Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1744 kicked the iron plate (2)

The two guards assigned to her by the Cang Po Army are also experts at the seventh level. Moreover, based on the inheritance of the Cangxuan Sword Sect's skills, they should have an absolute advantage when facing warriors of the same level.

How could it be so easy to be knocked down by these two guys who dare not even show their faces?

The short warrior couldn't help laughing, "What? Do you think you're safe with two seventh-rank warriors? Let me tell you, Diling City is no better than those rural places in the Southern Tianyu. There are so many masters here. The environment is really nothing! You two guards are probably too bored waiting for you, so someone chatted with them, and they went to drink tea with them!"

"So, you added ingredients to their teacups?" Huang Yueli raised her eyebrows.

"Hehe, that's right, you are quite smart! These disciples of the Cangxuan Sword Sect think highly of themselves, and they probably never thought that people from other forces would dare to drug them openly, right?" the short warrior said disdainfully.

Don't look at him speaking so arrogantly, in fact, if he were to be asked to drug a direct disciple of the Cangxuan Sword Sect, he really wouldn't dare to do it.

But now, seeing that the biggest opportunity in his life is right in front of him, as long as he catches this little girl, his future prosperity is just around the corner, so he won't care about so much!

Huang Yueli looked stunned, but at the same time felt relieved, it seemed that the two guards were just drugged and they wouldn't die for a while.

However, the quality of the disciples of the Cangxuan Sword Sect is really not that good now! Sixteen years ago, such a mindless disciple would have been kicked out by Mu Chengying.

The tall warrior saw Huang Yueli's thoughtful look and thought she was afraid, so he felt even more proud, thinking that today's mission was already a success.

"Miss Bai, don't expect these two guys to wake up and save you. The effect of this drug can last at least twelve hours, and you will definitely not be able to wake up for a while. Moreover, the situation we are in now Duan Guandao has always been inaccessible, usually few people pass by, but now it is so quiet, no one will come to rescue you!"

The short martial artist interjected: "Isn't it? You are calling Tian Tian Ying now, and the ground is not working! Don't do any more pointless resistance! The two of us are also people who love each other, you are such a delicate little girl. , as long as you are obedient and obedient, we will not do anything to you."

Huang Yueli raised her eyebrows and sneered in her heart.

These two idiots are really interesting, but they are just entering the seventh level of cultivation, so they dare to intercept people on the street so arrogantly!

Do you really think she is a weak girl who can be bullied by others?

I believe that they will soon know that if they mess with her, Huang Yueli, they are definitely kicking the iron plate! Wait until they cry!

Thoughts flashed quickly in Huang Yue's mind, but she put on a look of fear on her face, her long eyelashes fluttered constantly, and her voice was as thin as a mosquito screeching.

" really won't hurt me?"

She was already extremely beautiful, but her fragile appearance added a bit of charm at this time, and the short warrior suddenly became lustful.

"Of course not, hehe, a beauty like you, who would have the heart to hurt you? Isn't that right, brother?" He looked at the tall warrior beside him.

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