Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2442 Marriage is approaching (6)

"However, the profound energy extracted from the warrior's body is different. It is all refined by the warrior himself, and it is a hundred times purer than the profound energy of heaven and earth! Moreover, Lord Zhan also specially selects genius warriors from the seven holy places. Their Essence and blood are much more vigorous than ordinary warriors, and the energy obtained by consuming their vitality is even more amazing!"

Bai Liufeng opened his mouth slowly, telling the truth that he knew one by one.

Although Huang Yueli had already made some guesses, but after hearing what Bai Liufeng said, she still couldn't help but get goosebumps all over her body.

"Oh my god, this Lord Zhan is really insane, he can do such a thing! To extract the dark energy and blood essence of warriors, just to provide energy for a palace?? That is the lives of living people! Moreover, they are all talented fighters cultivated by the major forces, how many people have placed their high hopes on them! He simply doesn't treat these people as human beings!"

Bai Liufeng snorted lightly, "What do you think? In the eyes of Lord Zhan, these ordinary warriors are certainly not 'humans'. Lord Zhan claims to be an ancient god race, and he is not a race with ordinary people at all! I once heard him I have personally said that since humans can hunt monsters to obtain magic cores for cultivation and formation, isn't it the same for the ancient gods to hunt and kill human warriors to absorb energy?"

"This...he's just...just..." Huang Yueli's eyes widened, but she couldn't even speak.

Master Zhan is really devoid of conscience to do so.

However, his nonsensical reasoning is actually impossible to refute.

Li Moying patted her hand, and snorted coldly: "The ancient protoss are really superior! No wonder Mr. Zhan can't allow the marriage between mother-in-law and father-in-law!"

Bai Liufeng was shocked, sat back on the chair slumped, and sighed: "Mo Ying is right, the Holy Phoenix clan has always intermarried within, just to maintain the purity of the blood of the ancient god clan. But, I listen to the girl My mother said that the marriage of close relatives also has disadvantages. In recent years, many people in the Holy Phoenix clan have contracted strange diseases, and the age at which they got sick is getting younger and younger. Many people even passed away before they had time to give birth. The population is getting smaller every day, and the talent is not as good as before..."

As he said that, his eyes fell on Huang Yueli, "A genius as talented as Li girl, probably hasn't appeared in the Holy Phoenix Clan for tens of thousands of years."

Huang Yueli hooked the corners of her lips mockingly, "However, I was born from a foreign race called mother and father! The rules of the Holy Phoenix clan are so ridiculous! Do you think you are superior to others? Unfortunately, in my opinion, they are just He's just a villain who dares to hide in the ground so he can't see the light!"

Hearing the words, Bai Liufeng was taken aback for a moment, and then coughed heavily several times.

"Cough cough, cough cough, Li girl, don't talk nonsense, your mother is a genuine Sacred Phoenix clan, and the blood of the Sacred Phoenix clan is flowing on your body! In every ethnic group, there are always good people and bad people , cannot be generalized.”

Huang Yueli curled her lips, "Anyway, I don't admit that Master Zhan is my uncle!"

She paused, and then said: "Now that Fengxue Palace has risen from the ground, I don't know Master Zhan's deliberate plan to do this, what is the purpose, and what will he do next? Dad, what are your thoughts? "

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