Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1772: On the list (2)

This made Pang Yihao couldn't help putting away his contempt, and re-examined this beautiful girl.

As expected of Li Moying's fiancée, she really has something extraordinary.

At this moment, the big bronze bell at the foot of the mountain was rang suddenly, and the deep bell resounded throughout the square.

Hearing the bell, the noisy crowd suddenly became quiet.

Because today's ladder assessment is about to officially start.

After a while, Cang Poyu appeared on the high platform and announced the assessment rules.

"...Today is the sixth day of the assessment. I believe that everyone has already understood the rules of the assessment of climbing the ladder. I would like to emphasize a few points: First, warriors below the seventh level who fall off the cliff are basically dead. , everyone had better keep this in mind and make a choice carefully. Second, according to regulations, if an inner disciple enters the top 100 on the cloud ranking list, he can be directly promoted to a core disciple, and there will be double rewards. During the three days of cultivating in Xijianchi, please do your best, this is the best opportunity of the year!"

After Cang Poyu said something, the inner disciples at the foot of the mountain all showed anticipation and excitement, and they were obviously ready to perform well.

However, the warriors in the peripheral auditorium seemed a little disapproving.

"These inner sect disciples really know how to dream, do they really think that they can enter the top 100 on the cloud board?"

"There are nearly 300 direct disciples of the Cangxuan Sword Sect, and most of them are above the seventh level! For those inner disciples, it is not bad to have a level 6 level of cultivation. Do you still want to enter the top one hundred?"

"Generally, it's pretty good to have such a dark horse for ten consecutive years! I haven't heard of any outstanding figures among the inner disciples recently. It seems that today's assessment is nothing to watch."

"Tomorrow's personal disciple assessment will be the pinnacle battle!"

Amidst the discussions, the assessment officially began.

The inner disciples were divided into dozens of groups, each with 20 people, and set off at the same time.

However, since the climbing ladder is a road made of protruding bricks and stones, not to mention the steepness, only one person can pass each time.

With so many people starting at the same time, it meant fierce competition from the very beginning!

When the invigilator gave an order, twenty warriors rushed out immediately! At the same time, indiscriminately attack the warriors around you who block you, or the warriors who block your way up the mountain!

Everyone knows very well that it is easiest to gain the leading position at the beginning, and in the initial stage, the suppression of one's own profound strength is relatively small. The faster you climb, the less consumption you will have. More spare power to deal with the gradually increasing resistance.

At a height of less than 500 meters, even warriors below the seventh level would not be in much danger of falling, which made everyone feel a little less apprehensive.

Huang Yueli had seen this kind of scene a lot, she was no stranger to it.

Luo Jiyun opened his mouth wide, and said with some surprise: "It turns out that climbing the ladder has been so dangerous from the beginning..."

Pang Yihao had been listening on the sidelines, and couldn't help but interjected at this time: "What kind of danger is this? Anyway, if you fall now, you won't be seriously injured!"

"But, when it's over 500 meters, is it dangerous to fall?"

Pang Yihao smiled, and said: "When I first climbed the ladder, my profound strength was half of normal. At this time, everyone's pressure is not too great."

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