Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1956 Is it really so against the sky? (6)

Shu Yali thought she would never nod her head, but she never expected that Huang Yueli not only agreed, but also agreed so simply!

This is really hell!

Could it be that she could...recite backwards?

When Shu Yali turned the pages of the book, her hands trembled involuntarily, and finally, she selected a paragraph.

"Just this paragraph! Page ninety-seventh, the third paragraph, start from the last word, and recite it backwards!"

She burst out these words between her teeth, and then fixed her eyes on Huang Yueli, wanting to see what she could come up with! Also backwards! I've never heard of such nonsense!

But just because you haven't heard of it doesn't mean it won't happen.

Such a nonsense thing happened right in front of her eyes, completely overturning her cognition!

Huang Yueli really recited, moreover, she still used that sweet voice, that soft tone, it was completely the same as when she was reciting just now.

With her back like this, everyone was stunned.

God knows what she's talking about! Who can recite it backwards like her!

Everyone leaned over to face the book, and had to read each word carefully, carefully, and hard, to be sure that Huang Yueli was really not fooling them, but was really reciting it backwards, and ... literally word for word!

"My God! It's really...really right! It's really recited!"

"Memorize it backwards! It turns out that this is memorizing it backwards! I really learned a lot today!"

"How did this happen? Is there really someone with such a good memory? I almost kneel down to Miss Bai!"

"It's amazing, ahhhh!"

There were exclamations one after another. In the hearts of everyone, being able to achieve this step was no longer a miracle, but a miracle!

This simply broke the limit of everyone's imagination!

Shu Yali stayed in place completely, and her whole body was completely stiff.

It was only now that she really realized how big the gap between her and Huang Yueli was!

It turned out that what I had achieved after years of hard work was something that someone could do with just a quick glance at him for a quarter of an hour. Moreover, what he had achieved far surpassed her!

When Huang Yueli bet with her, he always had the chance to win. To put it bluntly, it was like a cat catching a mouse. He was just playing with her all the time, and only when he had played enough, did he give her a fatal blow!

Such a blow was too great, Shu Yali almost collapsed.

"...Miss Shu, Miss Shu?"

Shu Yali was pushed from behind, and managed to regain her composure, and met Huang Yueli's gaze.

"I just came up with a question, didn't you hear? It's your turn!"

Shu Yali bit her lip, her whole body trembling.

She was really unwilling to admit defeat to an ordinary person. Her pride as a third-tier alchemist was almost completely ruined!

However, even if she was killed, she would not be able to recite any paragraph backwards!

She is willing to bet and admit defeat. In front of so many people, there is no room for her to deny it.

With a pale face, she finally lowered her head and said in a low voice, "I... I can't recite it, I admit defeat!"

When Huang Yueli heard the words, she showed a surprised expression, "What did you say? Didn't you say that you can recite it backwards? How could it be possible for a genius girl from the Alchemy Masters Guild to be unable to do this? I know you are all in awe of Big Brother Liu, but , don't let me do it!"

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