Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1749 Kicked to the iron plate (7)

But now, that opportunity was handed to him by himself, if he just let it go, he would become a fool!

Thinking of this, the old man immediately flew up and followed closely along the vague ruts on the ground.


Huang Yueli hurried all the way, eager to rush back to the Cangxuan Sword Sect.

However, the road that the two men in black took her was really remote. If she hadn't lived in Diling City for decades in her previous life, and probably knew a little about the surrounding environment, she might have lost her way a long time ago. .

It took her a while to recognize the direction, and she drove the carriage to return to the official road.

At this moment, a sharp profound force suddenly struck from behind her right!

Huang Yueli's reaction was extremely quick, and she jumped off the carriage in one go!

The black force just hit the fourth-order Zhao Yebai pulling the cart, and the two steeds neighed miserably, and were split in two by this black force, and fell to the ground with their internal organs spilling out on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Huang Yueli frowned slightly.

The strength of the visitor... was beyond her expectations!

It can kill two Tier 4 monsters with one blow, and it is aimed at such a high-speed moving situation. This level of strength is very unusual.

Moreover, it was obvious that the purpose of the people was to kill her two horses and trap her here, otherwise, she would have no chance to escape just now.

The visitor didn't want to hide his identity, so he just walked out from not far away.

"Miss Bai, you are in such a hurry, where do you want to go?"

Huang Yue was surprised in her heart, and at the same time, she could see that the strength of the old man in front of her should be between the third and fourth levels of the Ninth Level Realm.

Generally speaking, this kind of cultivation is not considered a first-rate expert in God Lingcheng, not even a second-rate fighter. Besides, at such an age, it would be a compliment to say that he is a third-rate warrior.

But, no matter what, he is a genuine Ninth Layer Realm!

For her who is only in the sixth level, it is a huge threat, and she may die on the spot.

Huang Yueli was alert in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face, "Who are you?"

The old man looked her up and down, seeing her calm and calm look, and there was some appreciation in his eyes.

"Tsk tsk, as expected of Li Moying's fiancée, she really has an extraordinary bearing. But, why do you have the face to play dumb here? Just now, two disciples of this old man invited you to our sect with good intentions, but you killed someone just because you didn't agree with each other! Do you dare to do whatever you want just because you are a disciple of Cangxuan Sword Sect?"

Huang Yueli heard the words, and suddenly said: "So, you are also from the Leng family!"


The old man almost vomited blood upon hearing this.

He originally wanted to threaten and take people away, but he didn't want to expose the power behind him, but who would have known that the little girl in front of him already knew it!

There is no need to ask, it must be the two idiots who just said that they missed it!

In this case, there is no point in putting on airs.

The old man simply snorted coldly: "Okay, since you know the identity of the old man, you also know that what happened to you today was caused by your fiancé! In order to avenge Mr. Yifeng, we will never If you let Li Moying go, it will be useless for you to struggle!"

"The old man is not those two idiots. I advise you not to make any small moves. You can't escape the old man's palm."

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