Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1776: On the list (6)

When reaching a height of more than 3,100 meters, Mo Yi's foot slipped and almost fell down.


"My God! It's horrible!"

There were exclamations from the foot of the mountain.

Mo Yi finally stabilized his body and successfully stood on the target stone, but he crushed the token decisively and gave up.

Huang Yueli nodded approvingly, she was very satisfied with Mo Yi's performance today.

It is not easy to dare to take risks to continue climbing, but it is also not easy to be able to accurately judge one's own limit and decisively choose to give up.

Mo Yi's ability to do this shows that he has a clear enough understanding of his own strength and has enough confidence.

Mo Yi's figure was quickly teleported to the foot of the mountain.

But at this moment, a golden light glowed on the list of the Cloud Climbing List, and Mo Yi's name appeared on the 81st place, along with the height he finally climbed - 3115 meters .

No one expected that in such an ordinary assessment, a little-known martial artist from the Southern Heaven Region could do something that so many disciples of the inner sect couldn't do—successfully entered the top 100 on the Cloud Ranking List!

Even direct disciples, not everyone can reach this height.

After a short period of silence, there was a burst of cheers from the place where the inner disciples gathered, and the disciples rushed forward, surrounding Mo Yi in the middle.

This is not only the achievement of Mo alone, but also the common honor of all the inner disciples. Usually, the inner disciples do not take the inner disciples seriously, but now there is an inner disciple who is stronger than most of the inner disciples. But it gave face to all the inner disciples!

At this moment, who still remembers that just a month ago, these people still couldn't get used to Mo Yi and the others, thinking that they could only enter the Cangxuan Sword Sect because of Li Moying's relationship, and they were all incompetent trash Woolen cloth?

A large group of people surrounded Mo Yi, shouting "Senior Brother Mo" one by one, shouting with incomparable enthusiasm.

Mo Yi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly felt a familiar gaze looking at him.

He quickly raised his head, just in time to meet Huang Yueli's smiling eyes in the distance.

Huang Yueli nodded towards him, and gave Luo Jiyun a hand.

"Okay, don't look, we should go!"

"Uh, huh? Where are you going? I still want to say congratulations to Brother Mo!"

Huang Yueli glanced at him, and said coolly: "Junior brother Luo, you haven't forgotten, have you? Tomorrow you also have to take part in the assessment for climbing the ladder."


"Ah what! Brother Mo's talent and cultivation are not as good as yours, and he has also entered the top 100. As a direct disciple, if you fail to enter the top 50, wouldn't it be embarrassing for your elder brother!"

Luo Jiyun's face immediately collapsed, "I...I will go back to practice immediately!"

Huang Yueli waved at Pang Yihao, and left with Luo Jiyun.

Only Pang Yihao was left, looking at the backs of the two with a confused face.


As soon as he returned to Floating Sword Palace, Luo Jiyun rushed back to his room to make final preparations for tomorrow's assessment.

Huang Yueli walked briskly back to the apse, just as Li Moying came out from inside.

He walked over quickly, pulled her into his arms, and whispered in her ear.

"Xiao Li'er, did something good happen today? Why are you so happy?"

Huang Yueli hooked the corners of her mouth, and just about to speak, she suddenly saw a large stack of letters on the table, the top one had Feng Zhehao's name impressively written on it.

Thank you for 【笑笑づ你知道の你~】, 【花露,忆】, 【あかしせいじゅうろう】, 【Qing~Ling】, 【Annie】, 【Hold my heart and you are king】, 【? Witty Hee-ran? ], [Gu……………], [★_★], [Guo Baofen], [SpongeBob SquarePants who was squeezed out of the water] ~ Good night everyone!

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