Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1759 Li Moying's anger (9)

After a while, Huang Yueli gently pushed the man in front of her.

"Okay, are you not angry? Did you go out to find me immediately after you came out of retreat this time? Did you not eat all the time? It happens that I didn't have dinner either, so why don't you eat with me?"

Huang Yueli leaned in front of her fiancé, her tone was very gentle and sweet, full of intentional flattery.

Li Moying just glanced at her lightly, but didn't speak.

Wow, you're still putting on airs! Why has this man become a little difficult to coax recently?

Huang Yueli blinked her eyes, her white and tender hands grabbed the clothes on his chest, and slowly leaned towards him until their noses met and they breathed each other.

"Why are you still angry? Didn't I obediently listen to you? How about this, I will kiss you, and you will forgive me, okay?"

As she spoke, she stuck out the tip of her tongue and licked lightly along Li Moying's beautifully shaped thin lips.

Li Moying only felt a tingling sensation coming from his lips, his eyes were slightly closed, and he only stared at the girl in front of him from the corner of his eye.

That fair and beautiful little face looked pure and pleasant, but the slightly rolling eyes revealed an unparalleled sense of temptation, like a fire that could ignite people in an instant.

This strong contrast made Li Moying's heart beat wildly, her Adam's apple slid up and down, and her strong hands grasped the girl's slender shoulders.

However, the next moment, he forcefully pushed Huang Yueli away.

Huang Yueli let out a "huh" and raised her eyes to look at him, greatly surprised. Because according to Li Moying's emotional performance just now, she really didn't expect that she would be pushed away!

Just when she was surprised, Li Moying took a deep breath, forced herself to suppress her impulsive reaction, stepped back a few steps, and looked at her deeply.

"What... why are you looking at me like this?" Huang Yueli pursed her lips, feeling a little unhappy.

Being coquettish and being cute doesn't work, but active seduction doesn't work either? ?

Could it be that his charm has declined? how could be? She obviously felt that with the continuous improvement of her cultivation, she became more and more beautiful!

Unwillingly, she wanted to move forward again.

Li Moying quickly took a few steps back and coughed softly, "Don't come here, I have something to ask you!"

"Uh... what do you want to ask?" Huang Yueli suddenly became uneasy. She thought today's affairs had been mixed up! In the end, Li Moying wasn't dazzled by her initiative at all, and she still remembered to ask her teacher to ask her to blame...

"Let me ask you, you insist on going to Diling City today, what exactly are you doing?"

Li Moying asked with a serious expression, the majestic No. 1 expert in Tianling Continent, at this time, is no different from any jealous man who overturns the jealousy.

"Oh, you asked this! Actually it's nothing, I just suddenly remembered that today is the day of the public certification and assessment of the Artisan Association, and I want to get a badge of a high-level artisan, whether it is auctioned Whether it’s consignment or other things, it can be more convenient!”

Huang Yueli knew that he would ask this question, so she was already prepared.

Therefore, she answered very fluently, and the expression on her face was very natural, and there was nothing abnormal about it.

But in fact, she cleverly avoided the point of the problem, trying to muddle through.

However, Li Moying is not so easy to fool.

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