Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1773: On the List (3)

"However, after climbing 500 meters, the resistance increases. At this time, the profound strength in the climber's body will continue to be halved. After that, every time he ascends 500 meters, the profound strength will be reduced by half. Therefore, after 500 meters, In fact, there is already a certain gap between warriors, those who are in the lead are often more powerful, and the people behind are rarely able to catch up, and there are very few situations where they attack each other."

Luo Jiyun's face gradually turned pale, "So, after going up three thousand meters, even a martial artist at the ninth level, the level of profound strength in his body will not be much better than that of ordinary people?"

The reason why he asked this question was because he had seen just now that the 100th climber on the Cloud Climbing List was just over 3,000 meters high.

Pang Yihao shook his head.

"Junior Brother Luo, you don't know. If it's just that the profound strength is reduced, then it's fine. Although the distance between the rocks on the cliff is getting wider and wider, many warriors with outstanding talents can jump dozens of times at a time by relying on their physical strength alone. meters, so climbing to the top of the mountain will not be difficult at all, so how could it be possible to fall down after three thousand meters?"

Luo Jiyun was taken aback, "That's right, what's the reason?"

Pang Yihao explained: "Starting from the position of 3,000 meters, the five senses of the climbers will be deprived gradually. First, the vision will gradually become blurred, and a fog will appear in front of the eyes, and it will become thicker and thicker. Geniuses, they fell down here one after another. At 3,500 meters, I could hardly see anything, and then, the sense of touch also began to slowly disappear, and then the sense of hearing..."

Having said this, he stopped.

Luo Jiyun asked: "What about the hearing?"

Pang Yihao spread his hands, and said helplessly: "Then how do I know? I gave up at more than 3,200 meters! Most warriors in the sixth level dare not be like me. Usually, they will take the initiative when they reach 3,000 meters." Give up, after all, falling is no joke! The sense of touch disappears at 3,500 meters, that's what Senior Brother Feng told you last year!"

Huang Yueli and Luo Jiyun glanced at Dengyun Bangbang at the same time.

Behind Feng Zhehao's name, there is a number of 4,100 meters written. He is the only disciple who exceeds 3,800 meters.

Luo Jiyun exclaimed: "It's amazing! No one knows what happened after 4,500 meters?"

Before Pang Yihao could answer, Huang Yueli spoke lightly.

"Actually, there's nothing surprising about it. The ladder is only seven kilometers in total. When it reaches the height of six kilometers, all five senses disappear, and at the same time, the spiritual consciousness completely disappears!"

"Spiritual consciousness has also disappeared?? Then... then how do you judge the direction? Isn't it sure to fall down?"

Huang Yueli shook her head and said, "Although the consciousness has disappeared, it is said that there will still be a kind of power to guide the direction, but various illusions will appear in the mind, triggering the fear and desire in people's hearts. If they are not careful, they will immediately explode in madness , there is no place to die... For tens of thousands of years, there have been at least a dozen peerless geniuses who died in the last kilometer..."

Pang Yihao was terrified and tongue-tied, he couldn't believe his ears.

"Miss Bai, you... How do you know this? Have you ever been to such a height above six thousand meters? No, it's impossible..."

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