Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1970 Wood Attribute Ninth Grade Talent (6)

Huang Yueli came to the medicine field where a large dryland pearl lotus was planted, squatted down, and stretched out her "devil claws" towards the first lotus.

She stretched out her hand first, and gently stroked the pink and tender petals of the pearl lotus, as if to comfort it.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the dryland pearl lotus that had been staggering to and fro suddenly straightened its stems, swaying slowly in the morning breeze, and looked much more energetic.

Huang Yueli scratched the flower heart again, making the petals open a little more.

Then, she took a deep breath, "Okay, then let me verify the results of yesterday's practice!"

As she spoke, she stretched out her fingers again, muttering the formula in her heart, and began to demonstrate the picking technique she just learned yesterday.

A set of complicated techniques were displayed briskly between her slender and beautiful fingers.

If Shu Yali and the others see it, their jaws will definitely drop to the ground!

Because, her skillful skills and free and easy performance when she used her techniques are even better than those of these talented alchemists who have undergone rigorous training! It's not what a beginner can show at all.

However, there was no one around now, only Huang Yueli herself, silently completed the hand formula, and then typed it out lightly.

The wood-attribute profound energy in the air was drawn by her hands, and gently attached to the petals of the dry land pearl lotus.

Huang Yueli saw the timing, hooked her fingers suddenly, and picked off the whole lotus at once.

Moreover, she used neither light nor heavy force, just right, only picked off all the medicinal inflorescences, and the leaves and rhizomes below were not damaged at all.

Huang Yueli held up the first dryland pearl lotus she picked with both hands.

I saw the lotus flower in the palm, the color is crystal clear and tender, each petal is the size of a pearl, stretching lightly towards the surroundings, it is extremely beautiful, and it is impossible to tell that not long ago, this lotus flower was about to die. Withered and haggard.

Huang Yueli only admired it for a while, then quickly took out a jade box from her sleeve, carefully put the pearl lotus inside, and then tightly closed the lid.

After the medicinal materials are picked from the plants, the vitality will be greatly lost soon, and the efficacy of the medicinal materials will also weaken rapidly with the passage of time.

In order to prevent this situation from affecting Dai's medicine refining, the steward distributed a jade box specially used to store medicinal materials to each of their candidate apprentices.

This kind of jade box has been refined by a special technique, and the outer surface is painted with patterns for sealing, which can greatly slow down the speed of the loss of medicinal effects. It is one of the necessary tools for alchemists to go out to collect medicinal herbs.

The first picking was a complete success.

This gave Huang Yueli great confidence.

A smug smile appeared on her face, "It looks like it's not that difficult! I heard those alchemists brag about how difficult it is to pick medicinal ingredients... It seems that they are trying to scare me on purpose!"

If Shu Yali heard this, she would definitely faint from crying on the spot!

She practiced her skills hard for several years, but in the end, people looked down on her at all, and she was despised like this... This is really, people are dead when compared with others, and goods are thrown away when compared with goods!

After having the first experience, Huang Yueli became more confident and decisive when she made a move.

It didn't take long for her to pick several lotus plants, and the speed of picking was getting faster and faster.

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