Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1778 The last day (2)

However, Huang Yueli didn't feel his resentment at all, she thought she had coaxed her fiancé well, so she turned to call Luo Jiyun, and left briskly.

Luo Jiyun did notice the resentful eyes of the big brother, but he wisely chose to play dumb and slipped away without looking back.

On this day, there were several times more people on the cliff side of the back mountain than yesterday. Every corner was crowded with people, and there was almost no place to stay.

Because, today is the last day of the ladder assessment, and also the most important day.

Those who participated in the assessment today are all the most elite direct disciples of the Cangxuan Sword Sect, and each of them is a first-class talented warrior among the young generation of Emperor Lingcheng!

Usually, these geniuses are proud and arrogant, and they seldom make easy moves. While ordinary disciples admire them, they don't know how amazing their specific strength has reached.

But on today's occasion, these geniuses will show their skills on the ladder and compete for the ranking on the Cloud Ranking List. At that time, everyone can see the true strength of the masters! Just thinking about it is exciting.

Luo Jiyun said hello to Huang Yueli, and then squeezed to the front of the report office to line up.

Huang Yueli is also a direct disciple, logically speaking, she should also participate in the assessment today.

However, she had no intention of showing off her strength, and had no intention of participating in the assessment. In order not to attract attention, she deliberately stood in a far corner.

But even so, her beautiful appearance is still very eye-catching, and those who want to look for her can easily find her figure.

"Junior Sister Bai, you are really here alone! Where's Junior Brother Li? Didn't he receive the invitation I sent to Floating Sword Palace?"

Feng Zhehao saw her graceful figure from a distance, and immediately pushed his way through the crowd and came over.

The warriors around him consciously made way for him.

Among the Cangxuan Sword Sect disciples present, who wouldn't know Zhe Hao, the number one Feng Yunbang? His own fame alone is enough to attract attention.

What's more, the person he was talking to was Li Moying's fiancée Bai Ruoli!

Yesterday, Feng Zhehao publicly asked Bai Ruoli to spread the word that he wanted to compete with Li Moying in the assessment of ascending the ladder, and the news had already spread throughout the Cangxuan Sword Sect!

Many people rushed here just to watch this peak duel.

Now, seeing these two people talking, everyone listened with pricked ears, for fear of missing any sentence.

When Huang Yueli saw him, her face remained normal, she just nodded lightly, "Senior Brother Feng, we meet again. The assessment will start soon, don't you need to queue up to register first?"

Feng Zhehao said: "Didn't you also go to line up?"

Huang Yueli smiled and said, "I'm not going to climb the ladder anymore."

None of the other warriors present felt strange.

When Huang Yueli entered the Cangxuan Sword Sect, she was still at the fifth level of cultivation, so it was written on the information that it was also at the fifth level. A fifth level martial artist was unwilling to participate in the assessment of climbing the ladder out of safety considerations. It's a very normal thing.

After all, the risk of doing so is too great, and it is not directly proportional to the benefits.

Most people only try mountaineering after advancing to the sixth level.

Feng Zhehao also nodded, expressing his understanding, "So that's the case, what about Junior Brother Li? Could it be that he really won't take part in the assessment?"

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