Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1760 Li Moying's Rage (10)

He raised his eyebrows, and continued to ask: "You went to the Artifact Master Guild to participate in the certification? What level of certification did you participate in? Show me the badge?"

Huang Yueli hurriedly presented the badge of the seventh-level refiner who had just received it and was still warm.

Li Moying looked at it over and over for a while, and said, "It seems that you are really going to participate in the certification..."

"Hey, what do you mean! Do I still lie to you!" Huang Yueli muttered dissatisfied.

Li Moying snorted, "It's impossible to lie to me, but it's very possible to hide something from me."

"Where is it?"

"Then let me ask you, you, a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl, went to the Artifact Refiner's Guild and said that she wanted to be certified as a seventh-level Artifact Refiner. Didn't others drive you out as a lunatic? Did you really get certified? Besides, haven't you always been afraid of revealing your identity? Are you not afraid of being suspicious if you go to the Artifact Refiner's Guild in such a high-profile way?"

Li Moying asked each sentence, every sentence hit the point of doubt.

Huang Yueli knew that he already had the answer in his heart, so he just stuck out his tongue and said, "Okay, okay, I admit, I chose to go to the Artifact Refiner's Guild today because I wanted to meet Ye Xinghua..."

"Oh, let me just say, it turned out that I went to the city secretly without telling my fiancé to meet other men, and I didn't even care about my own safety..."

Before Huang Yueli could finish speaking, Li Moying couldn't help but interjected, the sourness in his tone could be smelled across ten miles and eight villages.

Huang Yueli was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help laughing, "Why are you talking like this! You clearly know that Xinghua is just my apprentice! Besides, he is now the president of the Artifact Refiner Association, and what's more, What is rare is that you are always loyal to me, it is really rare..."

"Well, he is loyal to you, so you are very moved?"

Li Moying still had a cool expression on his face, with his arms folded around his chest, his sword eyebrows raised upwards, and the sparkle in his peach blossom eyes, he was really handsome.

However, the tone of the speech sounded like a little boy whose candied haws were robbed, arrogant and unhappy.

"Who doesn't know, Ye Xinghua has liked you since he was a teenager, and he is thick-skinned enough to use the weapon refining as an excuse to hang around you every day! I think he is plotting to do something wrong! Do you think he wants you as his teacher? Have you given up? I still miss you until now, this love is really deep enough!"

"Anyway, I don't like it when you go to see him, let alone go to see him alone! You are not allowed to go to the Artifact Refiner's Guild in the future!"

She knows it!

Huang Yueli was speechless for a while. In her previous life, this man hated Ye Xinghua very much, and because of this, he once prevented her from going to the Artifact Refiner's Guild! The result is still the same.

However, she could not go anywhere, but she had to go to the Artifact Refiner's Guild!

Among other things, there is President Jiang's matter, waiting for her to find out the truth and take revenge.

Huang Yueli bit her lip, suddenly jumped up from the bed, rushed over and hugged Li Moying's waist.

Li Moying wanted to dodge, but Huang Yueli's speed was so fast that he was caught off guard, not only failed to dodge, but also lost his footing, and fell to the ground all at once.

With a "bang", the two fell to the ground together.

Li Moying fell on his back, felt a bit of pain, and frowned slightly, while Huang Yueli lay on his chest, her hands tightly grasping the clothes around his waist.

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