Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1751 Li Moying's anger (1)

The Cangxuan Sword Sect's rescue would arrive in about a quarter of an hour at most, if he could not catch this little girl in time and take her away, then he would be bumped into by the elders who came from the Cangxuan Sword Sect.

With his strength, how dare he compete with the top warriors of the First Holy Land?

Of course, he can also choose to turn around and run away now, letting this little girl go, but just now he has revealed that he is from the Leng family. He didn't catch him, but he exposed the family's secrets. If the patriarch found out, he wouldn't be able to eat and walk away!

Besides, this little girl used dozens of throwing knives to make him look ashamed. If he didn't give her some color and let her go like this, he would really be unwilling!

The old man's feet accelerated suddenly, and he chased after Huang Yueli.

Huang Yueli was very aware of the crisis she was facing, raised her profound strength, and ran as fast as she could. At the same time, the seventh-order profound weapon was thrown in the direction of the old man as if it didn't cost money!

The old man obviously didn't expect that there would be so many high-level profound weapons on her body! There is a feeling of inexhaustibility and inexhaustibility!

He was too lazy to dodge at first, but after being stabbed several times, in order to avoid being stabbed into a honeycomb by Huang Yueli's flying knife dagger, he still had to choose to dodge properly.

In this way, his speed is greatly reduced.

And Huang Yueli used the light dancing steps to run faster and faster.

One chased and the other fled. The distance between them was shrinking, but in the short term, they were still at a safe distance.

Seeing the passage of time, the old man became more and more impatient.

If she still can't catch up with this dead girl, I'm afraid she will be caught by the Cangxuan Sword Sect!

In desperation, the old man suddenly had evil thoughts in his heart!

Originally, he only wanted to bring Huang Yueli back to the Leng family, but in order to be effective enough to threaten Li Moying, he still wanted to keep the integrity of the "mortgage" and did not want to seriously injure Huang Yueli.

But now, the little girl has escaped from his grasp several times, and the time is getting tighter, so the old man can't care about anything else.

He suddenly activated his profound technique, and a stream of earth-attributed profound energy shot out from his fingertips!

Pulled by his profound strength, the dirt on the ground suddenly rose upwards, forming mounds of soil in Huang Yueli.

Huang Yueli stepped on it and almost fell down. Although she barely managed to control her body balance, her light dance steps were interrupted, and her speed immediately slowed down.

But the old man chased after him with a stride, and at the same time, another burst of profound energy was shot out, hitting directly at Huang Yueli's back!

Earth attribute warriors were not good at speed, but the difference in cultivation between the two was too great, and the blow from the old man used at least seventy percent of his strength.

Huang Yueli couldn't dodge in time, and clearly felt the sharp profound energy behind her, approaching little by little...

It seemed that she was bound to be hit.

At that time, even if she didn't die on the spot, she would be severely injured, enough to make her fall to the ground on the spot, unable to move. Next, no matter what the old man wants to do, she can't resist at all...

Huang Yueli gritted her teeth fiercely, but there was nothing she could do for a while.

A ferocious smile appeared on the old man's face.

This damn girl dared to provoke a Ninth Layer expert like him, and really hurt him, she really ate a bear's heart and a leopard's guts!

Did she really think that she dared not hurt her?

He's going to make this little girl pay the price!

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