Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2740 Sure enough, I didn't learn well (6)

Moreover, their status is also very high, usually even the suzerains of the major holy places are no more than equal to them.

Only Li Moying can make the two of them bow their heads, could it be...

However, the figure that appeared next surprised everyone.

Liu Buyan walked down the gangway just half a step away from the two guardians.

Immediately afterwards, there was the slim figure of Huang Yueli Pingting, and beside her was a man and a woman, who were also outstanding in appearance and extraordinary in bearing.

None of the warriors present attended Li Moying and Huang Yueli's wedding, so they did not recognize Bai Liufeng, Li Moying's father-in-law, and did not know his amazing strength! As for Huang Siluo, it was much easier to recognize, seeing her similar appearance to Huang Yueli, many people subconsciously recognized that she was Huang Yueli's mother.

From this reasoning, many people also understood that Bai Liufeng should be Huang Yueli's father.

This group of people went down the gangway one by one, and everyone's movements were calm and calm.

At the beginning, all the warriors were still very vigilant, but after everyone disembarked, they took a closer look and found that Li Moying really did not show up, and they were secretly relieved.

However, all the warriors were still a little scared, and they all signaled Mrs. Ling to stand up and speak with their eyes.

Mrs. Ling snorted coldly, secretly despising these timid and fearful guys, but thinking that her niece and granddaughter Ling Qingyu was still suffering in the Cangxuan Sword Sect, she had no choice but to stand up again.

"Guardian Jun, Guardian Yu, long time no see! I heard that you followed Sect Master Li to the Arctic Ice Field, how was it? Did the journey go smoothly?"

Madam Ling's tone was quite gentle, but how could Cang Pojun and others fail to hear her probing intentions?

Cang Pojun bowed his head and said: "Everything is going well, my subordinates are ordered by the suzerain to escort Madam back to the sect together with Poyu."

As he spoke, he and Cang Poyu stepped back several steps at the same time, until they were behind Huang Yueli.

This posture completely meant to focus on Huang Yueli.

The warriors of all major forces were very surprised to see this scene.

At that time, Li Moying revealed his identity at the wedding, saying that he was the reincarnation of Mu Chengying. However, he did not reveal Huang Yueli's identity, but claimed that he went crazy during the retreat, so he used "The Demon of Heaven" Reincarnation Dafa" Reincarnation.

Therefore, in the eyes of everyone, Huang Yueli is that little girl Bai Ruoli from a small country in the Southern Tianyu.

Although her talent is indeed very high, she can be regarded as a match with Li Moying, but after all, she is still young, and her overall cultivation is not too high. What about a protector?

Li Moying is not here now! There is absolutely no need for Cang Pojun and Cang Poyu to listen to her little girl's movies.

Moreover, now, she is not only able to command the Cang Po Army and the others, but also makes them sincerely regard her as their mother!

For a moment, everyone looked at Huang Yueli with their mouths gaping, and Mrs. Ling couldn't get off the stage even more!

Looking at Cang Po Jun's reaction, it was obvious that she didn't even want to talk to Huang Yueli because she was disrespectful to Huang Yueli.

However, as the long-established elder of Lingxian Sect, she felt condescending when she greeted Cang Pojun and the others, so how could she come down to the stage and take the initiative to talk to Huang Yueli?

However, Mrs. Ling did not speak, neither did Huang Yueli.

Huang Yueli looked at the group of warriors in front of her with a smile that was not a smile, with a dignified demeanor, an air of majesty without anger.

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