Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1969: Ninth Grade Wood Attribute Talent (5)

After everyone had left, Huang Yueli leaned back on the chair back, staring at the pictures on the pages of the book from a distance, with a pensive look on her face.

After a while, she stretched out her finger and drew a circle in the air.

Immediately afterwards, her fair and beautiful fingers fluttered up and down in the air, constantly drawing different shapes. At the same time, she was still reciting the formula silently, and the posture of her hands was constantly changing.

Her movements are extremely smooth, like clouds and flowing water, and her dancing fingers are like butterflies fluttering in the air, which is pleasing to the eye.

Soon, the whole set of actions will be finished.

Huang Yueli hooked her fingers lightly, and pondered: "Is that the way it should be? After finishing here, you should use your profound strength to perform the spell, wait until the petals of the pearl lotus are fully opened, and then from the position of the flower base, the whole plant Only by picking and preserving the integrity of each petal can the efficacy of the medicine be guaranteed."

She repeated the movement again, halfway through, and stopped.

"Strange, according to the book, this set of movements is very difficult. If you want to practice it completely, even a talented alchemist will have to spend a month... But it doesn't seem to be very difficult to do it. ? Is it wrong in the book, or did I do something wrong and I don’t know? Sigh, without Master’s guidance, I just have a headache..."

Huang Yueli frowned in distress.

But she didn't know that when she was refining weapons, she had to complete many complicated moves. Therefore, many of the movements in this set were similar, and she had basically mastered them.

Because no matter whether it is refining alchemy or refining tools, the purpose of using hand formulas is the same, that is, to mobilize the profound energy in the meridians and the profound energy of the outside world through gestures, communicate with the inside and outside, and use it to affect the metal or medicine to be refined.

Huang Yueli didn't remember these things anymore, she just used her instinct to complete these actions.

Because of her previous foundation and her amazing natural memory, she made it very smoothly.

The only shortcoming was that her meridians were restricted, and even through hand formulas, she couldn't mobilize the profound energy in her body, but to her surprise, after she performed the formulas, she successfully mobilized the profound energy of heaven and earth.

"Huh? So I can also mobilize the profound energy of the heavens and the earth! But why can't I absorb it into my body? Why can't I absorb the profound energy?"

Huang Yueli frowned and thought for a while, but there was no answer.

Moreover, she has more important things to do now, so these doubts can only be put aside for the time being.

She spent a whole day repeatedly practicing the several picking techniques recorded in "Primary Explanation of Herb Picking Techniques" one by one.

The third day was the last day when the steward asked to hand over the medicinal materials.

Early in the morning, Huang Yueli arrived at the back yam field and started her picking work.

Not only her, but other alchemists also appeared in their medicine field early in the morning.

Because the air in the morning is the cleanest, the intensity of the sun is not too high, and the dew in the evening does not evaporate. This time is the most suitable time of the day for picking medicinal materials, and everyone does not want to miss it.

The alchemists were very surprised when they saw Huang Yueli appear.

However, the deadline is coming soon, everyone is busy with their work, no one has time to pay attention to Huang Yueli.

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