Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1777 The last day (1)

Huang Yueli glanced at it, and immediately laughed.

"This guy... really gave you a challenge book!"

Li Moying asked puzzled, "What do you mean?"

Huang Yueli said with a smile: "I went to see the inner sect disciple's assessment of ascending the ladder today, and this Feng Zhehao kept calling to challenge you, and asked me to pass on a message to you. I ignored him, and I didn't expect him to give you a pass. post."

Li Moying snorted softly, "Boring."

Huang Yueli said with a smile: "How can you say that he is boring? He also wants to attract the attention of the suzerain, and wants to worship under the suzerain!"

Li Moying lowered her head and kissed the hair on the top of her head, and said casually: "A real genius doesn't need to deliberately attract anyone's attention, his talent can't be concealed no matter what. Okay, don't mention spoilers, I I'm starving to death, come and have dinner with me."

During the meal, Huang Yueli described Mo Yi's performance today.

Li Moying showed some relief, "I've been cultivating all this time, and I don't have time to take care of them. It's all up to you to find a way to guide them. So, Mo can become a direct disciple in the coming year?"

Huang Yueli nodded, "That's right, it's better to let him worship under the guardian of the army. The guardian of the army is also not very talented, and he grew up through hard work the day after tomorrow. I think he can give Brother Mo a good guide."

The corners of Li Moying's mouth rose, she pinched Huang Yueli's little hand and brought it to her lips for a light kiss.

"Little Li'er, you are still thoughtful. You are indeed the wife of the suzerain of the Cangxuan Sword Sect."

Huang Yueli blushed a little, lifted her chin, and said arrogantly: "Who... who is your wife! She hasn't said that she must marry you!"

Li Moying shook her head dotingly and smiled, "We are engaged, who else do you want to marry? I warn you, if you fall in love with someone else..."

Huang Yueli blinked, and asked curiously: "How?"

Li Moying glanced at her, and said in a cool tone, "The adulterer chops up ribs and feeds them to the dogs. Why don't you chain them to the bed and give me ten babies to set you free."

Li Moying's threat sounded quite scary, but Huang Yueli burst out laughing when she heard it.

"You'd better find the chains that can hold me down!"

"Do you think I can't? Hmm?" Li Moying exerted force on his hand, causing Huang Yueli to lose her balance and fell towards him.

With a hook, Li Moying pulled her into his arms, brought her handsome face closer, and the bridge of her high nose almost touched her face.

"Little fox, you still want Hong Xing to get out of the wall, you owe me a lesson..." As he spoke, he forcefully blocked the bright red lips in front of his eyes, and crushed them heavily.


The next day, Huang Yueli continued to watch the assessment of her own disciples.

Li Moying wanted to go with her, but Huang Yueli shook her head desperately and refused.

"Oh, don't make trouble! Didn't you see so many people wanting to challenge you? It's fine if you don't show up. If you really show up, why don't you get entangled?"

"Afraid they won't succeed?" Li Moying sneered.

"I'm not afraid of them. It's troublesome. I just went to cheer for Junior Brother Luo. It would be too ostentatious for you to go." She stood on tiptoe, kissed Li Moying, and then patted his handsome face.

"Stay at home and wait for me to come back. I will cook for you in the evening!"

Li Moying's face was not very good-looking, because it felt like his fiancee was coaxing kittens and puppies, it was too perfunctory.

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