Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2739 Sure enough, I didn't learn well (5)

Madam Ling laughed dryly, her voice was hoarse, and the wrinkles on her face were all twisted together.

"Didn't you only see the spaceship and no people? If Li Moying died, wouldn't it be impossible for the disciples of the Cangxuan Sword Sect to stay in the extreme northern ice field with the boat? You must come back! How do you know that there must be Li Moying on board?"

Compared to other warriors in the Holy Land, because Ling Xianmen has Ling Qingyu, a capable subordinate of Master Zhan, they also know more about some situations in Fengxue Palace than others!

As the survivors of the ancient god clan, the overall strength of the Holy Phoenix clan surpassed all the holy places in Tianling Continent, and even the Cangxuan Sword Sect couldn't compare with it.

No matter how powerful Li Moying is, it is impossible for him to fight against Mr. Zhan!

Mrs. Ling said so confidently, although the other warriors were afraid, they couldn't help being puzzled.

Mrs. Ling hurriedly added, "If any of your forces want to leave, you can leave now! However, after we break the Cangxuan Sword Sect, those who leave will not be able to get any more inheritance and treasures." ! We can’t work hard in the front, and you guys can take advantage of it in the back, right?”

This is very reasonable.

The major forces that planned to stay all echoed their voices.

Those who wanted to leave were even more hesitant when they heard this.

Seeing this, Mrs. Ling showed a mysterious smile on her face, and said, "The landing of the Yunxue Tianzhou is not only a bad thing, but a good thing! As long as Li Moying is not on board, with the strength of us people, we can take it Everyone else on the boat was taken hostage! Think about it, if Cang Pohun sees so many disciples of the Cangxuan Sword Sect in our hands, will he refuse to save us? Or will he obediently open a large formation for us? ?”

When everyone heard this, they immediately laughed heartily.

Madam Ling's move is really vicious, but the effect must be very good!

Thinking of the alluring inheritance in the mountain gate, the last bit of fear dissipated in everyone's hearts, and immediately followed Mrs. Ling's footsteps, and surrounded the place where the Yunxue Tianzhou landed.

The crystal white spaceship was parked in a small open space, looking like a work of art.

Some have even come up with ideas for the spaceship.

The pinnacle work of Huang Yueli, the number one refiner, not only flies extremely fast, but also integrates offense and defense. What's more rare is that its appearance is very eye-catching. If you can get it, it will definitely be no less than the classics passed down from ancient times. An expression of identity.

Just when everyone was dreaming, with a soft "click", the hatch of Yunxue Tianzhou opened and the gangway was lowered.

Seeing this, everyone was startled and a little surprised.

They thought that the people on the boat would not dare to come down when they saw the chaos in front of the mountain gate, and they were thinking about how to break through the defensive formation of the sky boat. Who knew that the people on the boat would actually come down by themselves?

Where did those people get the courage? Don't you know that after disembarking, it will immediately fall into the hands of the enemy?

Or is Li Moying actually on board?

Under the gaze of everyone's surprised eyes, one figure after another appeared on the deck.

Cang Pojun and Cang Poyu were the first to disembark.

As the protector of the Cangxuan Sword Sect, she cleared the way for the wife of the sect master.

When everyone saw the two of them, their hearts skipped a beat!

Cang Pojun and Cang Poyu are both the top masters of the Cangxuan Sword Sect!

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