Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1796 Can't Go Down (2)

Cang Pohun frowned, "Actually, it should be possible for Master Huang to go a little higher, but the risk is too great, and the gain is not worth the loss. I'm afraid that a peerless genius like her will not be willing to come down like this. Continue to climb up, if there is an accident at that time, how can we explain to the suzerain?"

Hearing the words, Cang Pojun shook his head lightly.

"Don't worry, there is no such thing. Now in Master Huang's heart, the most important thing is the suzerain. It is impossible for her to take unnecessary risks and make the suzerain worry. I think she will take a few steps to try at most. will come down."

Several people nodded, obviously agreeing with what he said.

Ever since Huang Yueli and Li Moying returned to the Floating Sword Palace, during this period of time, everyone has noticed the interaction between the two of them.

Li Moying was the same as before, but Huang Yueli was obviously different from ten years ago.

It may be because she died once, but now she has become more emotional than before, especially when facing Li Moying, she does not hide her feelings for him at all.

Compared to the previous life who was a bit arrogant and cold as the Phoenix Palace Master, now she is simply a little girl who fell in love...

The guesses of the three Dharma protectors were not wrong, Huang Yueli really thought so in her heart.

When she stood at a height of 6,000 meters, she already understood that it was impossible for her to pass the test of the last 1,000 meters and reach the peak of the mountain.

All of his spiritual consciousness suddenly disappeared, but the coercion of profound force coming from all directions was more than ten times stronger than before!

Even if a martial artist of the ninth level stands here, he will be so oppressed by this coercion that he wants to vomit blood!

So, at this stage, her limit should be here.

However, Huang Yueli still wanted to try what it would be like to stand at a height of more than 6,000 meters, so she took another step forward.

After taking this step, her figure immediately shook.

A burst of severe dizziness invaded her brain in an instant, making her almost vomit out on the spot!

If it weren't for her amazing willpower, she might have fallen because of her weak legs!

The petrified people at the foot of the mountain finally found their voice when they saw Huang Yueli almost fell down.

"Oh my god, it was too thrilling just now! Junior Sister Bai almost fell off!"

"I guess she has reached her limit! She has already exceeded the height of six thousand meters! It's terrible, it's terrible!"

"She almost fell at the first step above 6,000 meters, and it's too dangerous to go up. I guess she's going to give up!"

"That's for sure! How old is she? Next year, year after year, and year after year, there are still countless opportunities to climb the ladder. Why rush it? Come down now, and she has already made history! In the history of Cangxuan Sword Sect , No one can compare with her!"

The consciousness has been completely sealed, and with every step, the dizziness will increase. Under such circumstances, Huang Yueli had to admit that she couldn't handle it.

She resolutely chose to give up, turned her fingers over, squeezed the token into her hand, and crushed it hard.

The token was very fragile, and under her finger force, it instantly turned into powder.

Huang Yueli closed her eyes, waiting to be sent down.

However, she waited for a while, and waited for a while, but she felt that nothing changed around her.

Her consciousness and five senses have not recovered, and the feeling of dizziness in her mind has even become more and more serious!

Girls, voting for the monthly ticket these days is double the effect. If you have a monthly ticket, remember to vote for Qingqing~~

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