Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1750 Kicked to the iron plate (8)

Huang Yueli also knew that facing such a warrior at the ninth level, the possibility of him being able to repel him was very low.

She frowned slightly, complaining bitterly in her heart.

I thought I had gotten rid of the tracking of the Leng family and could go back quickly, but I didn't know that after killing two young ones, another old one was drawn out.

A martial artist in the Ninth Layer Realm, in the power of the Leng Clan, is an elder after all, but he came to kidnap someone himself at such a low price. One can imagine what kind of benefits the Leng Clan Chief promised!

This is definitely going to kill Li Moying!

Now, how should she get away?

She does have an emergency distress order from the Cangxuan Sword Sect on her body. This is a protection order card that only the most core direct disciples in the sect can have, but she is still some distance away from the Cangxuan Sword Sect. Going out, it may take a long time for the rescuers to arrive.

Could she delay for such a long time?

Just as she was thinking, the old man snorted impatiently.

"Okay, I'll warn you again, don't try to make any foolish plans! You don't even want to hurt this old man with your little cultivation! If you offend me, I don't mind breaking all the meridians of your hands and feet and then tying them up again. Drag it back to the Leng family!"

Huang Yueli twitched the corner of her mouth, and said in a low voice: "Don't...don't do this, I'll just go with you."

The old man ordered coldly: "Hurry up and follow!"

Huang Yueli moved slowly from her feet, and walked towards him.

The old man thought that he had an absolute advantage in strength, and she would never dare to resist, so he let her approach without any precautions, intending to tie her up.

But when the two were only three steps away, Huang Yueli suddenly flicked her wrist!

A silver light flashed in front of the old man's eyes!

"What?? What is this thing??"

The old man felt something was wrong, and suddenly backed away!

But the distance between the two was too close, and he had no time to guard against it. He only felt bursts of dazzling light flashing continuously, and severe stinging pain came from his face, chest, and arms!

The old man desperately waved his hands, using his profound strength to knock the flying profound weapon away.

It wasn't until after a stick of incense that the silver light disappeared completely, and the old man realized that what attacked him just now were actually a bunch of flying knives as thin as cicada's wings!

These throwing knives can break through the body-protecting profound strength of a ninth-level warrior and cause him damage. Obviously, they are at least seventh-level profound weapons!

And these seven-level flying knives were scattered all over the place, and the old man glanced roughly, and saw at least seventy or eighty of them!

Even though he was in such a mess right now, the old man couldn't help but feel astonished. So many seventh-order profound weapons are still of the same standard... Where did they all come from?

However, before the old man could figure it out, out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a slender figure running towards the bushes in the wilderness!

Not only that, above Huang Yueli's head, a sword-shaped totem rose into the sky, illuminating a large area of ​​the night sky.

"Oops! This little girl actually has an emergency distress order from the Cangxuan Sword Sect! Damn it, how could this happen? This token can only be obtained by twenty best-qualified direct disciples. She is not an important person, but She got in because of a man's face, how could she have such a thing??"

The old man knew that this was going to be bad, he had to quickly catch Huang Yueli and take him away.

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