Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2441 The wedding date is approaching (5)

As soon as these words came out, Huang Yueli's heart skipped a beat.

There must be something wrong with Bai Liufeng, otherwise, as a father, it would be impossible for him to say such things.

Could it be that Bai Liufeng really knew what happened in Fengxue Palace last night? Could it be that her mother is in danger?

Huang Yueli turned back and forth in her heart, hesitated for a moment, and asked directly, "Father, last night, if I read correctly, it should be that Fengxue Palace suddenly rose from the ground to the ground, causing the nearby Several snow-capped mountains have collapsed, right? What's going on? My mother...will she be affected?"

She had expected that Bai Liufeng might refuse to answer.

However, the reality is different from what she thought.

Bai Liufeng seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and he spoke without any hesitation, "The situation yesterday is indeed the case, but there is no need for you to worry. Fengxue Palace was originally on the ground, and it was built tens of thousands of years ago. In ancient times, the Holy Phoenix Clan was the most powerful force on Tianling Continent at that time, occupying Tianyi Peak, the best spiritual vein in the entire continent, where all the profound energy of heaven and earth gathered. The mechanisms in Fengxue Palace were very complicated, because Only with sufficient profound energy can we sustain it."

"However, after the drastic change of the heaven and earth ten thousand years ago, the profound energy of the heaven and the earth was insufficient, and Fengxue Palace sank down little by little..."

Huang Yueli was a little surprised when she heard this, but she soon understood, "So, this is not too different from the ancient formation we saw in Ice Snake Valley..."

"Ice Snake Valley?" Bai Liufeng raised his eyebrows, "Where is that place? Is it a descendant of the Ice Snake Clan?"

Huang Yueli was stunned, "In the ancient times, there was the Ice Snake Clan? So that's how it is... Ice Snake Valley is a big force on the periphery of the extreme northern ice sheet. It is said that there are many relics and inheritances from the ancient times. Before Mo Ying and I entered the frozen area, , once helped them repair an ancient formation."

Bai Liufeng nodded and said: "Speaking of it, you should be right. The handbook left by Master Yuxu mentioned that the Ice Snake Clan is only a demigod. Compared with the big clans like the Holy Phoenix Clan, their strength is far behind. The cave can be built on the periphery of the extreme arctic ice sheet."

Huang Yueli suddenly said: "So, Fengxue Palace also absorbed enough profound energy of heaven and earth in these years to rise from the ground? However, something is still wrong... Fengxue Palace's mechanism is obviously stronger than Ice Snake Valley is much more complicated, and requires much more profound energy, right?"

Bai Liufeng looked at her and sighed slightly.

"Li girl, what you said is absolutely correct! Fengxue Palace needs to consume dozens of times more profound energy than the ancient grand formation you just mentioned to rise from the ground! Therefore, only relying on the spirit gathering method It is obviously not enough to absorb the profound energy of heaven and earth, so Master Zhan would come up with such heretical methods..."

Hearing this, Huang Yueli suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and blurted out: "Could it be that the blood moon formation on the second floor of the underground palace is used for..."

Bai Liufeng nodded, and said: "That's right, the Blood Moon Formation is used to absorb the profound energy and blood essence in the warrior's body, and can transform it into the energy that drives Fengxue Palace! With the current thinness of Tianling Continent's heaven and earth profound energy Even if the Spirit Gathering Formation has been running for several years, it will not be able to absorb much profound energy, and the purity is not high."

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