Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2892 Drifting away (4)

Perhaps Li Moying never dreamed that by doing this, she would get farther and farther away from Huang Yueli!

For nearly a month, Huang Yueli has been in a state of disguise, walking through the official roads of the God Realm, rushing to the Holy Phoenix Continent, passing through more than a dozen towns on the way.

In the first ten days, she traveled very smoothly, and she didn't even see a single warrior from the Holy Phoenix clan.

But after a while, Huang Yueli discovered that warriors from the Holy Phoenix clan began to appear in the streets one after another.

At first, she thought it was because she was getting closer to Shenghuangzhou.

However, when passing by a big town once, she actually saw a portrait of herself beside the city wall.

This time, Huang Yueli instantly woke up!

It seems that all this is not accidental, but that Huang Sanbai has realized that it is impossible to find her in Youyu Town, so he had to inform the family about her disappearance...

"However, this matter is still a bit strange! Huang Sanbai reported this matter, isn't he afraid of being punished by the patriarch? Or, Huang Sanbai's influence in the Holy Phoenix Clan has already reached this level?" Huang Yueli frowned, puzzled.

Naturally, she would not have thought that Huang Sanbai had already pinned the blame on Li Moying.

Because of this, Huang Yueli overestimated Huang Sanbai's status in the family, so she didn't dare to take the initiative to return to Ling Yuefeng.

After a month of arduous trek, Huang Yueli finally resisted one of the twelve continents of the God Realm controlled by the Holy Phoenix Clan - Holy Phoenix Continent!

Standing below the city gate and looking up, any Ascender from the Lower Realm who has just arrived will be shocked by this majestic and majestic city!

Surrounded by mountains on three sides, Shenghuangzhou is the most precipitous terrain among all continents, and the surrounding city walls are even more impregnable.

Above and below the city wall, countless warriors from the God Realm held spiritual weapons and guarded the Holy Phoenix Continent.

The warriors who went in and out of the city gate felt their own insignificance in an instant, and they didn't even dare to speak loudly. One by one, they consciously lined up in a queue and paid the entry fee in order.

"Ten mid-grade crystal jade!"

Huang Yueli obediently took out ten mid-grade crystal jades from the interspatial ring, and was about to hand them over.

Suddenly a voice came from the side: "Wait! This person seems to be an ascendant from the lower realm! Let me see what he looks like?"

A warrior from the Holy Phoenix Clan came over with a portrait in his hand, and looked left and right at Huang Yueli.

Huang Yueli stood on the spot without changing her expression, allowing him to look at her.

"It doesn't really look like... kid, what's your name? Which continent do you come from?" The warrior of the Holy Phoenix tribe asked aloud after looking at it for a while.

Huang Yueli had already memorized her fake identity back and forth, replied a few words casually, and passed the test smoothly.

After venturing into Shenghuangzhou, the first thing Huang Yueli did was to find a teahouse to sit down.

Previously, in the surrounding towns, the strength of the warriors was not too strong, and there were even many civilians who only had the cultivation base of the fourth-level and fifth-level realms.

But after entering a continent like Shenghuangzhou, the situation is completely different.

As far as Huang Yueli could see, almost all the warriors were above the ninth level, and even if there were a few who were not too high, most of them were young people under the age of 30, and they were all ordinary humans.

Huang Yueli's cultivation in the middle stage of the Yixuan Realm, if one doesn't look at her age, she can't really be considered a master here.

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