Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1780 The last day (4)

Cang Ningyue's gaze has been scanning the crowd, as if searching for something.

Huang Yueli had an illusion, as if the person she was looking for was herself!

However, there were so many people at the scene, Cang Ningyue looked at it for a while, but seemed to find nothing, under the urging of Cang Pojun, she had no choice but to turn her gaze back to the cliff.

The strength of the direct disciples is indeed much stronger than the inner disciples.

In yesterday's assessment, Mo Yi was the only one who could go up to 3,000 meters, and there were only a handful of people who could go over 2,000 meters.

But today is completely different. The worst among the direct disciples can exceed the position of 2,500 meters, about half of them can break through 3,000 meters, and a few can reach 3,500 meters.

The golden light continuously shines on the board of the cloud.

Every time a group of warriors completes the assessment, the ranking will change.

But in contrast, the probability of accidents today has also increased. In less than half a day, seven or eight people fell from a position of more than 3,000 meters, and one of them was only six. The cultivation of the eighth level of the realm...

Although the Cang Po Army and the others would immediately fly over to rescue every warrior who fell, everyone knew that at least half of these people would not survive.

There was a sound of sighing at the scene.

Although there are seven full days for the assessment of ascending the ladder, only the last day is the closest to the essence of the assessment.

Countless powerful geniuses are vying for the top position, and some people keep updating their rankings on the Dengyun Ranking, achieving amazing and proud achievements. At the same time, there are also people who take risks and fail. They were all buried here...

While some were cheering, others were struggling in pain.

Strength, courage, luck, all are indispensable.

In the afternoon, it was finally Luo Jiyun's turn to play.

When his figure appeared on the ladder, he still attracted the attention of many people.

Although it was only his first time to participate in the assessment and his cultivation level was not high, his identity was extraordinary. Behind him was Li Moying, a famous senior brother!

Moreover, Mo Yi had passed the assessment yesterday, and he became the only dark horse among the inner sect disciples who made it to the top 100 on the cloud ranking list. Other warriors would naturally think of it, even Li Moying's shadow guard is so powerful , Luo Jiyun, as his fellow junior, must be even more difficult.

Huang Yueli's eyes were fixed on him, and she followed his climbing figure all the way up.

At the beginning of 1,500 meters, his speed was very fast, and he was not at all inferior among the direct disciples who had cultivated at the seventh level. After reaching more than 2,000 meters, his speed began to slow down, but it was still quite stable. , moving forward with a unique rhythm.

"Have you noticed? This Junior Brother Luo's footsteps are very steady, with very little force on his feet, but his body is light and light, as if he doesn't need to use force at all."

"This should be a kind of mysterious movement technique!"

"As expected of Li Moying's junior, he really has two brushes!"

"It's too early to say that now! We won't know how capable he is until after three thousand meters!"

Luo Jiyun's body technique is indeed a heavenly technique given by Li Moying, and after Huang Yueli's training, he has already reached the realm of Dacheng.

However, when he reached the 3,000-meter position, his figure suddenly stopped.

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