

"Could it be that you value Miss Bai's talent and want to take her as a disciple?"

"What? Impossible? I don't believe it! President Ye is the most skilled craftsman in the entire Tianling Continent. He has inherited most of Master Huang's unique skills. He has never accepted an apprentice! Could it be true this time Will there be an exception?"

"Who knows? Miss Bai can become a fifth-level craftsman at such a young age! Is it normal for President Ye to appreciate her?"

"Oh, I really envy her! Thinking about it, I am older than Miss Bai! As a result, I am still queuing up here to participate in the third-level refining master certification, and I am worried that I will not pass. Look at her... It is really better than others I have to die!"

Ye Xinghua faintly heard everyone's discussion, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

How could he have the ability to accept Huang Yueli as an apprentice? Back then, he begged Huang Yueli to teach him the art of refining weapons, but he had to beg for several years before he got what he wanted.

If these people knew that the "lucky genius girl" in their eyes was Huang Yueli, the number one refiner back then, they would be so surprised!

The two left the gate of the Artifact Refiner's Association. Huang Yueli boarded the carriage, waved to Ye Xinghua, and set off to return to the sect.

However, no one expected that there were two figures in black, observing this scene from the corner.

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