Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1955 Is it really so against the sky? (5)

Some people even gave Huang Yueli some advice: "Miss Bai, you can't do this! You give Senior Sister Shu such simple questions every time, when will you be able to tell the winner? Since she always tests you so difficult , you also give her a difficult problem!"

"That's right, that's the reason, it's only fair!"

Huang Yueli raised her eyebrows, wondering if she had listened to everyone's words.

After the round was over, though, she put the book down.

"Miss Shu, it seems that it is still very difficult to tell the winner, or... shall we make it a little more difficult?"

"What? Increase the difficulty??"

Shu Yali managed to cope with another round, and she was rejoicing there, but unexpectedly, Huang Yueli said such words, which made her nervous all of a sudden.

"What more difficulty? What else do you want?"

Huang Yueli smiled slightly, and said: "I remember you once said that you could memorize this "Comprehensive Explanation of Medicinal Herbs" by heart when you were seven years old..."

The bragging and pretense just now, after such a competition, was repeated by Huang Yueli, it was basically slapping her in the face!

Shu Yali's face turned into a liver color, she was so embarrassed that she couldn't be more embarrassed, she wished she could dig a hole and go down.

However, Huang Yueli hadn't finished speaking yet, ", at the beginning of the next round, we'll start the back-to-back competition! What do you think?"

"...reciting it backwards?" Shu Yali was stunned for a moment before she came to her senses, and then she screamed, "What did you say? You said memorizing it backwards? Are you kidding me? It's already very difficult to memorize such a difficult medical book." It’s so rare to memorize it backwards! Who can memorize it backwards??”

Huang Yueli blinked her eyes, looking extremely puzzled, "But, Miss Shu didn't say that just now, saying that you can memorize this book by heart?"

Shu Yali's screams stopped abruptly, and she was completely speechless for a moment.

Yes, she said such a thing! However, normal people should know that this is just an exaggeration, right? As long as you say that you recite it fluently, you can use such adjectives. Is it really possible to recite it backwards?

This damn girl, does she not understand human speech, or what?

But, facing Huang Yueli's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, she couldn't say anything when these rebuttal words came to her lips!

Literally speaking, she really said such a thing, with such a handle...

It took Shu Yali a long time to recover her voice, and said through gritted teeth, "Bai Ruoli! What do you mean? Comparing memorizing it backwards? Can you really recite it backwards? What tricks are you playing?"

Huang Yueli chuckled, "What tricks can I play? I just want to quickly decide the winner..."

"I don't believe it. You, a person who read this book for the first time, can recite it backwards. You must have a conspiracy! If you have the ability, you should recite it first this round!"

Shu Yali felt that Huang Yueli must be lying to her, and did not believe that Huang Yueli really wanted to compete like this.

So, as soon as she had an idea, she wanted Huang Yueli to recite it first.

Although I can't recite it, as long as Huang Yueli can't recite it, then Huang Yueli can be regarded as losing, and I don't have to reveal my true level.

Huang Yueli gave her a meaningful look, "Okay, I'll recite it first, let's come up with a question!"

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