Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1781 The last day (5)

Huang Yueli frowned slightly, sweating for him.

This is the most difficult node for Luo Jiyun, because his cultivation base is actually worse than Mo Yi, only the sixth level and seventh level!

Although his talent is not bad, but his age is here after all, and the training he received in the Xingyao Sect was far inferior to the warriors under the Cangxuan Sword Sect.

In fact, after Huang Yueli and Li Moying's devil training for him during this period, his real strength can reach a height of more than 3,500 meters, but the pressure he faces is great after all.

With the cultivation base of the sixth level and the seventh level, if one wrong step is made, it will be a point of eternal doom!

He may not have such confidence and courage to overcome his inner fear and really walk to a height of 3,500 meters!

Every step after that is a huge torture and test to his heart.

If he can defeat himself, then, for him, it must be a spiritual baptism and a sublimation of strength.

Cang Pojun and the others were also very nervous, the three guardians all stared at him intently, for fear that he would really fall down.

Luo Jiyun was Li Moying's younger brother brought back from the Southern Heaven Territory, and if he died in the assessment of climbing the ladder they were in charge of, they would all be implicated.

Fortunately, Luo Jiyun didn't pause for a long time. After a while, he took another step and continued to move forward.

One step, two steps, three steps...

Luo Jiyun's every step was completed precisely and perfectly according to the footwork instructed by Huang Yueli, and the gradual decline in his eyesight did not affect the performance of his profound skills.

Huang Yueli nodded in relief, "Not bad, if this continues, he should reach the position of 3,500 meters, there should be no problem! After depends on how much potential he has!"

Just as Huang Yueli expected, Luo Jiyun moved forward slowly but steadily.

When he surpassed 3,200 meters, it caused a commotion in a small area, because it is rare for warriors of the sixth level and seventh level to reach this height.

But he continued to surpass 3,300 meters, 3,400 meters, and passed towards the position of 3,500 meters.

"Wow, he really deserves to be brought by Senior Brother Li! No wonder he can directly become a direct disciple!"

"At his current height, he should already be in the top 40 of the Cloud Climbing List, right?"

"What! It's already in the top 30!"

"What?? Let me see, it really is! If he can go up to 3,500 meters, he is really invincible! In the past thousand years, it seems that no warrior below the seventh level has been able to reach this height!"

"Eh? Sovereign Master..."

"When the suzerain entered the Cangxuan Sword Sect, he was already at the peak of the seventh level realm..."

Amidst the discussion, Luo Jiyun had already reached the 3,500-meter checkpoint, and stopped again.

This time, even Huang Yueli was staring at him closely, not knowing how he would make a choice, because Huang Yueli didn't know whether he could continue to make breakthroughs, maybe if he took another step forward, he would die on the spot. No one can predict.

However, this time, Luo Jiyun, who has always been weak in character, made a choice that was beyond Huang Yueli's expectations.

He... moved on!

Luo Jiyun stepped forward with his left foot and landed firmly on the first stone.

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