Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1795 Can't Go Down (1)

What's even more frightening is that 5,000 meters doesn't seem to be her limit, she is still going up, step by step.

Although, compared with her flying speed at the beginning, she is now slowly moving forward, just like a tortoise crawling, and she takes every step very carefully and cautiously.

However, it is undeniable that she is still moving forward!

Huang Yueli also wanted to know where her limit was, so she moved forward very firmly.

Five thousand meters, five thousand five hundred meters, six thousand meters...

The five senses disappeared little by little, but the coercion he was under was getting bigger and bigger.

Under such circumstances, Huang Yueli only felt that the profound energy in her body was constantly being consumed, pouring out like flowing water, and at the same time, every meridian in her was trembling and tense under the impact. Stretched, it seems that the next moment will break.

Huang Yueli had already experienced the process of washing the scriptures and cutting the marrow in the Phoenix Blood Pond, so she knew exactly what this feeling meant.

Although it is very dangerous and painful, as long as she persists, her meridians will become stronger, and her profound strength will become more and more condensed and pure under such pressure.

And the strength of the meridians and the purity of profound energy... are the most essential watershed that distinguish geniuses from ordinary warriors!

It is precisely because of this that there is a huge difference in strength between warriors of the same level of cultivation!

Huang Yueli gritted her teeth and persisted, moving forward little by little. Going through this kind of body training process on the ladder to the sky was more difficult than in the Fengxue Pond, because she had to keep herself under such pain and pressure. Stablize.

Any shock or tremor, or loss of control over her body, would cause her to slip instantly and fall into the bottomless abyss.

Climbing the ladder not only has opportunities to break through, but it is also full of dangers.

I don't know how long it took, Huang Yueli was struggling, but she still managed to reach the height of 6000 meters.

By this time, there was no sound at the foot of the mountain.

Everyone looked up at her, but no one made a sound.

When a person is shocked, he can't help discussing it with the people around him, but if he goes one step further, he is so shocked that he can't even say a word!

Six kilometers!

A legendary height that is almost impossible to reach!

In history, how many warriors with ninth-level top-grade talent, even if they broke through the ninth level, could not stand on such a height.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, who would have believed that a little girl like Huang Yueli could really achieve it?

Even now, many people feel that they are hallucinating and rub their eyes desperately.

There were also people whose emotions changed so violently that they rolled their eyes and passed out directly.

The only ones who were still calm were the Cangpo Army and the three major guards.

Having experienced Huang Yueli's advanced stage, they more or less knew that her talent should be no less than Li Moying.

However, it is still very surprising that it is so strong.

Several people looked at each other, and they all saw the shock in each other's eyes!

After a long while, Cang Pojun raised his head again, turned his gaze back to Huang Yueli, and muttered to himself: "I don't know, will Master Huang continue to go up? According to my judgment, it should be in the early six thousand meters. That's her limit..."

Cang Poyu nodded, "That's right, I think so too. After all, she's only at the sixth level."

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