Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1743 kicked the iron plate (1)

"Hey, wake up!" The tall warrior stabbed his companion, "Don't doze off, Bai Ruoli has come out from the Artifact Refiner's Guild, let's quickly follow!"

The short warrior suddenly jumped up as if he had just woken up from a dream.

"Finally! This little girl finally came out, what the hell is she doing, why did she stay in the Artifact Master Guild for so long, what a waste of our time!"

They originally thought that Huang Yueli would come out soon, so they didn't buy tickets to enter the Artifact Refiner's Guild, so they naturally didn't know about the commotion Huang Yueli had just caused.

The tall warrior said impatiently: "Maybe she is going to participate in the craftsman certification! Today the craftsman's guild is quite chaotic, and President Ye suddenly appeared, it probably took a lot of time. Okay, don't worry about it." , she came out late, it is also good for us, the sky has already darkened, and it will be more convenient when we start!"

"That's right, let's follow up!"

Two figures rushed out along the base of the wall, following Huang Yueli's carriage at a distance.

In the carriage, Huang Yueli leaned her head against the side of the carriage, feeling drowsy.

She consumed a lot of mental power today. First, she used extremely complicated refining techniques during the weapon refiner certification assessment. Later, in order to extract the truth from Ye Xinghua's mouth, she used the Tongtian Pupil technique to control the consumption of warriors in the ninth level. It's even bigger.

Therefore, as soon as she got into the carriage, she felt tired.

However, just as she was about to fall asleep, an ominous premonition suddenly rose in her heart, and her heartbeat suddenly missed a beat.

This is an instinctive reaction of a warrior who has been trained for a long time. Whenever a crisis comes, there will be a warning sign in his heart.

Moreover, this feeling... seems to be as uncomfortable as the feeling she felt when she left Cangxuan Sword Sect this morning.

Huang Yueli suddenly opened her eyes, and was about to ask the coachman what was going on.

Unexpectedly, at this time, there were two muffled muffled sounds from the front of the car.

Huang Yueli knew something was wrong, so she lifted the curtain of the car, and saw the two coachmen and guards sitting in front of the car, each lying on one side, their heads hanging down limply, motionless, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

When Huang Yueli saw this, she instantly realized that she was being targeted, but she had seen enough big scenes, so she didn't panic at this time, but quickly put herself on guard, feeling the surrounding situation with her spiritual sense, and acted at any time. Ready for a good fight.

"Who attacked my guards? Since they came after me, what are you doing in hiding? Do you want to be like street rats?" Huang Yueli said in a flat voice.

As soon as she finished speaking, two figures jumped out from the bushes by the roadside and shouted loudly.

"Hey, you little girl, you have a pretty sharp mouth! Is it because you have the support of your fiancé, you are used to being arrogant and your brain is not working?"

"I advise you to follow us obediently and don't make unnecessary resistance, otherwise, you two guards will be your role model!"

Huang Yueli took a closer look, and found that the two warriors had wrapped themselves tightly in black clothes, with only eyes and nostrils exposed on one face, it was obvious that they did not dare to reveal their identities in front of her. .

Moreover, she also noticed that the cultivation of these two people is not high, one is at the first level of the seventh level, and the other is at the second level of the seventh level.

Huang Yueli frowned, "What the hell did you guys do to my guards!"

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